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IT help for the parents

It should be quick

Posted by Jeena

It's interesting how complicated things get. My parents live in Germany and I live in South Korea, but I do a lot of IT help so I already have set up VNC on my dads computer to make it a bit easier.

I wanted to help my dad to connect WhatsApp on his computer with his phone.

I was thinking on the computer go to web.whatsapp.com and on the phone open WhatsApps -> Settings -> Connect Device, Scann QR Code done.

In reality:

  1. On the computer go to web.whatsapp.com
  2. On the phone Open WhatsApp -> Settings -> Connect Device
  3. No way to scan code, only the help opens automatically
  4. On computer click connect via Phone number
  5. Shows a code to write
  6. On phone no notification arrives
  7. No way to put in the code in WhatsApp
  8. Perhaps camera is down on the phone, reboot phone
  9. No idea what the PIN is
  10. Dad has to find the PUK
  11. 5 minutes later he finds it
  12. Puts in PUK
  13. Phone asks him to put in a new PIN
  14. Which PIN?
  15. I tell him to choose one
  16. He puts in the pin clicks ok
  17. Phone asks him to put in the PUK again
  18. He puts in the PUK
  19. Phone asks him to put in a new PIN
  20. This happens 2 more times, he is ready to give up
  21. I tell him to put the webcam down so I can see the phone on my PC
  22. He fiddles around, gets it done, I see only a white screen, it's too bright
  23. We need more light, the contrast is to extreme for the webcam
  24. He finds a lamp, connects it to the socket and turns it on
  25. I can see the phone screen on the webcam which he is holding sideways, his hand shakes a lot
  26. I tell him to put in the PUK again and he does
  27. I tell him to put the PIN in again and he does
  28. I see phone asks him to put in the new PIN again and tell him to do so
  29. He puts in the new PIN a second time and now it works
  30. We go back to WhatsApp, Settings -> Connect Devices -> Connect -> Help page
  31. I google, someone says that What's app needs to have Camera allowed
  32. I tell dad to call me via Signal and share the screen
  33. He calls me, there is no screen sharing on the phone in Signal
  34. I tell him to call me on WhatsApp instead
  35. I have to get my Phone because I don't have WhatsApp on the PC
  36. Can't find the phone, wife put it somewhere, wake up wife in the process
  37. She tells me where the phone is
  38. Finally dad can call me on WhatsApp
  39. My Battery is only 15%
  40. Dad shares screen with me
  41. We try to figure out how to check if WhatsApp can access cammera
  42. Settings -> hm what now? we try Commandcenter
  43. Nope, this is clearly wrong, I tell dad to go back
  44. He clicks repeatedly on reset Commandcenter I tell him to cancel, he clicks again, I tell him to cancel
  45. I tell him to go back at the top left corner
  46. I tell him to scroll down, we find Applications
  47. I tell him to click on it, he can't find it, then he finds it and clicks
  48. There is a long list with applications I tell hem to scroll down
  49. Sroll more, even more, it's alphabetically sorter, scroll all the way down to WhatsApp
  50. He scrolls down, WhatsApp appears, click on it, he does
  51. I can see WhatsApp already has access to the camera
  52. I have no idea why it doesn't let him to scan the QR code and just shows him the help page
  53. I tell him we need to give up for today because it's already 11:30pm
  54. We give up and say good night

Perhaps it unstucks somehow itself tomorrow ...

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