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My feed on Facebook is full of Elon and Transphobia

Billionairs should not exist

Posted by Jeena

Back in 2006 I was coerced by my work colleagues to join Facebook, they threatened that if I don't do it they will create an account with my real name and post embarrassing stuff so I did it. In the early years it was actually better than I expected, I reconnected with friends from different Schools who also moved around in the world and I started appreciate being able to see what they were up to. This was my main reason why I stayed on Facebook (and still am on Instagram).

But nowadays when I log in to Facebook, which I do like once every couple of weeks, this looks very different. I categorized the first 27 posts on my Facebook feed:

Want / Don't want Description
Memory picture from 10 years ago
Link to a local newspaper article from a friend
Random short videos
Elon Musk
Right-Wing Extremism
Elon Musk
Elon Musk
Friends memory post from 12 years ago
Lex Friedman
Random short videos
Expat group post I follow
Elon Musk
Science post about Thorium
Some random post about New York
Elon Musk
"The youth is so entitled!" post
Fat shaming
Programming joke
People you may know
Elon Musk + Transphobia
Friends post from Palestine about some guy
Friends picture post from their vacation
IT humor
Elon Musk

And here it is visually for you to see what I saw in my feed:

621Things I want to see: 6Things I don't want to see: 21 1122New info about my friends: 1Group posts I follow: 1Memory posts: 2Other: 2 4728Transphobia: 4Elon Musk: 7Random Short videos: 2Other: 8

So you see I'm going to Facebook only to see what my friends are up to, but I only see 1 single post about this out of the 27 initial ones. But I see 7 Elon Musk posts, 4 Transphobia ones and I have to assume that Elon hates his trans doughtier so much that he gives Mark money so that he pushes all this content.

So now the legitimate question, why am I still on Facebook? I'm still hoping to see those friend posts. And actually Facebook even has a feature to do that, you need to go to Feeds -> Friends where they show a chronological list of your friends posts which took me years to find. The thing still is that only very few of

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