My name is Jeena. I'm a software engineer, my email address is hello@jeena.net.
I live in South Korea, brew beer, dry meat, play metal and develop games and other software. I'm a hobby photographer and use Mastodon and Lemmy.
This website is divided in several parts:
There is the blog for longer essays, I post short notes which are kind of like tweets and I post photos, you can think of it like my private Instagram.
Want to know more about me? Read it on the about page.
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What's new?
We went to a rock concert and there was a nice sunset behind it. The band playing was SURL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCusgx41tqk
Being a parent is a lot of work, here is an idea for a AI which would help with it.
School and Kindergarten send out a lot of emails, information letters, etc. with a lot of text, in my case even in a language I don't speak. Most if it is nice to know but some parts need real action from the parents like buying some special clothes for special occasions, or signing up your child for something, or even joining for a meeting, etc. They assume that the parents read everything so there is no special "action required" label to make sure you see that one.
So my thinking is that you could feed the AI with all of this incoming information and it could filter and categorize it and slap on labels like "action required" to it to make sure you as a parent read it. It could also give you some summary of it to make it easier to decide.
In Japan
My vacation in Japan with Luna.
How to make friends
outside of school
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