152 |
There is a way to see your friends posts
151 |
Apparently much bigger than I thought!
150 |
It's a culture clash for me
149 |
Expectations vs Reality
148 |
No Makówka for me this year
(1 mention)
147 |
My first date in Korea
146 |
My list of occasions I made friends
145 |
The main reason was Lemmy hogging server resources
(5 mentions)
144 |
We went to our local China town to get some
(2 mentions)
143 |
I miss him already
(2 mentions)
142 |
Reflecting on two decades of blogging evolution
(7 mentions)
141 |
Don't believe hallucinations like me
(2 mentions)
140 |
Not found on the Internet before
139 |
I was sweating like a pig
(2 mentions)
138 |
It should learn from previous searches
(2 mentions)
137 |
It's not what I thought
(1 mention)
136 |
It's mostly used things we got for free
135 |
I started with Pingback
134 |
I failed misserably, perhaps it's too early
(28 mentions)
133 |
But for now I'm still the better programmer
(1 mention)
132 |
You can choose between tiny or ugly
(3 mentions)
131 |
Very slow
130 |
How it sucked out the joy of personal websites
(7 mentions)
129 |
Can't find one which fitts me
(6 mentions)
128 |
I wish there was a better solution
127 |
People don't respect the bikeline
126 |
When I was little, a nurse came by often to give me medicine
125 |
Our neighbours interact with him
(3 mentions)
124 |
I'm trying to fight my obesity by working on my diet
(9 mentions)
123 |
Instead of staying at a hotell I used AirBnB
122 |
I'm working now four days a week
121 |
History repeating
(4 mentions)
120 |
Even if you look really close.
(2 mentions)
119 |
Automate your home with Home Assistant
(12 mentions)
118 |
Film Noir
(130 mentions)
117 |
Making of a door in black and white pictures
(5 mentions)
116 |
Checking out the city as a tourist
(18 mentions)
115 |
Happy I was able to vittness it
(16 mentions)
114 |
Oorecchiettepasta with green pea pesto and prawns
(29 mentions)
113 |
It's interesting to see what others listen to
(7 mentions)
112 |
The resoning behind how I chose
(7 mentions)
111 |
On our road trip through Italy we stopped in Palermo
110 |
Most of the things I do are easier on Linux
(31 mentions)
109 |
Monthly talk
(60 mentions)
108 |
I even liked iTunes because of that
(3 mentions)
107 |
I fixed it with a beer can
(11 mentions)
106 |
our UX is still quite bad
(1 mention)
105 |
Today I fixed my laptop
(15 mentions)
104 |
How to install it manually
(1 mention)
103 |
It is very complicated to set up correctly
(4 mentions)
102 |
For better health and a better world
(9 mentions)
101 |
with a bash script
100 |
Quite diverse
(8 mentions)
99 |
cowboys are fast
(8 mentions)
98 |
in Portland
97 |
I've been in a TV studio
(4 mentions)
96 |
I got it from a friendly neighbour
(4 mentions)
95 |
with my own music
94 |
they are cached
93 |
simple fun project
(152 mentions)
92 |
2014 is mine
(1 mention)
91 |
technology overview
(4 mentions)
90 |
I don't want to use it anymore
(2 mentions)
89 |
It works well on all smartphones
(3 mentions)
88 |
Trying to understand code from a TV series
(4 mentions)
87 |
First embeded programming babysteps
86 |
It is finger licking good!
(37 mentions)
85 |
We need a way to syndicate notes.
84 |
Independent but together.
(13 mentions)
83 |
A interesting task perfect for Brainfuck
82 |
Correcting people is a good thing
(2 mentions)
81 |
How should it work?
(2 mentions)
80 |
Play it!
(1 mention)
79 |
Next year I will have my own!
78 |
Do you fear eternity?
(1 mention)
77 |
This is my report
(1 mention)
76 |
Now I love it!
75 |
You'll get all the benefits
74 |
A TinyTinyRSS client.
73 |
They are still working on the review process while I rewrote my app without jQuery
72 |
a summary of actively develloped ones
71 |
It is getting worse
70 |
Can it be fixed?
(1 mention)
69 |
Well done, respect.
68 |
I love it!
67 |
I'd like to own one.
66 |
Sublime Text
65 |
Is democracy overrated?
64 |
I got Jamie Oliver's book as a christmas gift.
63 |
We need a protocol for that!
(1 mention)
62 |
How should the Tent protocol work?
61 |
Amazing taste!
60 |
I am building one
(2 mentions)
59 |
A biased interview
58 |
I wrote a little script
57 |
It is not that obvious
56 |
Is it a new trend?
55 |
My favourite punk rock band
54 |
Music on SoundCloud
53 |
Mother of God!
52 |
Our first amateur porn music video
51 |
Enjoy and share it
(3 mentions)
50 |
Listen and follow
49 |
Listen to this
48 |
Sometimes I finde some cool ones
47 |
Wikipedia, Flickr and others against SOPA
46 |
... and so do scientists
45 |
It's funny because it just happened
44 |
Like a six ears old ...
43 |
Need more coding skills
42 |
Some music for you!
41 |
Tully remarkable science
40 |
by Google
39 |
Back to vinyl!
38 |
It's open source!
37 |
A clasic straw man?
36 |
I don't want to use my real name
35 |
A Sweden Democrat talks about the attacks in Norway
34 |
Norway under attack
33 |
Argumentum ad populum
32 |
Facebook and Google+ force you
31 |
What has Richard Dawkins done wrong?
30 |
Can not decide between beer and wine
29 |
One think I like very much about Sweden
28 |
Just a joke
27 |
do you care at all?
26 |
There are three major reasons
25 |
It's delicious!
24 |
Just found it on YouTube
23 |
It's because of the earth tilted axis
22 |
Is it because of the financial crisis?
21 |
PayPal closed the Wau Holland Foundations account
20 |
How to create a icon for UITabBar from a PNG
19 |
Monster Tiles
18 |
There's blood all over my face
17 |
Trying to write a game for iPhone
16 |
Richard Dawkins, James Randi, Graham Linehan and many others are there, me too!
15 |
We are all humans, descendants of african apes
14 |
Sweden Democrats got 5,7% in the election
13 |
How to write "Danger! Nuclear waste!" for future generations?
12 |
Can that possibly be healthy?
11 |
It's time for an explanation
10 |
A wicked jewish ritual.
9 |
Or do I just not understand scientific articles?
8 |
A quotation
7 |
I just got my poster from The Oatmeal, it now hangs in the bathroom
6 |
I have prove that that was not a goal!
5 |
Everybody; meet plistifier and Timr two of my open source children.
4 |
hope I'll be able to leave ...
3 |
Why would I want to buy it on VHS, damn it?!
2 |
Posh this site up biatch!
1 |
It was time to move on so I did with this new domain and blog in english.