It's the time of the year with bad air pollution again, as soon as it is getting a bit warmer. This is one of the bad things living in South Korea.
It's the time of the year with bad air pollution again, as soon as it is getting a bit warmer. This is one of the bad things living in South Korea.
The library close by here in Pangyo has one daily newspaper in English, the so sometimes it's nice to come here and read the paper version.
They have this text here on the window at my favorite Espresso Bar called Cremano.
Getting some lunch with my girls while our boy is in Kindergarten. Since he was born we didn't have many occasions to spent time alone with our daughter.
No wonder our planet is drowning in plastic if we wrap every single strawberry into a puffy plastic wrap and then all of them into more puffy plastic and then wrap the whole package in plastic.
We watched the Netflix show "Culinary Class Wars" and the winner of it, Napoli Mafia, created a mozzarella burger for the Korean McDonalds which is called Lotteria. I walk by it often and after seeing the advertisement campaign I went in to try it. But it was sold out already. I tried a couple of more times but it's always sold out. But even the normal mozzarella burger is sold out. So they ran out of mozzarella for weeks now, while they have a bug advertisement campaign where they pay this guy probably a lot of money. Good for him :)
It's the time of the year again where we make Lunar New Years Dumplings at my parent's in law's place again. Every year I'm getting better at shaping them. This year they are with pork and beef mixes and half of them are with cabbage and the other half with celery.
Duck parts: feet, neck, liver, tongue, head I live in Korea and sometimes we go to our local China town. When there I sometimes go to the shop with duck parts. I don't like the toungue or the feet, but the liver is super tasty, spicy and flavourfull.
On the way to my sons Kindergarten we have a ver odd looking spiderman statue. I really wonder what the story behind it is.
We are in Okinawa for a couple of days. The weather is fantastic and so is the nature here. We had some sobą noodles and also yakiniku. Now we are back to our AirBnB which is prepared for families with children.
I am trying to do my 10k steps every day and for that I come by a senior golf place where very many seniors play this weird golf like game but with a big plastic ball and the course is much shorter. They play in teams of 5 and there is a team at ever hole.
It's finally snowing! And it's still November. We were on the way to the Kindergarten.
You should try coffee tonic, perhaps it's better with espresso, but I don't have a espresso machine at home so instead I'm doing it with cold-brew. It's delicious!
We are finally married!
Blue hour close to us right now. #korea Right now I am trully in the middle of nowhere on a small road in Chinas mountains. I haven't seen any other cars for quite some time. We were supposed to travel to Chinas Mountains in the Sechuan province yesterday but I didn't bring my second passport with me - long story short family went yesterday and I'm catching up to them today in a taxi. But if I'm honest, this is the China I'm excited to see, not the big cities.
We went to a rock concert and there was a nice sunset behind it. The band playing was SURL
Today on the way to the Kindergarten we saw a squirrel! In the middle of the city.
Those have been my two favorite sodas for decades. CocaCola cherry and Dr Pepper. Both I think I had the first time at the end of the 90's when I went back to Poland on vacation to visit relatives. Now there are also those zero sugar variants.
Today I was wondering how different countries birth rates compare to each other so I asked ChatGTP to make me a graph. But it was not able to, it said the code is too long or something. But it did something even better. It guided me to get the raw data myself from the Worldbank website and gave me a python script which I could use to plot the data myself. And it worked surprisingly well, this is the result.
We have a little tree hugger in our family.
We went to the Korean east sea and had a hotel with a great ocean view so I got up at 4:45 am to photograph the sunrise.
Our neighbor grew peppermint in some pots but the plants are happily growing to everywhere so they grew from his side to our side. Today I brought my scissors and cut off a bunch of them and made peppermint tea marrocean style. So first brew a bit of green tea which we got from some work colleagues of my partner from China. Then throw away the first tea brewed because it has some flavors we don't like. After that put it as much peppermint as fitts in and put a rediciolous amount of sugar on top. Put boiling water on it and brew for some time. Both hot and cold it's like drinking peppermint candy, delicious!
Damn the humidity in Korea is killing me. At least it's not that warm yet so I'm not quite sweating yet. But one more degree and all my clothes will be wett all day long.
Every now and then I see someone on YouTube wonder how it can be that the streets and sidewalks here in Korea are so clean while there are no public trashcans available. The secret is: Old people. Let me explain, every morning when I go to the daycare with my son I see between 5 and 10 elderly people walk along the street with their yellow vests - which say "Pangyo Senior Welfare Center" on their back - and pick up all the trash. I guess this is some kind of a thing they do to keep them engaged and moving.
Happy midsummer everyone!
Today is the 3rd day at the daycare and they have a special event day, a pony will come to visit the children. And I got those tattoos and the bracelet as a present for the parents, amazing, isn't it?
Yesterday evening at 11:35 PM our phones got this message pushed by the South Korean Government. I'm not gonna lie, when I read "Wartime alert" my heart rate went up a lot. Apparently North Korea sent propaganda materials through the air throughout parts of Gyeonggi-do where we live. The message says: > Identification of unknown objects presumed to be North Korean flyers against South Korea, refraining from outdoor activities, and reporting military units when identifying them. Air raid preliminary warning [Gyeonggi-do]
My partner got tickets to this years NH Investment & Securities Ladies Championship in Golf here in Seoul, South Korea.
I totally missed the Espresso Tonic and Coldbrew Tonic craze which was appearently happening in Europe. A friend posted his tries to make one last week. Sadly my espresso machine is still in Sweden, so I got some coldbrew instead. For summer it's a great drink, I didn't think it would fit together but it's kind of an amazing combination!
Driving in Japan with the wheel on the right side. The first time I did that last year I drove on the wrong side of the road about 5 times and got a shock every time when I saw all the ghost drivers just to quickly realize that it's me who is driving the wrong way. This year it only happened one time, so my brain seems to adapt to that better and better.
乾杯 from the Kumamoto prefecture in Japan!
While in Japanese countryside on a walk I wanted to take a picture with my son, but the gras was always either in my or his face ^^
We are one family with two parents and two children. When we travel, we have to use passports from four different countries. Sometimes we get funny looks but otherwise it works OK.
I bought a Weinstephan Lucky Box! But instead of a PS5 I got a original wheat beer glass, which I was already looking for here in Korea but couldn't buy. now I'm tempted to buy another one to have two. But if I'm unlucky I'll get a PS5 and will have to buy another one and another one until I get the second wheat beer glass. But it's quite expensive because the beer is imported from Germany, about 16 €, and you only get 4 beers. In Germany you can get 24 beers for the same price.
On Jeju Island, it was a lot of fun. Sadly most of us got sick for some time, but we still could enjoy it. Some days were even sunny like this day.
I went to a dolphin spotting point, no dolphins to be seen but the light was amazing.
McDonald's at Jeju Island in Korea.
We have to wait at our local coffee roastery for 7 minutes until they package a new batch.
I made a carrot banana muffin for the baby and it came out delicious, now I want to eat it.
Happy lunar new year everyone! We are making chinese dumplings.
This year we put some hair on our snowman.
Feeding time, my dad feeding me the bottle and I'm feeding my son the bottle.
Gothic church in front of the moon.
Marry Christmas everyone!
Seeing the light.
Duck flying
Son and cat checking out the outside world after playing together with the cat toy.
When we need vegetables we go to a small shop where they sell only a small set of vegetables and fruits and I guess something shady is going on there because they only take cash where everyone else takes cards. But the food is always very fresh and they sell a lot of it and in the afternoon things sometimes are already sold out. And it's super cheap.
I'm just looking at Koreans eating donkatsu (Schnitzel) and it is eaten here with fork and knife. 90% of them hold the fork in their right hand, which is interesting and the opposite from what I've been tought as a child.
Here in Korea I see a lot of fortune tellers and they even have quite many customers for some reason. It's obviously a scam, but you see especially coupples sitting there and the boys pretending to be interested 😅 The picture I just took in Jeonju Hanok Village.
#Sunset in #Seoul
In one to two weeks we'll have sauerkraut and fermented cucumber.
I was walking around close to the mall around here and there are many park attendants who tell you how to park. They all sit in those little containers and watch TVs which seem to be from the 90ies.
Ramen Restaurant
Was walking outside today with my new zoom lens I got for my birthday.
I ate #tuna #sashimi when I was in #Otaru #Hokaido #Japan. And I have to be frank, the taste of tuna is what brings me back to Japan over and over again. I just really really like it and can't find this same quality tuna anywhere else I tried it.
Sapporo in Japan from the TV tower.
My dads "Queen of the Night" is blooming only once a year during the night. Somehow he can make it bloom every year, sometimes even the local newspaper sends a photographer. Other times he can make it bloom still in the morning on a Sunday when people go to church, their house is in close neighborhood of a church.
Glad midsommar! We're a bit early here in Korea and also it's not so easy to find all the traditional food but IKEA to the rescue for some of it :D
Sidewalk by the Tan River in Bundang, South Korea.
It's cherry blossom time here in Korea again, this is the 3rd time I'm experiencing it. Two years ago I recorded a video walking through the Techno Valley This time I went to photograph to the west of it.
About a week ago our little son was born! Both mom and him are healthy and recovering now at a Postpartum Care Center for two weeks. I already was a step dad to some great children, now I also can experience the very early stages of babyhood and it's great; 10 out of 10, would recommend!
Yesterday we went to the Hyundai Department Book Store in Pangyo, it's quite spacious. I uploaded the rest of the pictures in an album on Flickr:
Our cat and my very cheap chello. Started learning to play it, the most difficult part is using the bow correctly so you don't hurt yourself and so it sounds ok.
Drinking coffe at the west sea in Korea.
In Sweden we have the tradition to build Yule goat, this is my interpretation.
A bit late but I finally made a Adventskranz. You can't buy them here in Korea so I had to go to the forest and find some evergreens and get creative myself.
Finally our first snow this season!
Dead trees on the Gangcheonseom Island in central South #Korea.
I'm at the Donghwa Village Arboretum.
The second time in my life I've seen a full moon eclipse where the moon is behind the shaddow of the earth and blood red. First time was just outside of Varberg in Sweden, this time it is in Bundang, just outside of Seoul in South Korea
Seoul Lotte Tower in autumn, photographed from the Namsan tower.
Cat in jail.
Folk village Hahoe in Andong, South Korea. We visited last weekend and it had wonderful colors everywhere because of the beginning of fall.
I'm singing in the rain, in Andong, South Korea.
Two years ago I became a Swedish citizen, so today I finally was allowed to vote for the Riksdag (like parlament in Sweden) for the first time! But life is funny, so in between I moved to Korea and I had to vote at the ambassy in Seoul today.
Summer feeling in Sweden. Visiting friends, drinking beer, etc.
Cremano Espresso Bar in Bundang, South Korea
Bikers in Yangsuri on the Bukhangang Railway Bridge.
We went to the Chusa ( Museum. Chusa was a famous calligrapher, painter and writer from the late 1700s. In the picture it's me pretending to do awesome calligraphy.
PineTime tells me I already walked 536 bilion steps today, and it's only 8am.
Me at the beach of Busan, South Korea.
Masked portrait.
My girlfriend got tools to make dalgona candy so we did, it was very difficult! She got them from Volvo and there was a stamp for a form of a Dalarna horse which I recognized but didn't connect Volvo to Sweden at first and wondered why the Korean candy came with a Swedish shape ^^ Also I played the game like in Squid Game :D
White tulips in front of our red wall in the living room.
My coffe tries to smile at me while it is scared to death because I'll soon drink it.
We made some german Laugengebäck at home in the air frier because we don't have an oven.
I wanted to make a nice photo of the cheese cake but then the cat decided to investigate what I'm doing.
It's fall in South Korea.
I got my 3rd vaccination shot, second in Korea. In two weeks I'll be able to travel without the need to stay in quarantine.
A child violin with some helper lines.
Today I tried some more classic still life photography with interesting light and shadows.
We made wine with some fruits which were growing nearby. They're like cherries but smaller, with a different seed and more saur.
Anti Covid 19 Beer ^^
On my birthday we went on a weekend trip.
Spiderman came by to wash my windows.
Jeena in moonshine light.
Moon night at South East Korea.
Preparing for work from home.
How people born in different decades eat watermellon.
View in the evening from my AirBnB on the 24th level.
Night rain from quarantine hotel in South Korea.
Visiting my niece and her family in Switzerland.
Korean BBQ in Buregpreppach.
Finally met my parents again after they got vaccinated!
Short vaccation at Jeju Island in South Korea.
Pangyo Techno Valley has many cherry trees which all bloom now at the same time.
I didn't realize how much more air pollution there is in Korea where I'm now compared to Varberg. They joke around that it is wind which comes from China, not sure how much truth there is in it. And during winter I didn't see it but now I can see that the sun is somewhere behind what I first thought was fog but which I now realize is air pollution.
Drinking craft beer at Randolph Beer in Bundang, South Korea.
It's raining today.
My work space in the quarantine hotel in South Korea.
Ice skating in Varberg.
We made a snowman.
I've painted with someone for the first time and the result is not bad at all!
Snow in Korea
It's not just good, it's good enough.
The most eastern part of South Korea.
East Coast of South Korea
Just wanted to wish you all a Marry Christmas and attached a picture where I combined Korean culture, Swedish culture and Christmas.The frogs name is Grodan Boll.
View over Jungnang from Yongma Land
Bukhansan National Park close to Seoul.
Skyscrapers in South Korea in Bundang.
Morning walk in fall in Bundang, South Korea.
Todays lunch, it's a
I baked my first keto thing. It's a cheese cake.
Today I finally automated my espresso machine. When it's turned on it needs to pre-heat for at least 20 minutes so that the brew head heats up enough, normally I forget about it then but it tells me that the heat is up and I can brew. Then I have ten minutes on me to brew the espresso and it switches the machine off automatically. It also turns the machine on so I can brew an espresso first thing in the morning before the gym. And I can press a button which I have at my desk in the living room to start the process. There are two more ways of doing it which you can't see here. I can do it from any computer or my mobile phone in the Home Assistant UI so it's ready when I arrive at home and I also can just tell google assistant to do it.
I bought cheap espresso beans and 4 liters of milk to train the visual part and somewhere after 3 liters I seem to be getting there. The only problem is consistency, it's only sometimes that get it this beautiful.
Sunset in Tannendorf.
Blue hour in Tannendorf.
A butterfly and a fly eating a peach.
I don't have a car here on vacation so needed to find an alternative.
I brought my grinder, coffe and my Italian coffe maker with me on vacation. And here I found my granddads gold coffe cups which they only used on sundays and special occasions. I think my vaccation counts as a special occasion.
A mushroom in the woods.
Me being a cowboy at
I will eat this now. It's very seldom I do but you must agree that it looks more than delicious! It's pork belly baked in the oven with only salt for seasoning.
Fishing classes with granddad.
My latte art is getting there.
A group of three people went right in front of my while photographing the lake, came out pretty sweet.
Two kodiak bears fight-playing in the water at the Orsa Björnpark in Dalarna, Sweden.
Rysjön, Dalarna
Långbryggan in Rättvik, Dalarna in Sween. We're on a short vacation around here.
There, I fixed it.
Beach close to Åsa in Halland.
Chicken in the corn Say the corn can't grow, mamma When chicken in the corn Say the corn can't grow
My dad is really a master when it comes to cultivating plants. Here is a scan from the local newspaper, the photographer visited him last Sunday when he specifically made most of his cactus to bloom for just one night/day so people going to and coming from church on the other side of the street would be able to admire them.
A Volvo in it's natural habitat.
The silhouette of the bird watching hiding place at the Getterön peninsula in Varberg.
A bird by the water on the Getterön peninsula here in Varberg.
Varberg Fortress from a different angle, from above the city. This way you can see a lot of the buildings you normally can't see on photos featuring it.
Today is midsummer and at least here in Sweden we party!
I made some Bratwurst, but they only had quite thick casings in the shop so it looks a bit weird. Och and it has more fat than usual.
I tried to do an advanced selfie with help of a remote.
A classic: "The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha" I tweaked it a little bit. #5G
Just a screw on my phone.
Lunch today. I got some tuna but ist's very lean, I don't think it'll be easy to get some more fatty one here during quarantine in a small town in Sweden. Still super nice and I made a roll of the parts I cut away plus some avocado.
Entry door.
Toilet paper. #covid19 #corona #SARS-CoV-2
Kallbadhuset in Varberg
It's time for some Japanese Plum Liquor. In Japan it's called: Umeshu on the Rocks (pronounced umeshu rokku)
I'm working on becoming better in making nigiri. Slowly I'm getting better when it comes to the looks, they look quite nice in the photo don't they? I still have problems with the rice seasoning, the rice becomes less sticky once I season it with rice vinegar which changes the consistency. Also the fish I use is the cheap frozen salmon which is chewy and kind of tasteless, but that's just for now when I'm training to cut it the right way, I will use fresh one once I know what I'm doing.
I wanted to watch the movie Joker so I decided to rent it on YouTube because they offer 4K and I have 4k monitor and nice sound. But None of my browsers want to show it to me. This means I payed 5 EUR for a movie which I can't watch, bummer. Sadly The Pirate Bay is down now too for some reason, otherwise I'd just download and watch it from there.
Yesterday I was at a 40iest birthday party which was movie themed. I went as a skinhead from the movie "This is England" which is an excellent movie, watch it if you haven't seen it yet. I have to say their style suits me quite well, it's a pity that it's associated with bad things.
Today I made Osaka style Okonomyaki and it was sooo delicious, unbelievable, really close to the one we ate back in Horoshima.
Naturum in Varberg
After work on the Fridays For Future demonstration in Gothenburg.
January Grand Sumo Tournament in Tokyo, I was there on day 13, you can see the fights from this day on:
January Grand Sumo Tournament in Tokyo
My first time watching sumo wrestling live. I was at the January Grand Sumo Tournament in Tokyo. It was extremely entertaining.
Standing in the line to get one of the 300 - 350 tickets for Sumo today, I have queue #341.
Torii Gates at Fushimi Inari Shrine in Kyoto, Japan.
Hiroshima style Okonomiyaki in the making.
Osaka Metro entrance by night.
Hiroshima by night.
Me in front of the Glico Man sign in Osaka.
I seem to need a longer cable than the Japanese.
I'm on my way to Japan and we have our traditional a stop in Helsingfors to drink the last good beer for two weeks ;)
Frozen fire hydrant in Burgpreppach.
Today in frozen Burgpreppach where my parents live, the castle.
My dad is smoking trout for Christmas, very delicious, we already tasted one of them.
This year I started my Christmas vacation very early and have been enjoying a week at my parents where we decorated the living room and the Christmas tree.
Millencolin once again! This year they were much more active and awake. That makes me wonder if I'm just projecting my own mood on them?
Two older guys playing Backgammon at the Abu Salem café in Nazareth which has been open since 1914, so now for over 105 years in 3rd generation.
The road by the Dead Sea through the desert.
Dead Sea salt beach.
Sundown at Gallilea Sea. I tried to walk on this water like Jesus did, it didn't work so I took a swim instead.
Hebron old city from the roof top while rain clouds are coming in from the north.
I arrived in Hebron and there were many children here on the roof top and tried to speak English, mostly they knew: "What's your name?". They wanted to test out my camera so I had to play model for them. This one was taken by one of the older girls, I like it.
The Western Wall and the Dome of the Rock located on the Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem. This was the must have picture from Jerusalem and I scouted for three days to find the perfect location. And as in my picture of the Colosseum in Rome, there is construction going on in the bottom left ;)
Selfie with kippah.
This guy had a really cool hat, I only saw 2 more with one like that afterwards.
Jerusalem is an awesome place, so much contrast in everything!
View from Hasenstrick in Switzerland.
It's Halloween.
Zürich by night. Just met Aaron here for a couple of beers and a long chat about work, home automation, the Idieweb and everything in between.
Working on the roof gives really nice outlook.
When I visit my parents my dad always wakes up way earlier than anybody else and prepares a beautiful breakfast with all local ingredients and many of them home made like the sausages and own grew tomatoes.
Sometimes the phone is the best camera because you have it on you. On my way to Germany by car and ferry.
I found a picture of Húsavíkurfjall in Iceland which I took but didn't pay too much attention back then to it because there were so many awesome things in Iceland to post. But I really like the calm feel of the clouds at the top of the mountain. It's a clean graphic picture which I wouldn't mind printing and putting somewhere on the wall.
Gothenburg from the bridge to Hissingen.
A month ago I got a saxophone and I'm trying to learn to play it at the same time as I'm learning some music theory, read notes and stuff. Today I finally got those two stands, one for the sax to not need to put it into the bag every time I take a pause and one for the note paper. It's amazing how much easier it is to see everything compared to having it on the table where the sax is always in the way.
A blue pot in a green garden in Älvängen.
Flowers in someones front yard in Älvängen.
Big hay ball, end of summer.
We have new band t-shirts for our 10 year anniversary concert tomorrow at Oscars in Varberg. Right now we still have all sizes available! #hoggatah #tshirt #band #metal
10 years of my band Hoggatah which started in 2009 with some people from a different band and me joining. There are not many bands which can look back on such a long history. Today an article in the local newspaper was published where they interview us about the past and the future.
We don't only have the sea in Varberg but also lakes. One such small one is called 'The Black Sea' for some reason and there it is where I'm training ro be able to run longer distances again. I just run around in circles, but because it's such a beautifull place it didn't get boring yet.
Societén Varberg on a warm summer night from behind with reflection in water.
Gothenburg Central Station during the summer in 2019.
Beetroot white flat, hipster coffee in Berlin.
Midsummer dance in Varberg.
When I met her 2002 she looked like on the left, now 2019 she's all grown up on the right and done with gymnasium (senior high school). I feel under the circumstances I've done quite ok as a bonus family member.
We were fishing in Kungshamn last week, perfect weather, super road trip.
Finnish forest reindeer in the Nordens Ark zoo.
A woman cycling artistically, it's quite impressive what you can do on a bicycle.
I attended a night photography course in Stockholm for fun, I got it as a birthday present. This is one of the photos from that night. It was taken quite early while there was still some light from the sun, to still get the dramatic sky.
I had a short portrait session with some of my coworkers last Friday, was playing with the backlight to make the head stand out from the background.
Valborg i Varberg with a perfect sunset in the background.
Pulsar Collective, my brothers band during a really cool photo shoot. Check out their music at bandcamp:
Sometimes I stumble on really beautifull landscapes close to home, and as they say the best camera is the one you have with you.
I just started playing football in the lowest league there is in Sweden called korpen. We're still waiting for our jersies. Last week we were 18 people but sadly the other team didn't show up, so without playing we won 3-0. Today we were two people short and needed to ask some guys who just played a game to join us and we played what seemed like a team with superior strength, all tall Swedish guys playing nice technical football and having 5 additional people to change during the game (we're playing 7 vs. 7 people). But for some reason, frustrating as it was for them, they weren't able to score any goal, so it was a draw 0-0 which really felt like a victory for us oddballs from all over the world (Finland, Germany, Sweden, Indonesia, Syria, etc.).
Going out with friends to do street photography is fun, you can use them as objects while they try to take their own photos.
I air dried a 800g pork cutlet peace, and this time I tried not to use any spices but sugar and salt in the beginning so it would do the chemical changes in the beginning. After that I just dried it hanging in the air in my kitchen. It's super delicious and I also got the amount of salt in it just right this time!
The World Heritage Grimeton Radio Station in southern Sweden is an early longwave transatlantic wireless telegraphy station built in 1922-1924. This time in morning fog.
Yesterday on my way home during sundown, amazing light! The shadow in the front is made by the train, then golden hour and on top dark clouds.
Drinking beer with my parents at Hartleb (really good local beer). I'm especially happy mom is able to join us again.
I was out shooting the sundown, but behind me was a much more interesting scene, the moon above a dark path.
Here in Sweden people eat some kind of dry bread they call "skorpor", which apparently is something like Swedish biscotti. After so many years I'm still not used to it, and neither to knäckebröd.
Egg yolk in a glass.
This is Alfons Åberg which is, besides Emil i Lönneberga, the most famous boy in Sweden. The most famous girl obviously being Pippi Långstrump.
After two weeks at my parents in Germany I'm going back to Sweden. And yeah there is snow chaos in Munic, so my flight from Nürnberg got canceled and I'm taking a taxi to Munic. We'll see if we arrive on time and if then if the flight to Gothenburg will take off or not.
Altenstein in January.
Last time I was at my parents (over Christas) I was working on removing the shower tray. Now I'm back and in the mean time my dad got the rest fixed. #accesibility
First snow this year and a traffic jam on the way to the Airport.
Even though I don't really like reading books, I love the concept of public libraries, sometimes I just go there to hang out in the Café to eat cake, drink coffee and enjoy the surroundings. We don't think about that often but public libraries offer a lot more than just books. I also just listened to a episode of the This American Life episode about libraries which they describe like this: "Libraries aren't just for books. They're often spaces that transform into what you need them to be: a classroom, a cyber café, a place to find answers, a quiet spot to be alone. It's actually kind of magical."
An old window close up.
Hohnhausen in the morning sun.
Golden hour in the morning.
We need the shower to be accessible by wheelchair and for people who have problems with walking. Interesting technical problem to solve. It's difficult but possible. Although the biggest constrain is my time during the holidays here at my parents.
My dad and my aunt at the Christmas market here in Burgpreppach.
Today I watched a guy fly tying in public, it was quite an impressive skill. It also reminded me of the one This American Life episode called "The Feather Heist" where a young man steals hundreds of exotic birds for their feathers from the British Museum of Natural History. Fascinating story
Highland cattle bull observing me.
I like to test do do new things in photography, so yesterday I had my first Corporate Photography shoot with a couple of friends who needed some profile pictures for their new company website. I got payed in hamburgers which was nice too.
I needed to go out and take some autumn pictures before winter is back again.
I went out to shoot some pictures during the sunset and found a herd of highland cattle and the bull posed for me and let me come really close with me camera for a long time.
Woman with sunglasses in Gothenburg.
Just some street photography.
It's also autumn in Varberg.
Those are the woods where I spent a significant amount of my childhood in, mostly playing with my sister and cousins, exploring the flora and fauna, got stuck in a mud hole so my cousin got to get my dad, etc.
Prost from Franconia, drinking some Hartleb beer.
On my brothers 30th birthday, they still have outdoor techno parties in the end of september here, damn cold even if you dance. Him and his band @pulsarcollective are giving a live concert.
Yesterday I went to watch the finals in cricket in a local league in Gothenburg. I now also understand the basic rules.
Lower Franconia landscape.
My dad knows how to grow tomatoes.
I think this was a tree nursery just around the corner where my parents live.
On top of the Wasserkuppe in Rhön, Germany. Me and my dad went there yesterday to witness the sun going down.
On our way back from a trip during the night there was lightning behind thick clouds.
A couple picnicking on top of the Wasserkuppe, which is a mountain within the German state of Hesse, during sundown.
Cannobio in front of Lago Maggiore in Italy and Switzerland in the background. The border goes right through the lake.
An old man in his chair on the street of Cannobio, Italy.
We are in Cannobio Italy, camping really close to this small river, where i went 5 times to swim in just today.
On our way to northern Italy we went over the 'Passo dello Spluga' or 'Splügenpass' instead of taking the tunnel. Up there I was able to take this beautiful photo.
Yesterday we spent the day at the Klöntalersee in Switzerland.
Today I visited Dettifoss, Europe's most powerful waterfall, 100m wide and with a 45m drop. Iceland's nature is breathtaking!
An Icelandic sheep enjoying the green fields.
Today we went to Námaskarð where you can see cooking mud and smell hot sulfur.
Botnstjörn in Ásbyrgi in Iceland, amazing natural structure. Look at the first pitcure on wikipedia it's basically a 3,5km x 1km big hole in the ground.
I'm in Iceland with friends visiting their family. It's so beautiful and peaceful here. Today we went to Ásbyrgi (Shelter of the Gods). Nicknamed Sleipnir's footprint, it is said that the canyon was formed when Odin's eight-legged horse, Sleipnir, touched one of its feet to the ground here.
Asbyrgi (Shelter of the Gods), Iceland.
Birds in front of dark sea in Húsavík, Iceland.
Húsavík dark beach.
There is a lot going on in the harbor of Húsavík.
We went on a tour on the Gasometer in Berlin
Silos at sundown.
I'm thinking of getting such a water bazooka too. Water war seems to be a lot of fun!
The yearly Kinderdarden party where my parents live got the Urlesbacher Musikanten to play during the day.
I'm visiting my parents over the weekend. Here is a portrait of me with my mom taken by my dad.
Every second week at the last day of the sprint at work we go out for some luxorious coffe close by. Today we went to They really have a italian hipster flair and the coffe is superb!
For all the time since I moved to varberg in 2005 there was a big wooden roof above the track-side platforms. This roof protected everyone from rain, snow, harsh sun and so on, especially when the train was late and you couldn't count on it that you'd be fast enough to run from the building when you saw the train. But since then the wooden structure got old and dangerous, so they replaced it with those glass walls which do nothing against rain, snow or sun.
I have this t-shirt with Schroedinger's cat on it and yesterday a 3-years old asked me why the cat looks so weird on it, half alive and half dead. I tried to explain the concept that the cat the cat might be both alive and dead at the same time but I failed misserabelly. I just hope she doesn't believe now that zombies exist in reality.
Today me and another photographer friend had a photo shoot with the lovelly and super fit MissCelineM (who I've interviewed for a podcast too at her gym Actic. We had a lot of fun, and this is the first photo, I'll be working on the rest soon.
I photographed my brothers band during a concert in Berlin last week, they play experimental electronic music with accustic instruments. I also recorded video which will be available soon. Untill then check them out on and the rest of the pictures at
I went to a concert yesterday and in that cafe there was a French man with an analog Hasselblad waiting for the band to start to play so he could take a photo of them.
Woho, it went really well and we will upload the video to youtube soon.
Everything is ready for #fossnorth2018 I'm the first act today, the auditorium is huge, I feel like professor on the scene because it's at my former university this year.
While we were playing, some kids came by to ask if they could try too and were especially amazed about this oversized tambourine-like drum.
We spent the sunday at Berlin Tempelhof making music and enjoying the sun. As you can see many other people had this idea too. It was a weird and interesting mix. The esoteric hippies made music and acrobatics, the muslim mothers with the scarfs took their kids out in the sun, a mix of races played football, rugby and frisbee on the runway where they tried to not to get into a collision with bicyclists and long boarders.
Two guys are playing american soldiers at Checkpoint Charlie in Berlin.
I wonder what happened out there?
A scene from a bloody horror movie. (Testing new light modifiers.)
"Cocain becoming more common in Varberg" this is the small city i live in here at the swedish west coast. That's the headline in our local paper this morning.
We went to again.
A friend from work agreed to be my model while I test my new speedlights. We got a coupple or really great shots, I'm super happy with the results. But I also learned not to trust the picture on the back of my camera but instead to use the histogram. Many of those photos were quite underexposed and I had to bring them back in post production. But thanks to the high dynamic range and because I'm shooting RAW this was still possible. I posted the Images as a album on Flickr, check them out:
Today we went on another Millencolin concert! This time it was super awesome, I spent allmost the whole concert in the mosh pit which was fairly easy because it span half the people who were there. I fell once because someone was lying on the floor behind me when someone else pushed me over them. But otjer people helped me up really quick and it was all in good fun.
My speed lights finally arrived so I was really tempted to test them and what I decided to try is a low key selfie. There is so much new to learn now that I have them, finally I can try to shape the light in a way I want it to be.
Today at FOSDEM I met suprisingly many people who I know from different communities, etc. In the picture for example is Andres Freund whom I've known for many years through the #selfhtml IRC channel. He now lives and works in the US on PostgreSQL, so he gave a talk about just in time compilation in postgres:
The sea is angry my friends. This is how the nude beach in Varberg looks like during the winter.
Manual lights at the table and then I tried focus stacking. It was more complicated than I imagined, had to restart from scratch a coupple of times untill I got the right order of steps.
First time I'm trying product photography, this is kind of fun, already the first try looks like something nice. Ok I wasn't able to get it back into a cube shape, but look at the pretty picture!
Carpender measuring and marking wood planks. I also have created a photo story with the rest of the pictures from that shooting:
Today me and a friend went for a coupple of drinks, he showed me a bar in Gothenburg where you have to ring a bell on a door without a sign or anything indicating a baar. Then the bartender watches you through a video-intercom and decides if you're worthy I guess, then they let you in (or not). Down stairs it was really beautifull and we stayed and photographed a bit.
Swiss train in front of the alps.
Bachtel, Hasenstrick in Switzerland during the winter.
Switzerland has some beautifull landscapes. This is the view from the Bachtel at the Hasenstrick. I climbed a steep hill in deep snow just to find out that they had a nice path up there on the other side. Still, the view was outstanding.
View from the restaurant.
Even grown ups need to have some fun in the snow sometimes.
Vintage fun during christmas.
My dad and my brother are devistated because while playing poker I won everything, they were left with nothing.
Merry (digital) Christmas! May you all have a wonderfull coupple of days with family and friends, even if it's half online like for our family.
Tree by Hofheim i. Ufr.
Houses in front of a small mountain.
Stora Hornsjön, haven't been fishing today, but instead got this majestic looking view.
Hay in Ice. I saw beautifull light and snow today so I went foto shooting to Veddige today.
This is the view from where I sit at work, pretty amazing. In real life it's even more impressive during sunsets.
Winter is comming.
Brewing beer today, some take it more serious than others.
We played today.
Yesterday evening I was wandering around Varberg with my camera and found the banks building lit like Doctor Draculas castle in rainy Transilvania. Would you dare to go in there and ask for a loan?
Me and a couple of friends from work went ice skating. Check out more pictures on flickr:
Firefighting in the woods.
Today we were in the woods. It rained and was cold but we made a fire and grilled sausages to stay warm.
The view from inside of the Holocaust Memorial in Berlin during night time.
I was just walking back from the cinema where I watched Blade Runner 2049, which was phenomenal, to the car when I saw the Berliner Fernsehturm in the dark immersed in fog. I got inspired to take a Blade Runner-esk photo of it, what do you think?
On the ferry from Trelleborg to Rostock, I'm going to Berlin for the #IndieWebCamp by car!
I took another picture of Gothenburg like but from a different angle. This time I got on one of the ferries to Lindholmen and shot a coupple of pictures from the middle of the water. One main difference is that this photo is taken around noon wen we were on our way for lunch. The other one is done during golden hour.
One could say the artist focussed on the wall to visualize the relationship between it and the people infront of it. It is always there at the same place, the people are always in a rush, always in motion, hard to grasp.
In Gothenburg, just by the central station they're building a new skyscraper. During the night it is lit interestingly.
The Piotrkowska street in Łódź, Poland. It looks really cool because it is super long and doesn't end at the horizon.
This is my photo equipment. All of the lenses are quite sharp prime lenses, and I bought each of them used. Nikon 28mm 1.8, Nikon 50mm 1.8, Tokina 100mm 2.8, Nikon 180mm 2.8 The camera is a full frame Nikon D600. Everything is fairly old, but I feel that I'm still quite far away from the need of getting more expensive or newer gear. I'm still learning to use what I got. Sadly now winter is comming, so that when I arrive at home it's dark already and that makes it difficult to go out and shoot.
This might look like a scene from a Manga or Anime but it indeed a picture I took in Japan when we took the train out of the city and went to a small villiage. The whole villiage was practically without people, it had a ghost town feeling to it. I wonder if this 'Wanted' poster had anything to do with it.
I'm commuting to Gothenburg for ten years now, but I'm never spending my free time there. That is why I have no Idea where the nice places are where you can get awesome pictures. Today a colegue at work showed me a couple of his photos and I liked one of them a lot. Actually that much that I asked him from where he took that photo. He showed me on a map that it was by the Masthugg Church. I decided to go there during the golden hour and this is what I got.
That is the sashimi which the chef in picture was preparing. #foodporn
Today I went to the fish market, wandered around there until I found a small alley which I went in to and found a small hidden sushi place to get my freshest sashimi yet. I was finally able to sit at the counter and watch the chef preparing my sashimi. It was fairly expensive, about 20 EUR for 6 slices of thuna plus some hacked tuna. But it was so delicious, I can't even begin to describe it. It's so exciting seing those master chefs swinging their knefes and preparing everything while they chat with their customers. Not with me obvioussly, because I don't speak Japanese, but every one else there did. #foodporn Update: I found a video of the chefs workin at this place
Today we ate Yaniniku again, it's always such a treat. I recorded a 10 minutes video of it because Emilie requested it ;) #foodporn
If I'm being totally honest, this is why I came back to Japan a second time, fat blue fin tuna sushi. It tastes like heaven in your mouth and I wasn't able to find anything with remotelly this quality in Europe. Last time I couldn't eat any sushi in Sweden for half a year because I was that spoiled. Who knew raw fish meat could taste that delicious.
Now in Tokyo I'm using Airbnb and I'm staying in one room at a japanese couples house which is a bit off of the tourist paths. Today the district and the nearby ones had their own small festivals, They had their own small processions and later during the evening dance, music food and beer on the streets.
In Tokyo in the Akihabara district they have lots of arcade places where you can play huge variaties of games. Like this two player game for example, where you touch the rings on the screen to the rythm of the music.
Getting eye cancer at Akihabara Tokyo!
Japanese supper at Arima Onsen.
Cyberpunk feeling while we were on our way to the gin bar for a night out with a lot of gin tonic.
This is the entrance to our hotel in Kyoto. The style and the light could be straight from a japanese gangster movie.
It's really difficult to take decent pictures of good sushi because it's always so dark in those places where we get expensive sushi. Today we went for it, a really nice set of sashimi, sushi plus desert, etc. for over 100 EUR per person. #YOLO
Kyoto has many buddhist tempels and around them you can see many (mostly japanese and female) tourists walking around in kimonos.
A meta photo. Me taking a photo of a woman in a kimono from behind who is taking a photo of a man from behind. Everything framed naturally by the alley.
Is he checking out the other woman? No wonder she is annoyed with him.
On my street food adventures I had Takoyaki which is "ball-shaped Japanese snack made of a wheat flour-based batter and cooked in a special molded pan". It was invented in Osaka so I had it there.
We've seen many stores like this one with rows after rows with mangas. They were mainly visited by adult men.
This robot was a bit creepy because it always turned its head in the direction someones face was. It felt much more personal by trying to advertise to you by looking with it's cute big eyes into your from down there.
Japanese craft beer taster in Kyoto!
We have here in Osaka around 32°C, so sometimes we need to cool down with a couple of beers. We found a place which serves local Osaka craft beer from the brewery Minoh.
The chef at the chicken grill in Osaka.
Today we visited the Osaka Aquarium which is one of the largest in the world, it was very impressive to see whales swim in front of people.
After a chicken intestines feast in Osaka.
Once every 4 years I have a very small chance to change the world. I'm very gratefull for that. #voting
Lego has been cool for such a long time. We reproduzed the scene on the box in the background for that picture.
BBQ after a swim in the sea. #bbq #sweden #summar
The far too short holidays are sadly comming to an end. 😢😭
I'm changing professions like Don and just started my training as a welder. It's 36°C in the shaddows and I have to weld fully covered in the sun.
Harvest time.
The best part with this holiday is that I get to meet my goddaughter every day.
Me and my sisters family are on holidays in our parents house for two weeks in Poland. We were suprized by our brother who came from Berlin for the weekend and our cousin and her family. So we had a nice grill party yesterday evening.
The summer holidays have begun!
Another cinema editing style, this one is from the skating session with Bassem in february this year. It would be interesting to hear what stories this picture tells you when you see it as a still frame from a movie. Check out the rest of the pictures not edited in this style here:
Yesterday I was checking out here in Varberg and it was really awesome! I didn't really have a lot of time taking pictures but we went to the place where they were skimboarding because this looked to me as the place where I could take the most impressive action photos and I wasn't disappointed. The hardest part of taking this picture though was that at the same time I was babysitting 3 children. But they were so captivated by what was happening on the water that they weren't running away. So I had a coupple of seconds to shoot some pictures.
It was really fun so I tried another cinematic look, this time with the 2.35:1 format and some added grain.
Today I was trying to create a picture which was supposed to look like a scene from a movie. I found those youngsters talking at the train station and I think it already tells a story. Then I color graded it to make it more movie like with orange & teal look.
Play or seriousness? At the train station in Gothenburg.
Today I joined two friends on their small boat for a fishing tour. Sadly as soon as they stopped the motor I imediatelly got sea sick. I tried hard to withstand it because I didn't want to be the killjoy who wants to go home early. But after some time I just vomited into the sea.
Outside of our office on the street crossing there is a container and today a band played there.
Varberg Radio Station at Grimeton, The antenna is a 1.9 km. Until the 1950s, the Grimeton VLF transmitter was used for transatlantic radio telegraphy to Radio Central in Long Island, New York, USA. From the 1960s until 1996 it transmitted orders to submarines in the Swedish Navy.
We found a snail.
Here are some pictures from yesterdays Pride march in Varberg, I put them in an album on Flickr:
I've known her since she was 2 years old, and now she's practically an adult, who wares fake goat horns. You're awesome!
Hidden in the scene.
Today looking through he window at work I saw people playing polo on segways which seemed quite bizarr, so I went down to take some pictures. It wasn't easy because of the harsh light conditions.
Some of my work collegues play in the lowest football division in Sweden. I watched one of their games and took the opportunity to shoot some action photos. You can find the whole album on Flickr:
Paragliders near Båstad, they had beautifull weather conditions.
Today I visited an old friend of mine, we haven't seen each other for years. It was super nice, thanks for having me! His wife cooked for us, a quite sophisticated asian dish I must say. There were basically 5 diffetent small dishes we got to choose from.
End of school for most of the children in Sweden today. Just before I took this picture the little guy said goodby to his teachers he had for 1/6th of his life. He will not have them next year as teachers which made him feel really sad. Good thing mom was there to comfort him. I guess you've done something right as a teacher if you get reactions like that when the summer holidays start.
#varberg is #life and #yolo (or something like that)
Photoshoot with my friend Götz outside of Varberg.
Today me and a friend spent half a day baking this beauty. It turned out awesome, it's a oil cake with popy seeds. It tastes awesome.
My sister with her daughter at the lake during a hot day.
After a hot afternoon at the lake Pfäffikersee we went on the other side and enjoy some late and espresso.
Granddaughter with granddad on her first birthday party.
Perfect weather to spend the day outside with my niece in Switzerland.
Cyclist and coast trees. At the coast the wind is constantly blowing in one direction, from the sea onto the land. The trees are are being shaped by the wind to grow very weirdly but it makes them into beautifull sculptures for me to photograph.
Landscape, Varberg up-country.
Beautifull colors on mount Etna in Italy.
I've been living 10 minutes from the beach for over 10 years now, still haven't been wind surfing on my own.
Siesta at the Amalfi Coast.
The most swedish photo I was able to take on todays walk. Happy 1st of may!
#fossnorth2017 Magnus Hagander talking about the ACME protocol and LetsEncrypt
Ok, one last epic photo from Rome, which is a delight to photograph by the way. On the last day, in the morning we went to visit the St. Peters Basilica in the Vatican. You can climb up 512 steps to get up all the way on top of the dome, so wi did that and look what you get as a revard, it was totally worth it!
This is the picture I wanted to take the whole vaccation. It took forever to prepare everything. One hour to get there, 40 minutes to wait in the line for the lift which goes all the way up on the roof of the Altare della Patria, and then waiting there for the sundown, again more than one hour, just before they close the roof at 19:15. I was the last person there still taking this picture while the security guard trying to convince me to go down with him.
There is one thing I should have learned on this trip: Don't assume you can do sight seeing during the evening. I had a special shot of the Colosseum in mind, from the top of the Altare della Patria during sundown. So I went there, in time for the sundown, and tried to get up the Altare della Patria, they have a special lift there so you can see Rome in 360°. But while climbing the stairs I got stopped by a security woman who told me that they're closing and I can come back tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock. I tried to explain the thing with the light and the golden hour and things but the only thing she could offer me is comming back tomorrow and staying untill 7, which is just when the sundown starts. This one is a decent shot, but totally different than what I wanted in the first place.
Altare della Patria, Rome, Italy.
Preparations for the market this evening, with lots of street food and stuff, I guess we will revisit once it's ongoing.
The Greek Theatre in Siracusa, appearently they put wooden benches on top of it during the summer so they protect the old stone benches when they use it for different events.
Vulcano jump!
On mount Etna.
Sundown from behind the "Statua del Cristo Redentore" in Maratea, Italy.
6th best pizza in Neaples, where the pizza has been invented. We couldn't get in because 10 minutes after they opened it was so crouded already that they were full for the day basically. But we were able to take two with us, it was 4 EUR per pizza, no wonder they were sold out just after opening. It was quite different, like a margarita but the dough was phonomenal! Something between pizza dough and french creppes. Oh and we had red sparkling wine with it.
Three nuns paying for parking their car in Rome.
Bella Roma!
Today for the first time I had a photoshoot with a model, Amanda, to practice head shots and portraits. It trully is so much easier if you don't need to try to convince your subject to pose for more than one minute or at all, because they know what they're doing and it's their job too. We got a nice collection which you can check out here: I really need to start working on some kind of a portfolio with my best shots on my own website. And btw. If you would like to get photographed by me, shoot me a message or email, I'm still learning but I'm getting better every day!
There is a paper factory a couple of kilometers north of Varberg. Most of Varberg gets the heat from them, which they hava as a waste product from the production of paper.
I like landscape photography. It's cold, it's rainy, no good light, the sky is bland. Still I'm outside by the sea trying to capture some of the greatness available nevertheless.
Two days ago I recorded the 9th episode of my podcast, it's about flying helicopters and planes. Today one of my guests flew over my appartment and I took some photos, it was really difficult to get a sharp one. The episode will be released april the 1st.
We baked cheese cake yesterday.
Today me and my dad visited a brewery we know from TV. The brew master is a butcher by profession but a friend gave him a book about brewing and he started trying. Check out the documentary yourself:
Nürnberg also has interesting city walls. #streetphotography
Nürnberg Underground by night #streetphotography
I totaly forgot that brothels are still legal in Germany (buying sex is illegal in Sweden). On the other side of the street, which you can't see in the picture, the women had an open window and were cat calling all the guys who were walking by.
Look at this, wouldn't you want to spend your vaccation in the wonderfull franconian municipality Burgpreppach, where my parents live? And yes, what you see are two churches, the sandstone one is the catholic one and the one above it is the protestant one.
Appearently there are still people who go to a cafe in the morning to get a coffe and read the newspaper.
Someone left this almost full at the train station.
It's snowing in Varberg, still I found the first signs of spring. Those flowers are really badass.
This is one of the very few things which provoke me to switch from Firefox to Chrome. It looks like some virus or something which you get on Windows all the time. But I'm on Linux and don't expect something like this. According to the Internet this is legit Mozilla spam.
I'm a bit in a low with my photography right now, somehow it's harder to find inspiration and see the pictures in every day life. But yesterday I saw this empty playground in the dark.
Today me and two coworkers went ice skating, for Bassem it was the first time in his life, he is from Egypt. But Toni was a good teacher.
I have another picture from yesterday night. You can see the Orion constellation in it and what I especially like, you can see the Orion Nebula quite sharp in there too!
Ursa Minor, also known as the Little Bear or Little Dipper in the sky. Astro photography is much more complicated than you'd think because the earth rotates the whole time making it impossible to do some proper long exposure. And I didn't see the Milky Way either today, but that might be just lack of knowledge where and when to look.
Today when I arrived back in Varberg the sun was just behind the horizon.
While in Brussels I also did some street photography. This one I like especially in color because of the contrast between the really smeary and dirty bus stop in the background and the clean madame in the foreground.
First day in Belgium, a bit of night photography. This is Liège, I had to climb those big stairs two times to get that shoot, and a reset made so I was just shooting JPEG the whole day. But it's super sharp, even if you look at it 1:1 (try clicking on it and see it big in your browser)
I'm always seeing those silly equations with pictograms and they try to trick you by having a pair of something in the first equations but then only one of them in the last line so you get sloppy and forget about that ang get it wrong. I don't like them, they're boring and just play with this one trick it seems. Therefor I created a real one in the same style, without tricks but instead it is a bit harder. It's still just integers, so everybody should be able to solve it, given enough time. If you have a hard time solving it here is a description how you normally would try to solve those equations: (I'd really love someone to solve it graphically.)
In photography, I learned, there are those 40 minutes after sunset (and before sunrise), which are called "the blue hour". During that time "red light passes straight into space while blue light is scattered in the atmosphere and therefore reaches the earth's surface" (wikipedia). Many photographers love this time and I really understand why. Look at this photo, even a plain construction site looks amazing.
Today I met Ali for some beers. He is really picky about the beer he drinks. You can see him here, with the bartender, checking out which bottled beers they offer.
Light behind a tree.
The #FlickrFriday challenge this week is "long exposure", I guess 204 seconds should be enough. I went down to the beach to take a nice photo of the "cold bath house" or Kallbadhuset here in Varberg.
Street Photography - Today I was in Gothenburg at the central train station to try to shoot some street photography style pictures. It was really difficult because it was dark and people moved fast. After I went throug it a guy stopped my and told me that I'm not allowed to go around there and to take pictures of people and asked me to show him a written permisson that I'm allowed to take pictures there. I explained to him that this is not true. And reading up about it now a little bit the only thing I can't do with my pictures is to use them as or within advertising. Anyway, I'm still really bad at it so I won't be releasing many of my street photos yet. This one was todays best.
Yesterday it started to snow and I went out to shoot some photos. Seing me with my big ass cammera a coworker approached me and asked me to take a photo of her because it was her first snow ever and I guess she wanted to send some home :) And obviously it's much more fun to shoot with models than just dead objects ;).
Happy new year, I tried fireworks photography tonight ;)
My niece is growing so fast, here she is with her dad.
Today I was in Königsberg (in Franconia) to do some landscape photography. Personally I really like that so many things are going on in this picture. The sun on the left which is glowing and making everything in the picture golden, The small town at the bottom. The fields with crops and the solar system in the middle. The hills on the horizon. The big wind turbines and the small clouds just above them. The "chemtrails" and their airplanes all over the sky. And as a last thing on the right the half-timbered house with its red roof.
Hartleb beer from a microbrewery in Maroldsweisach. You can't get it in other bottles than those big 3 liter ones, in a barrel or directly in their bar.
The yearly christmas photo, this year for the first time my niece :)
Lots of people commute from Varberg to Gothenburg, which is about 80km away, by train.
I just gave a talk about the IndieWeb at work, check out the slides:
I'm really excited, I finally bought a new camera! I wanted to go full frame so I had to invest a lot more money, but I am hoping this will be worth it. I just got it yesterday and I feel that I have to relearn a lot of things. But the picture quality is fenomenal and once I get used to it I'll beable to become a even better photographer.
Today I'm making a traditional Silesian thing which is kind of like a sausage but not really, the first step, and appearantelly the secret, is to make as a good soup as possible. The main ingrediance is a pigs head.
Every other week at work we gathe for a "fika" which is a special Swedish word which means 'having coffe' but not necessarily literarly coffe but often something sweet like cake and something to drink like coffe, tee or the like and just socialice for a short time like half an hour or something. We do this in the platform team where I work at our custommers office with the people in the team. Se every other week someone else brings something and this week it was my turn. I wanted to bring something special and I knew exactly what, it's in the picture and it's called "Kołocz z makiem" which is like a cake with poppy seeds and very popular in Upper Silecia where I am from. Mostly it is served on weddings and other big celebrations. Sadly here in Sweden you only can get 25g packages of poppy seeds, while I needed 1kg of them, so I had to import them from Poland last time I was there. Just for reference, I used this recipe:
Today we went to the University to talk to interested students who might want to do their master thesis together with us or perhaps even work with us. It was very interesting to see what people are looking for.
"It's Trump"
I always liked jazz, but never had bought a jazz album because I always thought it was good for a couple of minutes but then it was too exhausting to listen to for a longer period of time. But what you can see on the picture is officially the first jazz album I own. Snarky Puppy's "Culcha Vulcha" which they released this year. This really resonates with me, it's jazz with many electronic instruments and it dances inbetween jazz, fusion jazz and pop but without a singer. I found them because I listen to the WTF Podcast with Marc Maron who most often interviews comics but sometimes also musical artists. A couple of weeks ago he had David Crosby on, and he spoke very highly about Snarky Puppy so I checked them out on YouTube, where nowadays I find all my new music btw. Check them out:
Todays company event was Laser Tag, appearently the game is played since 1979, it was more fun that I thought it would be.
Which of those two is more funny?
The clock I had in the kitchen is still good but the paper with the numbers started curling and stopping the clock. This is why I decided to make my own, and I have no idea what Warios brother is called.
I'm the Godfather now.
Ok granted, it's not the biggest fish ever cought, but it is how I got it is the interesting story. After almost a week of hiking to the farest lakes in the mountains at one of the last days we geared up, new fishing lures were bought, we rented twe boats and went on a big lake. Half of the day nothing. After we made fire on a island and Martin cooked an amazing goulash it started to rain, everything was wet but we didn't give up. On the hours long way back we didn't rush back to tho car, we played it cool, and it was really cool, the rain was pouring and the could wind was mercilessly whiping our faces. Just about half an hour away from the car suddenly a "wohooo!!" from both bots, both of us who haven't had a fish yet got one at the exact same time! Coincidence? I don't know.
Look at our camp and our tents from the other side of the lake!
While I was watching the sunrise I saw a albino rendeer on the other side of the lake, it was still quite dark but through the lens of the camera I was able to see that it wasn't alone. I went to the other side but when they saw me they went away. So I decided to go after them and it took me two hours to get close enough (and back to camp), but it was worth it because I crossed way with many herds like the one in the picture.
I went up at 4:30 to see the sunrise in the mountains. It was definatelly worth it but it's impossible to capture something like that on film.
Amazing nature and I'm not kidding, there is no place here without mushrooms, they're everywhere!
The last two days on the fells (which are mountains rising above the alpine tree line), sleeping outside by one of the many lakes. It took us about four hours to get there. In this picture we're about 15 minutes away from our destination, the lake you can see in the background.
First day, no fish to be seen yet. We found lot's of mushrooms, drank the water from the sea, which was delicious, and it was really quiet.
Just arrived in Tärnaby, this is our home for a week of fishing and hiking.
And my vaccation has begun.
Today a couple of coworkers who moved to Sweden this year came down to Varberg and we had a really nice day at the coast/beach.
Nobody wants to work when there is beer and football on the agenda.
After 4 hours of teamwork of 22 people we managed to transform 20 kg of meat into beautifully crafted sausages. Now they're grilled and we're enjoying them with Czech and German beer and some sauerkraut.
My IndieWebCamp t-shirt with the new logo arrived! But next time we need to get the logo vector files and do it in the EU. Because not only the shipping was more than the t-shirt but I also had to pay about 20 € in customs.
This weekend I spend somewhere in south Sweden on a party where we went by a VW camper van built in 1977! I had the pleasure to drive it back home for two hours, it was awesome.
First woman speaker at #fossnorth2016 with a much better designed presentation. Fonts, colors, images. That is why I love diversity.
Learning about the NTP protocol at #fossnorth2016
Yesterday I bought a new bicycle. I am more heavy than most people, so I had to get a more stable one. This one is an old Swedish brand called Skeppshult with a steel frame and more stable spokes. I hope it will not break like the cheap bicycles which I bought before, where after one year I had to buy a new one. Now I saved some money before I bought this one because it was quite expensive, I payed 750 EUR.
Just got some equipment for my next project.
The problem with imported Japanese Music is that it's difficult to remember the song names. In other news' my Maximum The Hormone CD arrived, it was really expensive, 35 EUR, but came with a comic book made by the guitar player, which I don't understand because it is in Japanese :p. But the music is so awesome it makes fully up for the high price :)
I've been drinking Yogi Tea since more than a decade ago, bit just a couple of days ago my sister told me that they have unique messages for you on every single tea bag. How could I have missed that for such a long time?
Brace yourselves, summer is coming.
Our IndieWebCamp community has a new shiny logo designed by Shane Becker, and now you can get a t-shirt with it from I just ordered two of them :D
Bicycle tour with my parents.
And now a week holidays at my parents, doing some normal people stuff.
Nice, after an intence day at the IndieWebCamp here in Nuernberg I'm at my hotel to get my jacket, which got delivered to my hotel with the rest of my luggage after it got lost in Berlin. Now I'm on my way to to meet the rest for a couple of franconian beers.
I made mushroom lasagne just for me!
This was what I saw in front of the house when I came back from work today. Actually it was much more beautiful, I'm not a good enough photographer to get what I can see on film yet. I'm working on it.
My new workstation at work, overclocked, watercooled, 64 GB RAM, with Arch Linux and a 40" screen.
Today I finally got d.notive's album "Sentinel" from Minneapolis! And let me tell you, if you're into 80'ies synth music, you'll love that! My favorite song is "Second Chances", if I had to guess I'd have guessed it's Dave Gahan singing. Check it out on Bandcamp:
I loooove to play live with my band Hoggatah! So many people came today to see us, it's unreal! Thank you all! (And thanks Daniel for the picture :D)
Hackaton instead of after work, we're setting upp a small network of ESP8266 wifi chips, I'm learning a lot about electronics!
PGP key signing party at FOSDEM
This morning the trams didn't go so that woman.just took her skis to get to work.
Winter above Varbergs roofs.
My new desktop background.
Zürich by night
I'm becoming better and better in photographing as the years go. It was the right decision to buy that used Nikon D5000 back then. In this picture, my sister and her partner in front of the new house they just moved in.
New years eve dinner at an Australian restaurant in Switzerland.
On the second day of Christmas we jammed away!
Happy holidays everyone!
A stop in between in Burgpreppach at the Christmas Market which is one of the bigger ones here locally.
Interesting, 3 different organizations waiting for refugees from Copenhagen. Red Cross, Islamic Relief, and the guy with the yellow doesn't have their name on the west. Update: now I also saw people from Gothenburg citty with blue vests trying to find refugees. Interestingly I've never seen them finding any refugees coming by train, and I'm at the train station twice a day.
This year me and a couple of friends having a beer Advent Calendar. We're 4 people and everyone got to chose 6 beers. Now we drink one of those 24 every day and rate it on untapped. You can follow us there:
It's always super cool if I can find some model to act in my pictures, it makes them always so much more interesting to look at!
So after 20 years we meet again Millencolin. Back then we were young and you played near my German home town in Schweinfurt. Now in your home land Sweden in Trollhättan. Back then you spoke English to the crowd and I barely understood. Now I got all your stand-up comedy jokes in your mother tongue. We both are much older, and I could see you were tired. But thanks for a nice evening full of memories, keep on rocking!
This year in Korea while we visited Gangnam.
This is terrible, this is obviously a bug in FIFA 16 because this player is obviously offside but the referee didn't react on this. How many maches have I lost at work because of this bug? EA, you guys should really need to fix this.
I got me a jar of Marmite from Amazon because I heard a lot about it but you can't buy it here in Sweden. But gosh!!! This tastes so bad! Salty and a bit fruity at the same time. I heard that you eat it on bread like on the picture. I guess I need to do some online research.
Finally my Dvorak TypeMatrix arrived! I'm typing really slow but after half an hour I don't have to look at the keyboard anymore, so I think learning it won't take very much time.
I bought me a new private coffe mug at work. #archlinux
Preparations for the music video recordings tomorrow and the day after. We still need people willing to come on tuesday evening to be recorded as the crowd.
I got me the childrens book about programming. I'll read it myself first and I already have an idea who'll get it when I'm done.
I'm making pancakes with apples for dinner.
Me and Nedim explaining QtAutomotive Suite to interested people at #QtWS15 via
So LG owns webOS now? Didn't know that was still alive. #QtWS15
Another shoot from the day in the nature. We've been near Nösslinge and there is a nice big lake.
Today I was outside in the nature, photographing and camping with friends. This one I took on my way back to the car.
Someone on the internet said it was international coffee day today. #Emacs #org-mode
I had to try out my 300mm telephoto lens with the nice full moon.
The future is now.
I've been air drying this loin of pork for two weeks now. Yummy!
I thought I hade everything for the water part of my brewing automation but sadly the hole isn't 1/2" not even 3/8" but something weird in between. That means I can't build it this weekend again.
Panorama photo in Varberg
The first advertisement in the "New Tab" page of my Firefox.
Today I made the next step to cook for myself, I made ca. 4 kg bratwurst without additional preservatives besides some salt and sugar.
I liked it a lot but I seem to need to learn more snaps songs for the next time.
A snow cat coffee stout before the crayfish party today in Gothenburg.
I really need to start cooking more myself again. Especially after watching
About two years ago when I got my Nikon D5000 I went out and took this photo on the left. Then a couple of weeks ago Melisa asked if she was allowed to paint a painting of that photo, which she found on flickr. All my pictures are creative commons licensed so that's not a problem. Today I got mail from her that she is ready with a link to her blog where she posted it You can see the result on the right. That's pretty awesome work I'd say.
HWC GOT 2 #IndieWeb
We've been painting the house yesterday.
Wow, this is depressing, CEOs of big companies: Guys named John: 5%; Women (all names): 4%
One of the photos we used for this timelaps video:
Grafitti 2015
Free wifi during the flight, living the dream ;)
A new favourite band, Animals as Leaders, just got their two latest albums!
If you zoom in you can see the Götheborg sailing out of Varbergs harbor.
Celebrating last day of the Portland project by drinking microbrewery beer from Portland I took with me with friends in Varberg. #BridgePort
Two days of work and we got a WiFi access point and a mpd server in this raspberry pi :)
First Homebrew Website Club in Gothenburg #IndieWeb
I want one of those in my size.
I have many good action pictures from the rodeo so I'll be posting them from time to time. Here one guy went under the bull with his head, good thing he had a helmet on, otherwise this could have ended differently.
NEAT, someone took over the place where I had my Guerilla garden last year and planted their own tomatoes there :D
Last beer in Portland, a BrewPort cherry porter.
I like the lightning of the sunset in this one.
#indiewebcamp live demo
It is super difficult to capture it in a picture, but I can attest that the nature in Oregon, USA is breathtaking! Here we were driving down the coast and stopped at a viewpoint. I had to stay and just watch the scenery for a couple of minutes, I couldn't get enough.
On a road trip to the Pacific Ocean. I checked, the water was very cold.
I wasn't allowed on a real bull so I at least had to try the mechanical one on the St Paul Rodeo
Mount Hood shot in the evening from my hotel room in Portland OR, USA.
I have to say that I really love how they design and build their single-family houses here in the US. There is always an awesome veranda in the front where they often have a couch and drink beer with the neighbours. And there obviously is a backyard at the back where you can have your children play safely.
Americans seem to use the offered facilities a lot more often than you'd see back home. There are almost always people playing something outside. So at least here in Portland OR the prejustice about the fat coutch potato american seems to to hold up.
It was fleet week a couple of weeks ago here in Portland OR, USA so we were able to see a couple of quite big war ships like those.
Another sampler.
I bought this beauty yesterday, can't wait to try it out with the rest of the band!
HM I wanted a mango coctail and got a bucket of it because it is happy hour.
Interesting how different the pub culture is in Portland, we're sitting in a breweries own beer garden where they serve only their own brewed beer. They even sell a lot of weird sour beer. Still I counted and There 27 women here and only 17 man.
Sour beer at cascades brewing barrel.
So this is interesting. Douglas Crockford, who is one of the most influential people in the JavaScript community, proposes a way to "upgrade" the web. He'd like to get rid of HTML/CSS/HTTP und build it instead on JSON/Crypto and to my suprise Qt (and I guess he actually means QML). Since I've started at Pelagicore I really have seen the light, it is like Douglas says it in his talk, HTML/CSS was invented to markup articles, it just doesn't do well in application development and we should not force it to do that, there are much better alternatives.
They have a nice collection of "Cooking with Ganja" books here.
Drinking at the brewery is really inexpensive, $4 for a beer with almost 10% and it was really good! With plums which you can taste in it. Sadly only on tap not in a bottle so I could take it with me.
Today after work I went to the Mississippi Marktetplace here in Portland to get some more vegan food from which sadly already closed at 4pm. But on the left of it there was a vegan smoked barbeque where I got this burger like thing which tasted really smoked.
Best food I've eaten in Portland yet! I just was at this vegan restaurant Aaron recommended. It had real and different flavors, not just grease as most of the things I had here in Portland before. I'm definitely impressed an will test the other vegan restaurants he has on his list
We got some cycles and went a big round to the corners of Portland where we found a real american sportsbar. We got cold towels, had chicken wings and beer and went back.
OMG I'm so excited! I just startend up my Amiga with the new cable and the original Workbench diskette and it simply started and works without problems. Last time I booted this maschine was 1995.
Preparing for a Amiga play afternoon reboot.
Yesterday was Buddhas birthday so we went to the Jogyesa Temple in Seoul to celebrate it. It was beautifully decorated with thousends of laterns, as seen in the background, but also they build those awesome big statues out of paper with light in them. There were at least 80 of them and they showed stations in Buddhas life.
A warrior guards a gate.
How much more clear could they be: "No Photo!"
In the middle of Seoul there is the small Bukchon Hanok Village where they still have the traditional houses with the funny roofs and everything. People still live there, even though it is a tourist attraction.
We visited some palace and a school class was there too.
There are really many cafes in Seoul, and one particular thing stands out they have them (but also restaurants) often at the 1st floor of a building but it is often quite warm so they still want you to feel like you'd be outside. What they do is to build in really humangous windows which they can fully open like in this picture.
About to taste seven Korean beers for lunch.
Even late in the evening you still can buy awesome streetfood here in Seoul.
We visited the Namdaemun Market in Seoul today where you can get pig feet, looks kind of delicious.
Korean boys try to impress the girls with a k-pop dance cover, it seems to work quite well.
My new ice cream car.
Drinking a Korean ale at the Gentle Surfer bar.
At the design museum.
Cooked chicken soup was quite nice.
Korea seems to have the loudest clubs. It is insane it must be 130 db or something, I'm kind of overwhelmed with how loud it is.
Still jetleging so we woke up 2pm and had a hamburger for breakfast at some hipster place.
Asia seems quite colorful.
Breakfast #2 on our way to Seoul, now in Helsinki.
It's almost 11 am, time for som breakfast.
My parents got themselves a Photovoltaic system for their 60th birthday so they can generate their own electric power. In combination with the new Tesla home battery they could start living off the grid which is sooo cool! I'm really jealous and proud that they invest in our all future! Just awesme!
I just met spiderman.
Finally I got me a new bed! I assume I will sleep like a sultan tonight!
It took me a week to do it but finally I got Firefox OS on my Nexus 5 installed. I compiled it from the master branch and it is really buggy, but my own app FeedMonkey works like a charm on the newest version. I'm satisfied.
Hamburger style from Linas Matkasse (I made it myself with their recipe)
On our way to Karlskrona where we'll take a boat to fish on the sea for six hours!
Another dish from This time it only took me about 35 minutes.
Hackaton with / about 3D printers today.
Brewing the first batch, looks like we'll brew next week again!
Got my touch screen, which I got as a christmas present, working on the Raspberry Pi.
Last time we brewed was over half a year ago, I'm really looking forward to do it again. This time we'll go back to square one, a really plain IPA with no additional flavors.
Meeting our cousin who lives here.
At the pub again.
First day in London with my siblings.
Today I bought this 4pack of Sigtuna IPAs and damn all of them are really great beers!
Selfies were yesterday, the new hotness are groupies at work!
Trying out they say this are 8 lunches for about 50 €, delivered to your doorstep. We'll see how it works for me.
Company event, ice hockey live today!
One of the ugliest casette artworks I've ever seen!
Snowy Gothenburg
I was fast and took a ex colleagues 27" screen after he resigned. What a luxury to have two of them!
Varberg by night, from the roof of my house at about 3:30 am.
Visiting @cjk101010
We got cool hoodies at work, weee!
Finally listening to some Rasmus on my MK2, but I really have to do something with all those cables ...
Long exposure photography.
Great weather today!
Together with my brother we laid laminate at our parents house today.
My father showed me how to make the typical franconian Bratwurst.
On the Christmas market with my family.
A complete page about my band Hoggatah in the local newspaper Hallands Nyheter.
We had a christmas table yesterday at work and secret santa, where you get assined randomely one person you buy a gift for ( for at most 100 SEK. And I won 1000 SEK for the best present, wohoo! I bought beef for 95 SEK and dried it for one week like I describe here and it looked then something like
Hipster hamburger
I found a #Deadmau5 concert in #GoatSimulator and destroyed the party! And yeah, now I'm Deadgoa7!
Interesting, the conductor at the train carries a baton, I wonder how often they have to use it.
A new version of my OS X application "Speaker" is out which reads long texts to you. I added auto recognition of the language of the text
A space ship with a horse? Saber rider Intro:
Wohoo! Perfect, CD and Vinyl Édition Limité, bought on the french Amazon page with help of google translate. Yelle!
Trailerpark Boys board game evening.
One day late but, halloweenparty!
Life is life.
Awesome Linux skills
Hipster hack session at Starbucks (or actually Espresso house).
@cjk101010 I found some Surströmming
We're getting some apples!
I got me some Spirytus from Poland that is highly concentrated ethanol which has been purified by means of repeated distillation. It contains 95% alcohol by volume. You can drink it pure but you have to be really really careful. I flavor it with sloes after the first frost and sugar, it makes a delicious liqueur.
Disco Feever
When I was a kid those bears were one of my favourite candies. Now on vaccation my mother bought me some again, yummy!
My only still living grandparent, he turned 86 this year and I hope to have gotten some of his long living genes.
I'm botteling wine from or own grapes from last year.
Wow september with perfect weather, I didn't expect that for my vaccation. Skål everybody!
Home made blue berry wine! More than delicious!
Lolek i Bolek nowadays we can watch it any time we want on YouTube, not like back in the days only weekdays at 7 o'clock in the evening.
I want something like that at home too!
Cool stuff, someone was really working and extending my basic desktop feed reader FeedTheMonkey, he or she added starring and publishing with nice icons and stuff. I even got some inspiration on how to make my version better. It is a pitty that they never send a pull request.
I'm not sure why but I really love the thick german eggnog.
My first quadcopter is here!
I went home earlier to shoot some pictures at the market. I think it was worth it.
Just build the podcast app I'm using on Android from source and got it running on the Emulator. Perhaps now I will be able to fix some of the bugs which have bugged me from the beginning. Free software yay! It is called AntennaPod btw.
It is raining like hell and for the first time ever here in Sweden I have no electricity at home.
I just cooked my own potatoes which I just got (see One of the rare occations I liked the taste of the potatoes more then of the meat ;)
I planted some potatoes in our front yard and someone cut the green leaves twice with his lawn mower. I had to get them because they wouldn't grow without anything green anymore anyway.
My band @Hoggatah on a Metal compilation, we are in the most extreme of the three CDs of this compilation.
Tomatoes on the way!
Every once in a while one or another friend of mine sends me a photo where they photoshopped me into something, which is really fun :D See also: or or
I lost all my music to a computer sync incident. Luckily I have most of it on CDs or vinyl so I'm ripping everything again.
I'm watching "Halt and catch fire", it is quite cool and I really love the electro theme song.
The weekend is about to start!
Oh yeah, I got through my whole podcast playlist before there were new episodes! Afair the last time I did that was about three years ago.
I finally got me some real studio loudspeakers, two Yamaha HS5. Next step will be a sub-woofer so complement the bass section. And later on I will need a real sound card too.
My terminator look.
Some beer we brew a couple of month ago and Fuggles hops from 2012 for the brown ale I was brewing today.
Filtering of the beer is so painfull today, it takes hour becaus of all the small parts. I'm brewing a brown ale.
I've tasted many of the Dugges beers, they all taste nice and strong, but in so me way they all kind of taste alike.
For the first time I tried to dry beef and look at the colors, so dark and wonderful! It's a shame you can't taste it because it really has its distinct taste. I will need to make more soon.
Right on our office balcony each year we seem to have a seagull mother who protects her young by screaming and shitting on those who go out there.
We've been on a company event yesterday, it was fun and later we even ate polish kiełbasa and drank beer from swedish micro breweries.
The ham I dried last week. I'm slowly getting to the stage where I can almost produce consistent quality.
The most left one is beef, I've haven't tried to dry beef yet so it will be interesting to see how it tastes.
Today is the first time I went to work by car, now on my way home I got into a traffic jam on the highway. Some kind of an accident.
My internet provider here in Sweden is @Bredband2 ( and I am paying them for 100 Mbps down and 100 Mbps up. Now I tested it and I have almost 200 Mbps upload speed which is very cool! The only thing I am still missing is IPv6.
My potato flowes.
It is so cool to live in the future. I'm sitting on the buss on my way home from work and watching the football worldcup in Brasil on my phone in HD quality.
Summer in Varberg and I am cycling again, the weather is perfect !
My tomatoes are still growing, I'm trying to get them out in the sun a lot but we had very strong winds lately. Check out the picture in original size (click on it and then again) it is amazing how much hair this plant has.
It was a long time ago, but todey we have been brewing again!
Labor strike today, so I won't be able to get to work today by train and it is 80km away. Good thing I took my computer with me so I can work from home.
Enjoying home made Schwarzbier we brew a couple of month ago.
Something is wrong with my iMac, the CPU fan runs on 3k rpm even though the temperature is only 50°C
My new Run-D.M.C. inspired Adidas shoes.
Gnome hackaton @Pelagicore
Shoppig beer stuff at Essensspecialisten in Gothenburg.
The book "C++ FAQs" uses the word "automagically" instead of automalically.
I just bought a xbox controller so I can play Chuck with it
It was a long time ago I made me some mozzarella tomatoes sallad.
Taking pictures with the band. Hoggatah!
Sunset & beer
Just because I see those naked legs in the sun pictures everywhere. Those are my legs in jeans on the train after a day in big conference rooms. #justdeveloperthings
This is great, the Koreans still use Windows XP on their laptops.
Ducks in water.
I'm guerrilla gardening again this year, got nice potatoes from a friend and planted them across the street.
I'm about to drink some experimental brew.
Soon it is time to vote for the european parlament.
I assume, while there, we've been one of the toughest gangs in Japan at the time.
I was playing with my camera by the fountain today.
Summer is coming, it is time to finally fix my bicycle.
After getting Plex the Chromecast got much more useful. (posted with my Firefox OS phone)
This is what helped me cure my bronchitis last week. (posted with my iPhone)
Friday burger.
I've implemented photo sharing on my own website. It still needs work, this is the first version.