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I was on my phone listening to the WTF podcast in AntennaPod with Marc Maron and he mentioned this movie "Past Lives" which I have never heard of before. So I opened Firefox (where I have uBlock origin installed) and googled it and checked out the IMDB page and watched the trailer. Then I closed the page.

Half an hour later I was thinking perhaps to find a new show to watch on Netflix. So I open it on my phone and open my account and in full screen it advertises the "Past Lives" movie for me to watch!

Even though I know technically that they are watching me and selling my data to advertisers, but this is a first one for me being so extremely direct.

I got the chills, don't want to watch anything on Netflix anymore for now.


How the turntables...

Our little one is now 19 months old. In the first year, I was home with him and put him to bed about 90% of the time. It was always difficult and took a while, but it was a good time, just the two of us.

But for the past three months, he's been in daycare for about 6 hours a day. I take him there around 10 a.m., and his mom picks him up at 4 p.m. Over time, his mom started putting him to bed more often because I sometimes have meetings in the evening.

Now, only his mom is allowed to put him to bed. If I even hint that it’s bedtime, he runs straight to her. But it's still difficult and sometimes takes up to two hours. Sometimes his mom has had enough and calls me to take over, like today.

As soon as he realizes she has left the room, he starts crying terribly. None of my old tricks work anymore. Carrying him doesn’t help, holding him on my lap doesn’t work, cuddling is out of the question, and the pacifier flies across the room if I even bring it close to him. Drinking isn't interesting either.

Today, he screamed into my ear for 20 minutes straight until his mom couldn’t take it anymore and came back into the bedroom. But thanks to my effort in getting him to scream for 20 minutes, he fell asleep with his mom in the room within 5 minutes.

Being a dad is not always easy.


Ten years ago I added the "Notes" section to my website which replaced my Twitter usage. I never got around to implement pagination so all the notes are just on the one index page https://jeena.net/notes

I checked how big it is, so it's 831 kB with the HTML and only 338 kB as plain text.

So 10 years of micro-blogging fits in 338 kB, pretty cool.


Being a parent is a lot of work, here is an idea for a AI which would help with it.

School and Kindergarten send out a lot of emails, information letters, etc. with a lot of text, in my case even in a language I don't speak. Most if it is nice to know but some parts need real action from the parents like buying some special clothes for special occasions, or signing up your child for something, or even joining for a meeting, etc. They assume that the parents read everything so there is no special "action required" label to make sure you see that one.

So my thinking is that you could feed the AI with all of this incoming information and it could filter and categorize it and slap on labels like "action required" to it to make sure you as a parent read it. It could also give you some summary of it to make it easier to decide.


I was excited to learn about two new terminal emulator app which seemed to have a lot of cool new features, warp and wave. Then I looked closer and found that both are a no go for me.

Warp is closed source and you need to create an account to use your terminal. Jebus Christus, no, thanks, but no.

Wave is an Electron app. While that's better than not having a Linux version, I've seen how Electron apps behave. They are the ones which hog all memory and get killed by the OS first. So that's a no from me too.

I guess I keep my Tilix for now.


We took our 1,5 years old to a small water park. He was probably the youngest there. But he was so extremely brave and did yeverything by himself, sliding down the long slide, going under the water fountains, running and falling into the water, etc.

There was a boy perhaps double his age who was very caucious and held on to his granddad's hand all the time and so on. You could see that he was kind of embarrised when he saw our boy doing every thing by himself and having so much fun.

So the boy also got inspired to let his grandpa go and try to have more fun by himself. When he was going up the wide stairs to the slide our boy was faster and wanted to go around him. The other boy didn't want that and tried to push down our boy. But instead of whining or crying our boy pointed with his finger at the other one and said: "No!" like he usually talks to our cat.

And while the other boys grandparents also told him not to push others he stopped and they both went up.

Anyway, it's so great to see how our boy learns the social interactions and is so self-confident that he doesn't even need our help in those difficult situations.



Going by car from Pangyo to Seoul (ca. 30km) does not make any sense in the morning at 9am. The bus has it's own lane and it takes about 40 minutes and by car 1h 11 min, almost twice as long.


I was just researching and watching a video about robot vacuum cleaners: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9D677jDPeAs The features are all well and so, but what I'm lacking from all of those videos is information about reliability.

I had a Roomba one for 11 years and while it didn't have almost any features and just randomly ran around the floor it got the job done for 11 years just by replacing the battery and the brushes a couple of times. I was very happy with it.

Then I bought one of those Xiaomi Lydsto S1 ones with very cool features, an app and self emptying bin, lidar, mopping with water and so on. It was a terrible experience, every one or two weeks it would forget the mapping and would need to do it again and me setting up the areas where it should not go every time. The App was terrible and I started closing the door to some rooms and vacuuming by hand there because it was easier than setting up the barriers so often in the app. The connection to HomeAssistant needed a very hacky solution which would break all the time, no local connection, only through the cloud. And then finally after a year it stopped charging. I cleaned all the contacts, I replaced the battery (which helped for one month) and sometimes when you pushed it manually against the charging metal strips it would charge, but sometimes not. So in the end shortly after one year we threw it away and do the vacuuming by hand which is shit work but at least works.

I think my next one will be a Roomba again, I just hope that packing them full of features didn't make them shit.


At university when we struggled with Matlab and the professor told us that we need to become good at it to get a job we laughed at him and told him that nobody in the industry uses Matlab for anything anymore and he should update himself on how people in the industry work!

That was 15 years ago, now I'm seeing Matlab on every other step in the automobile industry. In autonomous drive, in AUTOSAR like https://www.matlabexpo.com/content/dam/mathworks/mathworks-dot-com/company/events/conferences/matlab-expo-korea/2024/kr-expo-2024-hyundai-autosar-mobilgene.pdf and so on.

So sorry for not believing in Matlab back then.


I was about 30 years old when I talked to my mother about some program on TV about astronomy when she mentioned that our sun is a star. It's like all the other stars we see during the night, it's just closer to us so it appears bigger. My mind was blown. I didn't understand how I could live for 30 years and never thought this thought.

Yesterday my and our 10 years old were talking about the universe and things in it, and I mentioned to her that our sun is just a star like all the other ones we see during the night. I saw that her mind was as blown as mine was back when my mom told me this fact.

Actually even in the song "Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are." it encourages us to think about this fact, but it took me 30 years to do so.

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Our son surprises us with what he is capable of time and time again. He is almost 1 and a half years old and he has one of those toys where you press a button and it plays a story. It's in Korean and I like the "빨간 모자" (Little Red Riding Hood) story so I set it up to play this one when he plays with it.

Anyway, we were sitting on the bed and he had a towel over his head and I mentioned he looks like Little Red Riding Hood, and then his mom started telling the beginning of the story. He went down from the bed and left the room, we assumed that it was too boring with us.

But shortly after he came back with the previously mentioned toy and told us to turn it on so he could listen to the story.

When they're so small you always wonder what they understand and what not. Here he not only understood the story, but remembered that this specific toy is telling the same story and he remembered where he put it and brought it and made himself clear he want's us to turn on this story. Does that count as partially abstract thinking?


So Microsoft stole my Minecraft account. I bought three times Minecraft, one for me and two for children I wanted to play with, and that was when it was still Mojang. Then Microsoft bought it and they changed the login to a Microsoft login. I tried to migrate our accounts a coupple of times but it never worked for some reason. Then I didn't have time to play it and just let it go. Now I can't login to the game I bought and I can't migrate my account either.

Mind you this is a offline game I'm playing on my own computer, I'm not using any of Microsofts servers for it. Now I wonder if there is a way to steal it back. I sure as hell will not pay them a second time.


I'm a big white guy living in Korea. I've been walking daily the same route about 9 km to get our daughter from school and bring her to afterschool.

Normally I have her little brother in a strawler with me but he nowadays is in a dayvare at that time and I'm getting him afterwards.

Today close to the school a older woman started talking to me and asking me where I left the cute baby I normally have with me, if he is asleep or something. I've never seen her before but she seems to have seen me many times walking there with the strawler.

Like they say: "The monkey knows no one, but everyone knows the monkey."


Every time a new version of #Lemmy comes out it brings my whole server down because it uses so many more resources. And then it takes me days to optimize and fix things so it's on a OK level.

Without Lemmy the load on the server with about 7 services incl. mastodon, PeeTube, several PHP sites and my Ruby on Rails site is only 0.5 but when I start Lemmy it's at least 10 but more often 13 and above. Then it hoggs all the resources and my other services go down.

So I spent 4 hours today fiddeling with it but had to turn it off for the rest of the day.


My son is 15 months and very interested in technology. He just figured out how to remove the child safety plugs from the power sockets which I installed everywhere|re in the house.


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It's frustrating to live in a world where streaming is the main way to consume music. I found this German band from Berlin called "Von Wegen Lisbeth" because of their son "Wenn du tantzt" which has great music and great text: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2JRghbgeYw

So I was thinking, it would be cool to buy the Album so I can listen to it. I normally buy and listen to albums not singles. But where do you buy it digitally? I don't want a CD or Vinyl because I live in Korea and I will need to move and don't want to deal with physical media.

I thought, in the past I found music on Bandcamp, so I went there and found https://vonwegenlisbeth.bandcamp.com but there they only sell their first album which doesn't have the song on it.

On their website https://www.vonwegenlisbeth.de/ they link to a shop where you can seemingly buy all their albums: https://krasserstoff.com/vonwegenlisbeth#merchcat-vonwegenlisbeth-musik butonly on Vinyl and CD, not for download.

Then I thought perhaps I could just pirate it, but the band seems to be too small, they don't show up on The Pirate bay.

I checked Spotify and all their albums are there, but I don't want to pay a subscription every month.

Isn't it weird that you can't buy a digital copy of a bands music? Where do people buy music digital copies nowadays?


Today, the smartwatch shows 1 hour and 37 minutes of sleep. The little one had a slight fever and kept waking up. He woke up again before I could fall asleep from the previous waking ^^. At least we could let Mom sleep a bit more after we moved to the living room with the crib ^^.


Now that the little one can walk, it’s getting pretty tough to be alone with him all day, five days a week. He does so many mischievous things all day. He:

  • Puts his hand in the toilet
  • Throws the cat’s food everywhere
  • Tips over the cat’s water
  • Climbs onto the kitchen table
  • Climbs onto the computer desk
  • Tries to hack into my computer
  • Turns off the dryer
  • Explores the contents of the diper trashcan
  • Turns on the washing machine
  • Eats cat food
  • Empties all the recycling trashcans on the floor
  • Empties the clothes cupboard and throws everything on the floor
  • Whips the cat
  • Chases the cat
  • Scolds the cat
  • Throws food on the floor
  • Chews on his outdoor shoes
  • And so on

And he does each thing over and over again all day long, relentless, like a Terminator.


The only time I have to watch a movie is when our baby is asleep. But then I can't have it as loud as it needs to be to hear the dialogue because when there is a action scene it suddenly gets so loud that it wakes up the baby. So I have to have subtitles on which is very annoying. I wish there was some AI thing which would take over my tedious work to lowering the volume when there is a action scene and making it louder when there is dialogue. But I don't even know what to search for. The best would be if I could run it on the Chromecast but I'd take it running on the computer too.


I speak 4 languages, English, Swedish, German an Polish. At work in Swrden our office language was English because so many people from all over the world worked together. I was a consultant at the customers office. There was another consultant from Poland visiting the customer and after a heated meeting he sat down at his desk, which was adjesent to mine and called his collegues in Poland. Ha basically said that those Swedes are so stupid, they want us to use 9 women to give birth to the baby in one month instead of 9 months, without realizing that I could understand everything. I had to work hard to not burst out in loughter.


I’ve been living in Korea for about three and a half years now. I have the language around me, my partner and her daughter speak it at home. But for some reason I am not learning anything from being exposed to it for such a long time.

I tried using apps like Duolingo, Drops, etc. but practically nothing really stuck, perhaps a word here or there. I watched Korean Dramas with English subtitles, but because the order of the words in a Korean sentence is the opposite to English I would never be able to know which word is which.

Two month ago I saw some Korean Teacher advertising 1-1 teaching of Korean so I decided to try it and to pay for help, because I feel I’m really stuck. Now after 2 months she expressed frustration about my progress. She asked me why it’s so slow, if it’s the first time I’m learning a new language (no, this is my 5th language I’m learning).

It’s very frustrating. I feel I invest a lot of the little free time I have into it and it’s embarrassing how little I have to show for it. The Korean words are so totally different from the words in my other Languages (Polish, German, Swedish, English) that they more often than not blend together and I remember and hear mostly gibberish.

I always hated learning grammar and vocabulary in every language. And somehow with the other languages I magically got to a level where I would just be exposed to the language and could watch TV and talk to people and would get better at it without much effort.

But Korean proves to be very difficult for me to get to this point. I get that I only will get there with consistency and a lot of grinding, there seems no other way for me.


Not that it really was in the last decade or so, but Facebook is now so overrun with AI bots that it's difficult to find posts of real people. For one, real people already stopped posting on their timelines many years ago and went into private groups, so Facebook allows the bots to have at least some kind of new content when someone logs in.

Sadly I can see a lot of older people failing to recognize the bots and scams and I see them engage with them and being confused when the bots don't respond like humans.



MKBHD - Do Bad Reviews Kill Companies?

My take on this is no they don't. As long as they are truthful they only report on the quality of the product and prevent many people of spending a lot of money from losing it by buying something that doesn't work.

If your product is shit your company does not deserve to be shielded from the backlash, this is the core of (classic) capitalism after all.


I'm looking to offload my Mastodon, PeerTube and Lemmy media files to a object storage. Today was my first attempt with Storj. They even have a handy documentation https://docs.storj.io/dcs/third-party-tools/mastodon and offer 25GB for free.

But it was a fail, because they have something they call "Segments" and after uploading 1GB of my 15GB I already get the error: "You have reached your project segment limit."

And even with the paid version they want money for the Segments and it seems small files will be very expensive. Will try a different service next time.

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I'm trying out a Samsung Galaxy S7 tablet with a keyboard case and the S-pen. It's really close to the phone from a operating system perspective. The positive is that all the phone Android apps work on it. I mostly use free and open source apps, but some propriatary I have to use like the one for connecting to my Sony A7C camera. The bad thing is that it's not really a desktop OS, that means that none of the keyboard shortcuts which I use constantly work and I always need to touch the screen to do the simplest things.


The whole AI bullshit seems not to go away and many big corporations announce to shift focus towards AI. I guess it's time to at least look into what that would practically mean so that I can educate myself about how to do any work with it just in case I have to look for a new job.


I found a nice way to handle my private todo tasks and share them between my computers and phone:

  • Radicale (CalDav server, implements todo)
  • Errands (libadvaita app for GNOME, syncs with CalDav)
  • Tasks.org (installed via F-Droid without subscription, app for Android)

It's pretty neat, works with subtasks, colors, tags, and my family and private calendar.

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I'm looking into the possibility to move my personal notes from NextCloud to CalDav, it seems to have the possibility to store notes with and without dates and also todo lists. The todo lists can be used nicelly in HomeAssistant too.

But the GNOME Notes app doesn't sync to CalDav :( Evolution does though, but it's so bulky.


Nice, I'm back down on 25 EUR / month for hosting all my services. But with the latest update of Lemmy it hogs so many more resources than before that I had to temporarily stop Nextcloud which is the biggest resource hog on my server. I'm only using it for address book and calendar, I should find a better replacement for it.


Now we are back in Korea after a 3 week vaccation at my parents in Germany. It was so nice that they finally could meet their grandson for the first time. We had so much fun we went swimming with the children a lot, we ate amazing food amd my fiance wasn't pregnant like last time so she also enjoyed it a lot this time around. We even visited the famous christmas market in Nürnberg!


Covid changed even #Influenza testing. Yesterday I went to the doctor here in #Korea because I was feeling sick for over 3 days already and they asked if I want a test. I didn't quite understand for what and thought it's necessary so I said yes. It was the same as for Covid, they tickle your brain with a stick through your nose. After 5 minutes the test came back negative, I don't have Influenza. They charged me $28, I guess most of it was for the test itself, the rest should have been covered by my insurance.


It's kind of obvious but still, since the birth of my son, 98% of the pictures I take are of him. But because I don't want to post pictures of him online I kind of stopped posting my own pictures. I think I should sometimes go out to take some other pictures but I kind of lack the time.


I was listening to the American military radio here in Korea and they invited soldiers to donate blood with some exceptions:

  • if you've been shorter than 30 days in Korea
  • if you got a tatoo in the last 6 months
  • if you lived in Europe for more than 5 years

I really wonder what happened to someone who lived in Europe for more than 5 years which triggered this particular exception.


I have the problem that my #PeerTube instance is hosted in Germany where also half of my family is. The other half - including me - lives in South Korea and we experience a lot of loading time. Oh and most of the videos are private (internal in PeerTube speech), not public.

I am trying to figure out which options I have to somehow resolve it for both sides of the family. The only thing I can think of right now is some kind of CDN but that's difficult with the private videos and probably costs a lot of money.


I found a super interesting video about a German woman who married a traditional Maasai guy but instead them moving to Germany she moved in with him into the village in Tanzania with no running water. Now after 10 years there she wrote a book and a film crew visited her:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PemEnz1YOr4 (turn on subtitles for English)


Our Samsung dishwasher broke after about 2 years. It stopped pumping out the water. I already checked that it's not something stuck somewhere in a hose or in the pump itself, but everything looks good. My guess is that it's the pump itself which stopped working.

Getting someone to fix it is apparently very cheap here in Korea, but the big problem is that are fully booked for the next 2 weeks. So I guess I'll have to look into it myself deeper and perhaps try to measure the pump itself and get a new one or something like that.


I wish there would be a way for #PeerTube to somehow do redundancy even for internal, private and unlisted videos not only for public ones. My server is in Germany but when I upload some internal video it's often meant for the family which is spread between central Europe and Korea. So here in Korea we often experience a lot of buffering.


I only heard the word Kibbutz the first time that Hamas started attacking them so I assumed that those are either houses or farms specific to the Jewish population in Israel. But they seem to be more similar to Soviet Kolkhozes but extended to all facetts of life, not only farming.


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I had no idea that you could download movies from the 90ies from https://archive.org

I couldn't find the Flintstones movie from 1994 anywhere but googling it I found it here https://archive.org/details/the-flintstones_202304 and you can either download it via torrent or directly. On top of it it says that the movie is CC0 which means Public Domain. But that can't really be, it's only 29 years old.


I broke my matrix server federation while moving it to a new server. First I didn't realize it, until a friend pointed it out. But now I won't have time to fix it for the next one to two weeks.


I went to Israel https://jeena.net/pods/20 and Palestine a couple of years ago, when I first arrived in Jerusalem and heard the air raid sirens I was so afraid and asked my AirBnb host where the shelters are where we should go because rockets are coming. He told me to relax and that I don't have to be afraid that normally no rockets make it to Jerusalem ...

I also went to Hebron and talked to a lot of people there for my podcast https://jeena.net/pods/21, and they tell about their horrible situation anyone who would listen - but sadly nobody cares. I came to the conclusion:

> There’s no outcome where they win.

The only way for peace in that region is when Israel finally does their genocide and annihilates all Palestinians. Not because they deserve any of it, but only because they are so much stronger and there is just nothing the Palestinians can do. Nobody from the outside cares and they know it. It is getting even more obvious now that more Arab countries are moving on and try to normalize ties with Israel.

So many of them have been living in a concentration camp for several generations, it's just beyond sad.

But I have also to say that in the north, especially in Nazareth https://jeena.net/pods/22, for some reason both Palestinians and Jews live in quite OK peace together, they wear the same clothes, they eat the same food, you wouldn't even be able to point out who is who there.

I realize many people will be mad about my comment, that's OK, it's a very confusing conflict there which has been going on for probably thousands of years already.

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Searching for #PeerTube in #Bing and thus #DuckDuckGo gives zero results. Bind mentions that "The search result may have adult contents has been filtered." and that "age verification is required". While DuckDuckGo just shows zero results.

I understand that there might be PeerTube instances with adult content in the search results but I don't believe all of them have adult content. I know mine does not.


I installed SmartTube on the TV and oh boy is this software great! I did it to get SponsorBlock (I'm already paying YouTube premium to get rid of ads), but that is by far not the only feature I love about it.

  • flexible time hiding the UI of a video (have it to 1 sec now)
  • not showing UI when pausing
  • way faster scrolling
  • instant loading
  • way faster account switching
  • instant voice search

But there is one feature missing, changing the search language. We speak combined 7 languages at home and it's impossible to search anything other than in english which is really annoying.


I had a hard time setting up the new sync server for Firefox which is written in Rust because the documentation is very bad.

After a lot of try and error and reading comments of people in the issue tracker I finally was able to set it up and run it successfully.

Mostly for my future self, but perhaps it also helps other people I documented it with help of a README and a docker-compose.yaml which makes it easy for me to upgrade if necessary and also to store all the other config files with examples.



Literary for the first time in my life I got interested in one of the content creators ad read (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bs8iehKmU4U&t=409s) on YouTube. I use SponsorBlock (https://sponsor.ajay.app/) for the reason that each one of the ad reads just wastes my time.

Anyway he talked about a website where you can buy and sell your camera gear. And because my D600 broke down a couple of month ago I wanted to see if I could sell my lenses for it because they don't fit on my Sony. And I was able to put them in to their system but then at the end it said that they operate in Japan but not in South Korea ...

So again wasted time on an Ad.


I really hope someone can invent some technology to charge stuff on the go without cables. Every day I at least have to charge my phone and my smart watch and the laptop. Then often I have to charge the headphones and then also the camera in the most appropriate moments when I want to film something.


A month ago I tried a week of fasting https://tube.jeena.net/w/hSpSWFhcCMwVUtBq1CdZJQ and it went very well. Now I'm on my 5th day of the second try of a week fast. Last time it was surprisingly easy (other than on the last day), this time it feels even more easy. Let's see how it will be on the last day this time :D


I wish Lemmy had the Mastodon functionality to create your own lists of communities. I have a couple of them which are very low volume but I'm very interested in seeing each and every post there. Right now I have to remember them and go to them specifically once every couple of days to check if there are new posts there.


In my neighborhood a bridge collapsed and killed a pedestrian.


Now they're trying to fix the other bridges, but it's not easy.


I watched #Oppenheimer today, it was not bad I liked it, especially the cinemography. But somehow I was expecting a lot of nerdy physics science like in the Martian, but it was mostly politics.


When it comes to the #fediverse I'm more active on #Lemmy than #Mastodon because it fits more how I want to discover content and engage with it, it's more similar to old forums than to Twitter.

Last week was quite tourbulent with regards to defederation: https://fediversereport.com/last-week-in-the-fediverse-episode-31/

I'm all for every admin deciding what's best to de-federate from their server, but I really dislike that people are trying to influence other servers through shaming them for not de federating from the same servers as them.

That's the whole point of the fediverse so that I can decide myself who I want to engage with and who not, if every server has de federated from the same list of other servers what's the point of the fediverse?


I just did a one week water fast and recorded a video summarizing my experience https://tube.jeena.net/w/hSpSWFhcCMwVUtBq1CdZJQ

It was easier than expected and had very positive effects.


Slowly moving all my webservices from one server to another because years ago I made the mistake that I didn't use LVM and now I'm constantly battling with having too little space on my root directory. Because of that at least once a week some or several of my services go down.

I probably could fix it somehow, but moving things between servers is also an interesting exercise in if you still understand what you set up several years ago. Especially because I'm doing it manually, without ansible or similar tools.


I wish letsencrypt would develop some kind of a export script which would help you moving certificates from one server to another.

[edit:] Because I can't really wait for that to happen, I wrote a small shell script which does exactly that: https://gist.github.com/jeena/af2636734c02d6bce826d96171b36f6a


There is only one thing I'm using the touch screen on my laptop, it's when I have to sign some papers then I open it in GIMP, sign it with black or blue with help of the touch screen and then I save it again and send it back.


Check out me playing a Shogun in a traditional Japanese theater: https://tube.jeena.net/w/9UXCrz7JJgGVGz7foGhXET


I copied all the home videos from the 90ies from my private account an YouTube to my PeerTube instance. Now it won't matter if YouTube deletes the account if I don't use it for two years.

I also have those videos backed up on my dads computer on a separate hard drive, but it's always difficult to get to it.


Ok, now I felt that I haven't been using reddit and Twitter for quite some time so it was kind of easier to delete my accounts which I had there since 2006 and 2008 respective.


Firefox' "Reader View" is so good, I wish I could surf some specific websites automatically with it, especially news articles and some blogs.


Once you move out of Europe you start realizing how bad the #beer situation is (OK probably with the exception of the US). I'm not drinking much beer but all the Asian Lagers are just ... I'd rather drink water.


I wanted to scroll on #Twitter to exhaust my 800 tweets for reading, but it's too much uninteresting stuff there so I couldn't do it.


People who want to #federate with #Meta, I'm struggling with understanding why. Why is it so important to use your #Mastodon software to talk to them. Doesn't #Instagram and #Facebook have a by far superior native user experience? And it can be already used today.

If the goal is to connect all the surveillance-capitalism social networks with one protocol, isn't #bluesky a far superior alternative to do that?


God damn it, I got #covid again, the third time. I'm isolating in the bedroom and hoping that I didn't give it to the rest of the family because then we'll need to cancel our trip to Japan.


I was listening to some songs by the band Hatebreed and two songs have kind of profoundly positive lyrics:


If you want to make a difference in the world it means
You have to be different from the world you see


If you think you should judge someone
Start with yourself
If you want to take control
Start with yourself
Something you see needs respect
Start with yourself
And if you want to change the world, you have to
(Start with yourself)


Introduction to #Fediverse #Reddit alternatives: #Lemmy, #kbin

I'm showing you around how it looks on my instance and how to find communities, etc.



Now that I more often come to the computer with the baby in my arms, it was always very difficult to put in the password, because I need both hands for it. It's complicated and long and I only can put it in blindly with finger muscle memory.

This is when I remembered that my XPS 13 has a finger print reader. So I set it up now and I'm finally able to unlock it with one hand, and than with this one hand I can use the mouse also :D


Now that #reddit is going away I finally installed a #fediverse alternative #lemmy for myself: https://jemmy.jeena.net/post/50


The Great Firewall of China is an interesting thing from a technical point of view. My fiance was on a business trip for 3 days in China and as long as she used her Korean SIM card with roaming everything worked well. But then she bought a Chinese SIM card and suddenly things started going very weird.

  • In Matrix she could see my messages - and mind you it's end-to-end encrypted and we are both on my private server running in Germany - but all her messages arrived and couldn't be decrypted.
  • In Signal none of her messages arrived in Korea.
  • Same with the Korean KakaoTalk, non of the messages arrived.
  • SMS didn't arrive either.

I was very worried because for half a day I couldn't get hold of her.

I really wonder how they do it, KakaoTalk, Signal and SMS I have some ideas, but how did they interfere with the communication between her iPhone and my Matrix server in Germany? It's a super small server, only 4 users on it.


This #reddit #blackout is quite impressive. Out oh habbit I've been opening it and within hours not much new is showing up. If it'd stay like this nobody would use it


YouTube just showed me two videos side by side:

  1. Will AI destroy your job?
  2. Germany has (skilled) worker shortage

So yeah, I guess it'll take some time until we're of jobs.


I wanted to install either lemmy or /kbin today. Both want me to use docker. Both then run a second http-server and a second database which I already have running. It seems it will not be so easy to install one of them alongside all my other services on the server.


For the next three days I'm a single parent for the first time with a baby, because my fiancé is on a business trip. I just hope he will not miss his mom too much. I prepared the iPad so they can video chat :D


Because I see new Mastodon struggling with that and it's not so straight forward to explain in text, I recorded a video explaining 3 Ways to Follow People from Other Instances on Mastodon:


I hope it helps newcomers and when you see someone struggling understanding this, please share that video with them.


PeerTube Admin 26: Distributed (Remote) Transcoding in 5.2.0 https://tube.jeena.net/w/tf1y2WtGdJNKpCWnDYNrVM


I recorded a video about how I curate the feeds on my Mastodon account and how newcomers can avoid the analysis paralysis when choosing an instance by making it insignificant for their experience:



I have two laptops my XPS 13 from Dell and a Lenovo Ideapad. Normally I always do video editing on the XPS 13 but it's a bit slow and cumbersome so I was wondering how it would work on the Ideapad.

Oh man it's so much worse, so frustrating to do anything in Kdenlive. Now I wonder if I'd have a desktop computer with a semi powerful graphics card if the difference between it and the XPS 13 would be the same, that would be such an amazing jump in convenience!

But I wonder how much I'd need to invest to build a tower with a ok graphics card ...

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I want to try to watch the best movie from each country. Someone already made a list https://www.imdb.com/list/ls057400280/ Somehow I'm mostly stuck on Hollywood, Korean and Japanese movies, but there are so many countries out there, I hope I can learn something about the world by doing it. And I hope the movies are not too bad. If a movie is too boring then I will just skip it :D

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I wish there was a browser plugin which would remove anything about Elon Musk from any website I'm visiting. Somehow his remarks are getting more and more stupid.


For some reason from time to time I still log in to Facebook to see if someone from Germany or Sweden has posted something from their lifes. I'm disapointed every time becauso nobody is posting anything private anymore. Instead like 50% of the posts are "Suggested for you" posts which I really don't care for and it makes me want to log out imediatelly.

Anyway I found https://www.fbpurity.com/ which after installation removes all the "Suggested for you" posts and then I can stand staying and scrolling on the site for 5 minutes in the hope that someone posted something about their life, but in 99.9% of times nobody does.


If you use GNOME then I would like to propose you add https://thisweek.gnome.org/ to your RSS reader. And not only for the new posts, but I'm going back in time through the posts and there so many nice applications showcased which I had no idea existed. The nice thing is that they always also add some screenshots of what is new, etc.


I went through and cleaned up my RSS feeds, my categorization was that everything which has not been posting since 2020 would go into an archive. I had to move 108 feeds into the archive. And left are 101 feeds. I guess I should start looking for new blogs.

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I'm still trying to figure out how to render very simple HTML + CSS in a WebView in a Gnome application with GTK4 and libadvaita. About a month ago I asked ChatGTP to help me and it failed, but it was at least kind of on the right way. Today I asked Bard and it really didn't understand the context in which we were.

I first asked how to do it and it replied with some suggestions, then I asked for a more lightweight solution and it replied with Servo: https://servo.org/ which was something new for me, so I asked how to use this Servo crate in a Gnome application and it gave me example code which showed getters and setters for position and speed. Clearly it misunderstood servo for a servo motor.

I don't get how anyone can get anything done when it comes to programming with the current AI tools. It takes so much longer to make it understand what you want compared to just using a search engine and the documentation.


Thanks to a responsible disclosure I learned some new attack vector today which I really never paid any attention to. Make sure your private .git directories aren't accessible via your web server otherwise you could expose everything including passwords stored in that repository.

  • https://example.com/.git/config
  • If you go to this URL, you will get 200 OK instead of 403 Forbidden response.
  • This means that all of the files inside the repository URL in your config file are decodable via unpacking GIT objects.
  • Since it's an open listing, all of the git objects (commits) can be downloaded and extracted (SHA-1) with knowledge of python or bash.

I added this to my Nginx config files:

location ~ /\.(?!well-known\/) {
    deny all;


Fiancé went back to work after 2.5 month and I started my paternal leave at the same time. I really like it even though there so many things to do at home. But the best part is the afternoon nap together with the baby, so cosy and relaxing, I love it!


PeerTube Admin Chronicals #25:

Watching internal and private PeerTube videos on the TV (Google TV or Chromecast) with help of the "Web Video Caster" app from iOS or Android.



There is one thing which is better on YouTube compared to PeerTube, You can use Sponsor Block https://sponsor.ajay.app/ on YouTube to jump automatically over embedded ads in videos on YouTube but you have to do it manually on PeerTube.


A lot of YouTubers are switching to Davinci Resolve and it's available for Linux so I wanted to check it out. But it seems that it's not working on my Dell XPS 13 with only a integrated graphics card.


The reactions to the Rust foundations changes to their trademark policy remind me strongly of the same happening in the Tent (the protocol -> https://github.com/tent) community. That was the beginning of the end of this community. I had to change my Tent client name from Tentia to Bungloo (see https://github.com/jeena/Bungloo/commit/5d8e114b7cba638a3d002324a3613cb6d43041a8) which wasn't really a big deal but it gave us a glimpse of the future of how the founders would deal with the community in the future.

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I saw that GNOME Web supports synchronization of bookmarks, passwords, etc. from Firefox and even supports self hosted sync servers so I wanted to try it out as an alternative browser. But once I synchronized I realized that the bookmarks UI of GNOME Web is terrible. There is no hierarchy, just a flat super long list of all the bookmarks.


Today we went out for a walk the first time with the little one because finally the air quality was not terrible anymore. He is already one month old.

I also bought a gimble for my camera and tried to record this walk. It was a one hour walk and I had to carry it the whole time and both my arms were so tired afterwards. But the footage is nice and smooth, I really like it.


I bought a new camera, the Sony A7C https://tube.jeena.net/w/uAoBvdNjCd4v69EP3Cz5CD which produces the Sony Alpha Raw (ARW) files. Sadly I'm not getting thumbnails for them in #Nautilus nor can I quickly preview them with Eye of GNOME. I guess I'll need to create some feature requests.


Mask mandate will be lifted soon in Korea from public transportation, etc. only in hospitals you'll still need it.

But because the air pollution is so bad in Seoul people still for the most part wear masks outside. https://www.iqair.com/us/south-korea/seoul

covid #airpollution #korea


I went through hundreds of CVs in my professional life and today was the first time that something from the category "Interests and activities" has switched my mind from a "No" to a "Yes" if we should invite that person to an interview.

One of the must haves for this role is experience with physical product development from a DevOps point of view. This person has been working in IT, Health (databases), ADC, where they only worked with software.

But they have an interest in "Home Automation" which brings all the same problems with it needed because of the physical component. So I'm hoping this person has a good background in it and it might be enough to bridge the gap.


After 2 weeks at a postpartum care center (most of Koreans use that) we finally are at home with our little one and had to do everything ourselves for the first time.

First bath was the hardest thing, because we didn't quite remember how they taught us and we were too many people trying to do it at the same time.

Nights are surprisingly OK yet. He wakes up 12:30, 3:00 and 5:30 for diaper changing and food. I'm taking one of those times and give him formula to drink so my partner can sleep and she takes the other two.

The first night the biggest problem was that I couldn't fall asleep quick enough after he felt asleep, so I was still awake and he was already hungry again. But later with a bit of training it is getting easier to fall asleep quicker.

Now the government helps to pay a helper for the next two weeks, who can help take care of the baby during the day while I'm working so his mom can sleep or relax a bit.


I'm trying to push my step daughter to consume less and create more. She is always watching those "Gacha Life" videos made by other kids and teenagers. Those are impossible to watch for adults but kids seem to enjoy them a lot. Anyways I told her she should try to create some herself and she did but with "Toca Life" and we created a chanel for them on our families PeerTube instance:

If you enjoy content like that then subscribe :D


I started looking into DIY video cam as a baby monitor but the general consensus seems to be that this is too important to be doing DIY and you should instead buy a cheap china baby monitor camera.

The thing is that every single baby monitor I'm looking at has a connection to the cloud and I've seen too many horror stories about hackers talking to your children via those systems. Additionally I don't want the Chinese state constantly listening in on our conversations at home for some specific reasons.

From what I can see, in my case it is either have a DIY solution just to be able to close the door to the bedroom and still see the baby on the TV while behind the door, or have no camera. Or does someone know about any local only cameras?


A group of friends was moving from Slack to Discord because Slack only leaves old pictures for some short amount of time online. I have always been using a bridge between Matrix and Slack, now I replaced the bridge in the same rooms now it is from Matrix to Discord and I can keep the history.


I have a GMail account with about 1 milion mails and I want to delete all the emails. There is no way to do it manually. So I thought I'd use ChatGTP to ask to help me write the code. It started extremely good, it wrote code for me told me how to set up a google app, we went back and forth to optimize it for rate limiting, etc. But in the end I'm getting the insufficientPermissions error despite - according to ChatGTP - correct scope of <a href="https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gmail.modify">https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gmail.modify</a> and both me and ChatGTP don't know how to fix it.


Facebook just proposed to befriend a friends husband who has been dead for a couple of years already. On his profile people are still wishing him happy birthday to this day because the profile doesn't tell them that he died years ago and they're probably not so close that they'd know.


Because my almost 10 years old D600 broke down - the aperture lever doesn't work anymore - I decided to buy a new camera, a Sony A7C with a 35mm 1.8 lens to it.



As with all other social media, it also happens to me with Mastodon that for long stretches of time I treat them sl write only media. This was fine with Facebook and Twitter because those were faceless big corporations but somehow I feel bad for not reading the Mastodon timeline and interacting with other people.


Today is the first day in Korea where the indoor mask mandate has been lifted. I've seen one person - besides me - not putting on a mask. It'll take forever before people stop doing it.

One of the reasons seems to be that other people are judging and saying: 'people who take off their masks "must believe their face looks good."' It's basically the same reason why the Taliban force the Afghan women to wear a burka, to force their own wishes on other people.


Last weekend we went to the North Korean border: https://tube.jeena.net/w/mZJ4PATwQNbiGDNYYXpubG?subtitle=en

Not the DMZ, although I might go in the future, but watching village across the sea.


In 2018 I was in Iceland and went to see Dettifoss, Europe's waterfall with the most water energy falling down.

The video doesn't make it justice but I found it on my hard drive, have a look: https://tube.jeena.net/w/hSsojkrokcG6ZL3AbPv2vR


Oh no, my Nikon D600 full frame camera is at the end of it's life. I'm not sure when it was bought, because I bought it used from a photographer who had it as their second camera. But it was released more than 10 years ago in September 2012.

Anyway the problem right now is that the aperture lever is stuck and I can only change the aperture by removing the lens and moving the lever manually. I guess I'll only be able to use it as a webcam from now on ...


God damn, Outlook reminders are so useless. If you get an invite the reminder time is set to whatever the sender put in, not what I set as a default. If I send out an invite then my reminder time is there for everyone. This is exactly the opposite how it should work. Reminders are individual and each person will have a different one. If you're always working at the office you might want a reminder exactly at the time of the meeting, but if you need to get there first you probably want a reminder half an hour before that.


Finally there is a fairly easy way to run:

Speech 2 Text -> intents in Home Assistant Text 2 Speech

both running completely local with Rhasspy and PicoTTS, so I don't need to have Google or Amazon listening to everything which we're saying here at home.

Another very cool thing is that with Rhasspy I can change the call word to "Computer" and add the Star ship Enterprise sounds for affirmation, etc.


I have no idea what happened, but after a update of Home Assistant OS it never came back online. I checked the SD card on my laptop and everything looked normal. I bought a new SD card and installed Home Assistant OS on it, tried to boot, nothing. doesn't show up on the network. Then I bought a micro HDMI cable to connect it to a monitor, booted still nothing.

Now I was trying to check this new SD card on my computer and it behaves very weirdly, always mounts as one FAD 32 partition (instead of the many ones it normally does) and I can't even wipe it with gparted, even dd-ing zeros on it doesn't do anything ...


We found a Jordanian-Palestinian restaurant in Seoul, very suprising, very tasty and the smells and flavours fill me with nostalgia back to the time I visited Palestina.


My girlfriend bought a PetFeeder for the cat. She knows I'm keen on smart home devices so she bought a smart one which can feed during specific times and has a camera and a microphone build in. Sadly the thing is connected to the cloud so someone in China is watching and listening to us at home 24/7. It's very creepy, so I automated it away by putting a smart switch in between which only can be used from the local Home Assistant (via Zigbee).

This way we can decide when we allow it to turn on the camera and microphone at least, during those times the people who have to monitor us still can see and listen in, but this time on our terms, we can decide what they can see/hear and what not.

I really wish that with the new Matter protocol more smart appliances will be able to be driven local only without sending everything to China. I don't trust the Chinese Communist Party with free access to a audio and video stream 24/7 into our living room.


PeerTube Admin 24:

Testing automatic synchronization of a YouTube channel to a PeerTube in version 4.3.1



I'm boykoting the men's football worldcoup in #Quatar for obvious reasons, and because it's easy.

But there is ons surprising good thing which came out of it which I really didn't expect.

The Chinese people could see on TV that their government was laying to them about Covid outside of #China.

They could see the tens of thousends of people partying withour masks. They could see romaldo in top form despite having had covid twice.

This was one of the sparks for the protests.


I made a video where I'm presenting the 20 best alternative #rock songs from the #90ies, at least according to me. Check it out: https://tube.jeena.net/w/9trddJP1Si4KBnE42CiSGJ


Oh man I make this mistake on #PeerTube over and over again that I upload a video and don't change the channel to the correct one and then it is pushed out to the wrong subscribers.

Once I realize it and change it then PeerTube does not send out a new ActivityPub message that I released a new video on this now changed channel.


I really like Korean fried chicken, it is very different to fried chicken from other places. It's juicy and you can get it with different sauces and different flavors. I would eat it much more often if it wasn't so bad for your health. The chicken itself is OK if you roast it, but it's dunked into batter made out of flour, deep fried in cheap oil and then mixed with a sauce which contains a lot of sugar. So at the end it has more carbs than protein.


I think it's very good that Facebook and Twitter are struggling and people from there break up into many different communities.

Both had a too high concentration of money and power so that they didn't allow any alternatives to them by buying all rivals (Vine, Instagram, WhatsApp) other than TikTok, where the Chinese government understood the power it brings them and didn't allow it to be sold.

I'm ok with a platform being dominant for 5-10 years, but then it should give way for competitors so we can experience a push forward and distribution of power and money.


Nice, Microsoft forced me to move my Minecraft account from a normal Mojang account into a Microsoft account and for some reason now they say the password I stored in my password manager is wrong. And trying to recover my account with their system just led to a automatic answer that "Unfortunately, our automated system has determined that the information you provided was not sufficient for us to validate your account ownership."

So now if I want to play #Minecraft I have to buy it again, what a shit show.


It seems that the Twitter founders are trying to do exactly what the Tent protocol was supposed to do: https://atproto.com/guides/overview

(or if you're not familiar with Tent, it was like app.net but as a protocol)


Terrible thing that happened in Itewon, the foreigner district in Seoul tonight. Many people died because of lack of crowd controll during halloween. There are very narrow streets and always a huge amount of people especially during holidays like this.

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Ok @twitter so long and thanks for all the fish. I will stop cross posting to you now, I won't delete my username just yet only because I have a god username and it'd be impossible to get it back. Find my on #Mastodon https://toot.jeena.net


I wonder how people normally move big video files from their iPhone to their computer for editing? I tried KDE Connect which worked nice on my Android but on the iPhone it just says "Importing Media" and is just stuck on that. One time it started uploading a file but then after about 300 MB it lost the connection.


Nice, finally I was able to move away from the deprecated Paperclip gem to the build in ActiveStorage on my website. It wasn't very straight forward but now everything is up to date, so I don't need to be afraid of some outdated packages and security problems. Also I can finally start thinking how to implement a picture Album feature so I can move all my pictures from Flickr to here.


After 8 years I finally took the time to upgrade my websites framework from rails 4.2 to rails 7.0.4 and I'm amazed how easy it was. I expected a lot of rewrites like back then between rails 2 and 3, but I only had to change 2 lines of code, remove the hard coded dependencies in my Gemfile, add two config files and rewrite my systemd service file. So most things outside of the code itself.

Sadly I don't have any automated tests, so I had to test everything manually which took quite some time and I probably missed some bugs which will show up over time. I also wasn't able to test all the connections to the outside world like Twitter, Mastodon, indie-web, etc. but those are not really essential to the functionality of the website anyway, so I'll test it over time.

Anyway, great success! And now I am not afraid of extending the functionality, I really want to add a picture album functionality and move over all my 50 albums and 4000 pictures from flickr to be able to host them myself instead.

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I've neglected my rails application which runs my own website for many many years, mostly because it's a lot of work to keep upgrading rails especially when it comes to major version changes. Dependencies break and disapear, API's break, you need to rewrite a lot of code because new concepts and data structures gets introduced, etc. Anyway now I need to upgrade from rails 4.2 which was released 8 years ago to 7.0 which was released last year.

I still like to have written my own website because this way I can have exactly the functionality which I want, not someone else. But it's a lot of work.


Hm, in one month I need to pay 143.76 USD for 2 years of Flickr Pro. That is a very high price for it. I've been on pro for quite many years but at this price point I'm reconsidering my options. I'm not using the community features anyway.

What I need are only a few functions:

  • Photo albums
  • Sharing photo albums with a link (without an account for the viewer)
  • Storing original photos
  • Reasonable search and UI/X
  • If possible self hosted
  • Eventually several users possible on one instance


There is a "Do Not Disturb" checkbox in GNOME but the only thing it does is that it suppresses showing notifications. You still hear sounds coming in from all the chat and mail applications, etc. Also it doesn't have any possibility to turn it off after some time automatically like you normally do on the phone.


Ran a dist upgrade on my server which brought my website and mastodon down. Thought I have to rewrite my website because some dependencies were not available online anymore but found a workaround. And reinstalling one of the dependencies of mastodon made that work too.


Today something weird happened with my computer. First it hang and I couldn't move the mouse anymore, then I hard rebooted it and it couldn't find my root partition anymore. I thought the SSD broke so I switched it to a different computer and it works fine there. I put in a new SSD and the new one has the same problem.

Then the bios tells me that the date is not set, while setting the date I see that the SATA setting is set to Raid, while I remember that I set it to AHCI when I installed my OS for the first time.

Setting it back to AHCI resolved the issue and I can boot again. It seems somehow the bios settings reset them selves to default or something.

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When we went to Europe for vacation we recorded videos and took photos on different devices like iPhones and Android phones, etc. I counted and it's about 2000 files. Now I wanted to create a travel video with it but when you have so many files from different devices they are named differently and it's impossible to chronologically sort them.

I wrote some scripts which get the recording or taking the photo date and time and rename the files so it could be sorted. That worked almost. It just seems that because the different devices handle time-zones differently it's still a mess, but at least the days are correct.

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Today I dreamt that all metal bands became commercial posers and everyone cut their hair short. And as an answer to that all punks grew their hair long to rebell against it.

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A couple of days I had to grind 16g of black pepper with this plastic pepper grinder which you get when you buy some pepper. And today was upper body day and now it hurts a lot where the forearm meets the wrist when I twist my hands.


I have a Synology behind Nginx. When I download a big photo album it always fails at 1.1 GB. If I download directly without Nginx in between there is no problem, it just downloads everything.


Damn, I'm trying to write a fairly simple app for Android but I'm just failing and I don't really understand why. I'm trying to include this lib https://framagit.org/framasoft/peertube/clients/kotlin to my app. It's not in any maven repo so I tried to compile it so I could add it as a JAR lib or something. But it doesn't even compile.

This import https://framagit.org/framasoft/peertube/clients/kotlin/-/blob/master/src/main/kotlin/org/peertube/client/apis/VideosApi.kt#L25 imports a model which does not exist as a file and therefor I get a Unresolved reference error.


How I rediscovered the band 'Dead Moon' https://tube.jeena.net/w/bpeUhW8krWNNUgjMLzzUTZ


Interesting, I was just scrolling through the LinkedIn feed and realized that people there post way more personal things than on Facebook.

I always defended Facebook because I was able to read peoples personal stories there who I haven't met for a long time. But around 7 years ago people stopped posting anything personal on Facebook and then stopped posting at all. I'm only logging in there once a Month.

I'm logging in on LinkedIn even more seldom but with this realization it might change.


I'm hosting a lot of things on a NUC at my parents house https://tube.jeena.net/w/tYbrbqBMkexTwXTrjsN14a that is cheap ans sustainable but not very stable.

My dad went on a 5 week long rehabilitation after an operation and there was nobody capable to restart the NUC which hang itself after the main house fuse was blown and the energy supplier had to get there to put in a new one.

It already went for 3 days where my Mastadon and PeerTube instances wede down, but finally I got some help there and it's back up again.


PeerTube Admin 21: Redundancy of videos to boost performance


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I installed another #PeerTube instance on my local computer at home, followed my main instance and set "Redundancy allowed". My hope is that it will help to download the videos faster for everyone because there will be always 2 servers available.

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For the first time ever I was happy that the JSON version of RSS exists when I wanted to show the latest of my videos from PeerTube on my home page:

JSON.parse(open("https://tube.jeena.net/feeds/videos.json?accountId=3", &:read))["items"][0]["url"]

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PeerTube Admin 20:

What should be on the #PeerTube instance home page?



Browser engines and JavaScript engines are complicated to use. I have first hand experience trying to integrate a JavaScript engine into an application which I was developing. I tried to use SpiderMonkey but needed to switch to V8 back then.


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Trying archinstall for the first time, which is a installer for Arch (which traditionally needed to be installed manually). I still had to set up wifi manually because I didn't have a ethernet port on that laptop. But after that it was fairly straight forward. Still nothing for a newbie but that's ok.

It is a bit weird to switch the choice between a list with numbers which you choose and this fake checkbox, so that took me some time to understand how to use it.

But now it is installing the system after it partitioned it and set up the encryption for the hard drive. I have to say that I probably left 90% on the defaults, which was surprising to me.

[update] Amazing, the installation was extremely fast, I barely had time to write this post and was already ready to boot into GNOME!

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I only could do voip calls via Matrix/Element if I was in the same network. Turns out that I had to set up a turn server to get it working outside of my NAT https://matrix-org.github.io/synapse/v1.48/turn-howto.html

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Today, finally after so many days both my sister in law's family and my work colleague and her children finally arrived in Poland.

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Interesting times we live in.

  1. My sister in law's family is fleeing from Ukraine over the border to Poland
  2. My coworker who spent half a year with me in Korea and I work with on a daily basis does the same with her children (her husband needs to stay and fight)
  3. My niece has had Covid for 2 weeks and is getting higher fiver and a bacterial infection probably in the lungs.
  4. (This feels like blessing in comparison) stepdaughter works from home because of Covid in her primary school.

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Listening to all the requirements and architecture stuff at work inside of the automobile industry.

I feel that removes 100% of the joy of software development.

It is because you specify everything to the death and there is no space for creativity left for the software development.

As funny as it sounds, this makes the management part a much more creative work compared to the software development in this environment.


I went snowboarding during the weekend and rented a helmet to be able to do more dangerous boarding. It was a success because some specific muscles hurt. To be able to snowboard better I need to train the muscles in my: left leg, stomach, back.


I had the problem that HotKeys wouldn't work for me in OBS while using GNOME with Wayland. A little bit of digging revealed why, and how to get it working.



PeerTube Admin 19: Custom CSS for your instance


In this episode I show you how to add custom CSS for your PeerTube instance, be it to change colors or preliminary fix small bugs in the theme you use.


Over Lunar New Year we went to Busan in the south of South Korea for a short City trip, check out my photo album from there: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjzB6bh

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Wohoo! 9 days no work!

  • 2 days annual leave
  • 3 days Lunar New Year in Korea
  • 4 days weekend

I was really looking forward to it, we will visit family, go skiing and probably do some short journey to somewhere, nothing is really planned yet :D


Interesting, in a CV for a DevOps engineer I'm reading right now someone wrote:

> Language : YAML,JSON,HTML, XML


Sustainable Private Cloud Server - Environment and Cost

I'm sharing how I am solving the problem of using my own server for all the cloud and web services while staying sustainable both in terms of energy consumption and generation, but also when it comes to costs which for web services which use a lot of space easily gets very expensive very fast.



PeerTube Admin 18: UX - How to change the language and ownership of a video


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Someone on reddid wrote:

> My day today was literally just going to my shitty job. Pretty sure I have to do it again tomorrow.

When I was 19 I was in the same position and I complained to my dad in the car to and back from work about it (we worked at the same place and he made sure I could get a job there which was payed well). One day he got fed up with my complaining, looked into my eyes and asked: "I get it. You're 19 now, so what are you doing about it?". I just sat there in the car and had no answer.

I was really so immature that the thought to change my life if I didn't like it didn't cross my mind. Once I started thinking I realized that in my position at 19, without a wife and children, living at my parents house without anyone depending on me, I could just go back to school for two years and then go to university and learn something so I could get a job that I actually enjoy instead to complain to my dad every day until he retires.

Anyway, that was my turning point, it took me about 10 years with a failed marriage, moving countries etc. but I got my Computer Science degree and started working with open source software and embedded systems for the automobile industry. Last year on one of my countless business trips I met someone in South Korea and moved here.

It wasn't a easy journey and it took me many many years, but taking a small step towards where you want to be every day will accumulate to a lot of action over the years. And the journey alone was already worth it, not to speak about the goal.

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We went to my girlfriends parents in a older and more traditional part of Seoul so I took my camera with me to photograph the area which is quite different to what you normally see on TV.


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PeerTube v4 is out, I made a short video about the new features: https://tube.jeena.net/w/d41N87xc9B66CtkUEunAFb

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I was filmed and interviewed about how I ended up at Luxoft Korea, check it out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olkFQ8Mt_fU

It's a story about work, love, flexibility and opportunities.

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I know it sounds tough, but thanks to higher corona numbers in Korea I can finally work from home for 2 weeks again, it's so much nicer without commuting and without a loud open landscape office.


PeerTube Admin 16: Answering Reddit questions - How do I know if an instance is for me?



I'm working in South Korea now for about one year and I realized that everyone else here is called by their first and last name, but I'm so special that when people talk about me they only use my first name.


Storytime: https://tube.jeena.net/w/ibNA6icVPZ443cUCuosLL9

A short story about bein very thirsty during siesta and finding some cold San Miguell in Spain.

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My dad looks through the CCTV footage from our summer house sometimes and he found this funny little guy https://tube.jeena.net/w/r3v3c5mpMavnUoLxf8MdFo

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ABBA just released a new album and you can get it on CD, Vinyl and Cassette, the Cassette is the cheapest of them with £9.99 and the Vinyl the most expensive for £25.99



This video was a long time in the making, started in June when we got the fruits.

Making fruit wine from unknown Korean fruits


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Element One - all of Matrix, WhatsApp, Signal and Telegram in one place but with broken end to end encryption.


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Today marks the 1 year anniversary since I came to Korea to find work, but I stayed because I found love!



I thought that China has so many CCTV cammeras with one per 7 people, but appearently South Korea has one per 5 people. Oh and London, which I always thought had a rediciolous number of cammeras, only has one per every 13 people.


Our cat hates to be alone (if you close the door it will jump to the door handle until it opens it) and it hates to be touched (if you touch it, it bites).


PeerTube Admin Chronicles 15: One Year Anniversary

Things happened:

  • moved to Korea and in with girlfriend
  • moved NUC to Germany
  • many private travel videos
  • tiktok video
  • stats
  • slowed down with admin chronicles, not much happening
  • shout out to https://tilvids.com still kicking hard, very impressive
  • new functionality follow channel instead of instance
  • new UI subscribe


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Today is my PeerTube anniversary, I uploaded the first video exactly one year ago https://tube.jeena.net/w/aQ3t32gnA28JdTsNV1F2PS


I'm on vacation and just went to the cinema at 9:40 am and I'm the youngest person here, everyone else seems over 65 😅

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Automating your home when you live alone is so much easier than if you have a family. A lot of unforeseen event chains happen. Tonight for example my significant other turned her phone to flight mode for the night like she always does, but she woke up at 3am and turned it on which the home interpreted as she arriving at home. And because the sun was below the horizon it turned on all the lights in the whole flat which woke up everyone :D.

It's a quick fix in the flow logic, just don't change the state from asleep to home when someone arrives, but every time some of those bugs show up it shutters the trust in any of the automatons at home.


I got a time slot for my second vaccination, this time in South Korea, in 2.5 weeks. I got it even though I'm just on a business trip here which is pretty cool :)


Today is my first day of my long vacation and workers are replacing asphalt in front of our flat. That reminds me of my childhood, I think during summer vacation between grade 1 and grade 2 they were fixing the asphalt on the street close to our friends houses and we all children from that part of the village went there to watch and smell what's going on :D


Knowing how complicated computers are I always ask myself how can it be that so many things work so well. While my friends and family members ask why this or that error happened. Bits flipped by cosmic radiation was often my to go explanation to show how complicated the answer could be, but I always felt that nobody really understood what I was talking about.

Today I saw a Veretasium video about it, which explains that phenomenon, very interresting: https://youtu.be/AaZ_RSt0KP8


I'm writing a system which shows random pictures from my backup (Synology with person detection) on my TV. It's quite complicated and involves 3 computers and a Chromecast as hardware for specific reasons but it works nicely already.

I just switched from ImageMagic to OpenCV for the resizing and cropping (I want the pictures to fit always fit the TV size) so that I can do cool things in the future like face detection so I don't crop where the face is, etc.

One problem is that OpenCV in contrast to ImageMagic doesn't handle raw files, which are most of the files I have from my camera. But I found a better replacement, there is https://www.darktable.org/usermanual/en/special-topics/program-invocation/darktable-cli/ which let's me use the DarkTable metadata files which contain the information on how to edit the picture before exporting. So it's one more thing to implement but it will be quite a cool system I think.


We made a TikTok video but I don't have a TikTok account so instead it's on my PeerTube: https://tube.jeena.net/videos/watch/30865360-c019-469e-b701-4da4d57abc9c


Today I saw ads on my DuckDuckGo search result because I used it in a new browser. I went into the DDG preferences and switched them off. Actually I was looking on how to pay them to remove it but they seem not to offer a payed subscription.

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I posted a video comment on "Swimming in Korea" https://tube.jeena.net/videos/watch/bbc59374-f946-41ad-935c-b8d277f85bbb where I talk about how difficult this is here.

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Over night I had an ant invasion, and I'm on the 14th floor of a big building, no idea where they were coming from. Anyway, I cut of their entrance with dishwasher and started smiting all of them inside. I didn't distinguish between the good or the bad ones, I killed them all. Then I remembered https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_p6WI4V8N8


I'm using "Moments" on my Synology NAS but would like to tap into the AI classification of my pictures and do things with them. Is there a API which I could use?

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In addition to https://thispersondoesnotexist.com/ now there is https://thisbeachdoesnotexist.com/ soon the job description of a Movie Actor won't exist ;)


Unify is a bit rediciolous when it comes to accessing the hardware via their cloud. I have three of their devices and need to access each of them via a different landing page, which is prepared to show all of them:

And that even though I run the same software on a Raspberry Pi for the Access Point and on the Cloud Key when it comes to the controller software.


Because I don't have a real home now and am moving a lot and living in hotels and AirBnBs, I don't have the possibility to have my normal instruments with me like my bass, my saxophone or my guitar. So for now I'm using my girlfriends ukulele to make music and I'm learning some chords. I thought I should learn at least one full song so I can sing and play it.

Trying to figure out what to learn I thought that a ska song would be cool and would fit on the ukulele, and than the Special's "A Message To You Rudy" came into my mind as a quite easy repetitive song. Turns out after 10 minutes of practicing I was able to play and sing it with only minor mistakes!



I'm looking into some automation of my process of rendering and upluading videos in Kdenlive. I often need to wait for hours until my video is rendered and then check every now and then so that I can then upload it to PeerTube. Is there a way to trigger a script once the rendering job is done?

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I just switched from PulseAudio to PipeWire and had a hard time to figure out if anything changed. Very good integration everything seems to just work.

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Interesting, for all practical reasons I switched my life's language to English. I speak English exclusivelly with my girlfriend, at work, watching media, reading, etc. Only occasionally I speak or write German, Polish and Swedish, mostly only when I connect with my family.

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I'm sitting in the quarantine hotel again and I'm not allowed to order milk, but sometimes they give us corn flakes with milk so I throw away the corn flakes and use milk for my coffe :D

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I was doing a 'skill assessment' on LinkedIn about the Python programming language and I was sure that I wouldn't get the badge because I was too late with one question and then because of that I clicked on 'Next' in the next question. This means I didn't answer two questions at all. But the end result was that I was in the top 5% of the 1.6 million people who took that assessment. So what do we learn from that? The badge is not worth anything probably ^^

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Great, while I wanted to install Ubuntu on a USB stick, their installer overwrote my EFI partition on my SSD instead. It showed it would write it to /dev/sda1, but wrote on /dev/nvme0n1p1. It did it on my brothers MacBook and on my Dell XPS13, so now it's not a coincidence anymore.


Haha people here in Sweden are really not used to wearing a mask. A conductor here at the train station came to me with his mask on and then he took his mask off to talk to me and put it back on when he was done oO

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Second cherry blossom season this year for me, now in Stockholm.



Empty international airport in Seoul. All the shops are closed, can't even buy water. #covid19



PeerTube Admin 13: Remote channel view doesn't show available videos #bug



Comment on work culture in South Korea in video form: https://tube.jeena.net/videos/watch/f3c79420-8402-4d3f-921c-9dae196238dc


> No child needs a perfect parent, indeed to have a perfect parent is to be on a short roard towards psychosis.
> The job of a parent is to let down their child, in a structured way. To gently introduce them to the missery of existence.

I like Alain de Botton, he is a funny philosopher.


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I've been successfully running https://tube.jeena.net from a NUC in my kitchen now for half a year. It has its downsides, for example when I'm not home and something happens to the NUC so it can't be remotely rebooted then I need to wait until I'm home or sent someone to do a hard reboot, which happened now 2 times.

But overall I'm very happy about how well it works to host from home. The NUC only uses about 5W and it's not super powerful but I don't have so many users on my websites. I'm actually thinking about moving other things from the Hetzner server to that NUC like Nextcloud, TT-RSS, Mastodon and perhaps even this website some day. That would be the ultimate thing, hosting everything on my own hardware.


Interesting comparison (anecdote): I posted the same post on Twitter and Mastodon, I have 4 times as many followers on Twitter compared to Mastodon. But I got double the engagement on that tweet (which really needed engagement) on Mastodon compared to Twitter.



Todays music tip is the norwegian Gabrielle with her song 5 fine frøkner



Let's try this, my Arch broke down and won't boot. I'm in #Bungang close to #Pangyo and #Soul and need a Live #Ubuntu USB stick to be able to repair it. Can someone help me get one to here? #followerpower #help #fsf #asia #OpenSource

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It's cherry blossom season in South Korea so I went out to the Pangyo Techno Valley and recorded a video showing it off: https://tube.jeena.net/videos/watch/76142375-d3dc-4eb5-9af4-2792b5611128

I have been in South East Asia many times in my life but this is the first time I'm here during the cherry blossom season. Many have told me how beautiful it is, but I never imagined how many of those trees have been planted here everywhere and how it looks like when they all bloom together.

As far as I got to know though, most of them don't give you cherries, but instead some small black fruit which nobody eats, which is a bit of a shame ^^


People who write "Hi" in a chat and then independent of how fast I answer they take hours or days to keep writing: Go fuck yourself.

I'm thinking of stopping answering to "Hi" messages, if you have something to say then say it, don't waste my time.


Nice to see that Thunderbird is doing good financial wise https://groups.google.com/g/tb-planning/c/-jbmYvYdX1g?pli=1 I'm one of the donators since a couple of years ago when I moved all my donations from Mozilla to the Thunderbird project. I think it's very important to have a good email client.


Danny Saucedo at #Melodiefestivalen borrowed a lot from Jamiroquai, both music and video concept, not bad at all.

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I wish there was a Digital Audio Workstation software for Linux which would work with Pulse Audio. I don't need real time audio or anything, most of the time I just want to put some background music together with some foreground things like for a podcast or karaoke, etc. So for now I'm using Kdenlive for it and render out just the mp3.


PeerTube Admin 11: Share origin URL to video if it's not local


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I'm watching "The Umbrella Academy" and the TV series is not super great but I really like their music choices, very often they go for really good pop music and sometimes they choose a cover version of a popular song.

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On my way back to Korea for three months again and the first two weeks is quarantene again. Not sure if I'll decide to make another quarantene vlog, it's really difficult to come up with content for it.


Interesting, my dad is trying to buy a security cam with 2 way audio and all the good ones are out of stock and I didn't understand why until I right now looked at the [Wyze Cam v3](https://wyze.com/wyze-cam-v3.html) and it said:

> A global shortage for key materials like silicon is making it impossible to meet demand for some of our newest products.

It might be the same for the other suppliers and that is why many struggle with their stuff being out of order.


New episode of the #PeerTube Admin Chronicals:

PeerTube Admin 10: Privacy setting "Internal but Linkable" missing



Damn that's interesting how different emojis mean opposite things in different cultures, here is a video explaining that the eyes in 🙂 on WeChat don't look so friendly, as a result the subtext is sarcasm.



Interesting how all the predictions about voting computers are coming true like if experts like the CCC were able to look into the future. All the things are showing up as symptoms in the US election, but most importantly, nobody can trust those computers because nobody can check what's going on on a multipurpose machine with windows 10 on it so it's easy to say that they were hacked or malfunctioning, etc.

And to be honest I do agree with those people and I think that those machines are a big threat to democracy, once people lose trust in the process they lose trust in the system and it's easy to make people doubt the validity of those systems because not even experts can make sure that everything is correct with those computers.

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It amazes me every time that I can just take a SSD with Linux from one computer, put it into a different one boot it and everything just works as it did before, it's a life saver. And btw. I love Arch Linux!


@channyun Hi, I'm in Seoul for a 3 months business trip and wanted to reach out to you because I saw that you're the author of the Korean translation in the IndieWeb wiki. I'm interested to see if you guys perhaps have a Homebrew Website Club and if you'd be interested in recording a podcast together with me like I did with Martijn https://jeena.net/pods/17


Korea vlog 7: Playing Minecraft, US elections, quarantine food


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What a sureal sight, Trump supporters on motorbikes in the old city of Jerusalem https://libre.video/videos/watch/d71ce990-37d3-4c55-af35-ab040786f9ef

I was there last year and even though politically it makes sense, it's just that the picture doesn't make sense in my head ^^


fossnorth just started, second time this year as a virtual conference. I'm especially looking forward to:

  1. Incompatible Timesharing System - History, Development, Restoration
  2. Getting pixels on screen on Linux: introduction to Kernel Mode Setting

Live stream https://youtu.be/gwHvm4OIkIc

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Korea vlog 6: Saturday laziness, police in front of the hotel, Mukbang, bringing out the trash

#covid19 #quarantine #corona #food #vlog


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Interesting demo of GPT-3 https://youtu.be/8V20HkoiNtc if that is true what has been demoed then soon we won't need programmers anymore and managers can just tell the AI what to do. Seems like a cool and fearful future.


I didn't realize how often I use the GNOME Screenshot app until the latest redesign which introduced a couple of bugs (which are fixed already). Now I'm checking for a new version every day, I think I might just compile it from code because it's a bit annoying :D


Very interesting overview over "Open Source in Africa" by Shedrack Akintayo:


The developer communities I'm part of ar mostly European and North American and it's really seldom I see developers from Africa.

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Today I understood that in order to be able to work in South Korea I need to be in quarantine at a government assigned hotel room and I can't leave the room for two weeks. The other realization was that this is basically the plot of the first half of the South Korean movie "Old Boy" where "The film follows the story of Oh Dae-su, who is imprisoned in a cell which resembles a hotel room for 15 years without knowing the identity of his captor or his captor's motives."

Here is the part of that movie, it's kind of scary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUcmrIpvq0E

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Every second year I'm getting anew computer at work and every time I set it up from scratch because I feel it's much nicer this way. So let's go back to https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Installation_guide


Checkout my newest video on Jeena's Kitchen channel: https://tube.jeena.net/videos/watch/4c821553-739c-492b-9e6a-789071953d9a

I'm preparing and eating mackerel, so called mukbang ;)


Wow, I installed movit on my desktop because I wanted Kdenlive to use the GPU, now Kdenlive crashes but the desktop is super snappy, interesting!


I installed a PeerTube instance on a NUC at home where I already run Home Assistant. It'll be mostly for my own videos which I want to have public but especially also for family videos which will only be available for people with an account on that instance.

I'm hoping that we can collectively put our home videos on there without needing a 3rd party and I hope to encourage my family to record and share video this way.

My dad bought a camcorder in 1992 and we have many awesome videos from that time and many of the people on those videos are dead already. It's really cool to see how my grandma sounded and moved and laughed and so on which you can't get from a still photo. But after some time everyone got tired of the filming and we stopped.

But now there is a new Generation and it would be cool to have what we have for them in 30 years. Sadly now all videos disaper when we switch phones. I'm hoping I can offer this service to my family without a too high cost by hosting it at home where CPU time and hard drive storage is cheap.


Ok, interesting, I installed my own PeerTube instance on the NUC at home where I already run Home Assistant. It's fairly slow but it seems to only matter for transcoding newly uploaded videos which doesn't happen too often.

What I'm looking for is to be able to have an alternative UI to be able to subscribe to other chanels on the fediverse and uploading my own videos.

In the longer run I will open the instance to my close family members so we can share videos internally without the need to use some 3rd party to do so. I have also many home videos from the 90ies which I'd like to share with them.


i got two crabs from a friend who fished them from the sea and I cooked them and recorded myself doing so: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBRiDarM894


That's really a bummer. I Have only Gbit switches and ethernet cards wired in my home. And I have a cable inside of the wall which goes from the kitchen to the living room which is super convenient. But that is the only cable which seems to be an old Cat5 cable so I can't get meaningful speeds with it. Even my internet connection is faster than that cable. I guess I will need to have my own cable anyway which is really annoying to do in a rental apartment.


Patient mid 20'ies refuses oxygen therapy because covid19 is all just a hoax. Hours later he's pronounced dead. His nurse vents on reddit:


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I have a Mi fitness band and yesterday I lost it somewhere and it was already dark outside. But I know that I can connect to it via Bluetooth and it only has a limited range. So I walked where I was walking during the day and tried to connect. It wasn't in the house so I went outside. In the end I was able to triangulate it according to the speed of how fast I was able to download the data from it. It took some time in the dark but I found it and have it back ;)

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The annoying thing of watching most of YouTube in English is that they don't use the metric system for measurements and I can't get used to it and have to look up how much kg, m, etc. it is if I really want to know.


A short movie automatically recorded by the CCTV cams where I am.

download movie


I recorded flies, bees and butterflies eating apples for 13 minutes, check it out: https://youtu.be/Z6_elR3acUY


Music tip of the day: Fredric "oddloop" - フレデリック「オドループ」 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PCp2iXA1uLE whom I've been listening to for quite some time now. I'd call it indie Jpop.

And a really good parody https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kTtJ0BTPco

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I totally missed one of my favorite Japanese bands releases so today's music tip is Polkadot Stingray - Jet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=phwvj0_XM4k

Listen to the bass player he has really smooth jazzy licks going on throughout the whole song, really cool stuff.


We now release our #fossnorth series as a self hosted audio podcast you can subscribe to it in your podcast app: https://foss-north.se/pod/

It already has 15 episodes of our Licenses and Copyright series, check it out!


Sometimes there is a summer pop song which really sticks with me, this year it seems to be Miss Li - Komplicerat https://youtu.be/jVCTVOhn1_E (English version https://youtu.be/8dpmI25pQk4 )

It's easy to listen to, has a upbeat tempo and just a "A" in the refrain so it's impossible to not join in singing. Her voice sounds like a 17 year old but she is 38.

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Recommended read: "Car Companies Want to Monitor Your Every Move With Emotion-Detecting AI" https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/m7jpmp/car-companies-want-to-monitor-your-every-move-with-emotion-detecting-ai

> “Very soon, Cerence announced, it plans to deepen that data mining operation with in-cabin cameras linked to emotion-detecting AI—algorithms that monitor minute changes in facial expression in order to determine a person’s emotional state at any given time.

> But safety is only one attraction of in-cabin monitoring. The systems also hold huge potential for harvesting the kind of behavioral data that Google, Facebook, and other surveillance capitalists have exploited to target ads and influence purchasing habits.

> Eyeris CEO Modar Alaoui likewise told Motherboard that while his company’s technology is primarily designed to improve safety, “we do foresee at some point that [automakers] will try to leverage the data for several use cases, whether it be for advertising or [determining] insurance” premiums.”

via https://laurakalbag.com/lens/car-companies-want-to-monitor-your-every-move-with-emotion-detecting-ai/

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Ah, a band mate recorded a short video of me recording for our new album yesterday: https://www.instagram.com/p/CDMU_1AF5Zo/

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I've been working more on my Matrix setup lately and have connected Facebook Messanger, and Slack in addition to IRC, Matrix, Signal and WhatsApp. I also installed my own IRC bridge and connected it to a IRC channel I'm logged in since 2004. I made that room public so now everyone who has a Matrix account somewhere can join that room on my server and automatically be bridged to that room in IRC transparently.

It is a lot of work, but the bridges seem to be quite a killer feature for Matrix and for the first time I'm coming somehow close to a consistent UI for all chat solutions I use.

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Finally Element for Linux is out, so much nicer to look at compared to the old Riot, but still has some of it's quirks like that it stretches portrait pictures etc. https://element.io/get-started


We spoke to the creator of CURL about why he created his own license for #curl instead of reusing one of the popular open source licenses out there in our #fossnorth summer special: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJCqqmLuk3s


MyFittnessPal tells me that I've been logging my food and this macros, etc. for over 100 days. I've been plateauing for some weeks now but I have a good idea why, I'm kind of taking a pause from perusing weightless aggressively mostly because it sometimes is exhausting. But I'm still in a caloric deficit every day with good foods.

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With a lot of time investment plus try and error today I connected most of the chat solutions I use to my own Matrix server to have only one UI for Facebook Messanger, WatsApp, Signal, IRC and Matrix.

What's left is Slack and Discort, but because I'm not a admin in those channels it will be more complicated to connect those, but I'll give it a try.

If you're on matrix you can chat directly with me there, my username is @jeena:matrix.org


Korean and Chinese companies, please stop speaking Chinese and Korean for long time spans in meetings where I participate. I learned English as a forth language to be able to do business internationally. I think its rude to not use it when people who don't speak Chinese/Korean are in the meeting when everyone speaks English. When I speak with my colleges we speak English so you can understand us too.

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Now with corona dragging out for months, I feel that I need some other way of listening to podcasts than just during commuting. I really miss it but i don't take the time to listen to them at home. It's a bit sad that I can't sync listened status between mobile phone, computer and smart speakers.

, (7)

Today you can congratulate me, I finally got my third citizenship. After being born in Poland and gotten the German one because all my grand parents were German, I lived here in Sweden for quite some time so I got the Swedish one too!


I made a shitty YouTube video of me making coffee: https://youtu.be/TeK_nJSUpk0


Back in the days in around 1997 there was a style of Indie Rock called Hamburger Schule with the most prominent Tocotronic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKD-T-IHBl8 which clearly influenced my very first band Nothing5Cents http://paradies.jeena.net/t/n5c/Atommuell.mp3


Sometimes it takes far too much time to do what you thought would be something quick. I wanted to connect a IR receiver to an Arduino to read out the code when I press POWER on the Surround Sound Home Theater AV Receiver. I need that to be able to automate it.

6 hours later I'm finally able to. It took several hours and 4 different USB2Serial adapters to finally understand that I need to reboot my Linux machine after I upgraded the kernel probably several weeks ago. Then the Arduino IDE which Arch ships has a bug which crashes it on upload to the ESP8266 to which I switched because I thought the Arduino was broken. Compiling the newest IDE version from code helped.

I actually wanted to fiddle with sending the signal instead of receiving it today, but it's 10:45pm already so my home automation will switch everything off in 15 minutes automatically and I'll go to bed.

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I live in a very strange world. I was in Palistina last year and met with people who fight the Israeli occupation by rebuilding the houses which the settlers and military destroy. I'm friends with some of them who live daily in a literal police state and today one of them forwarded me a video on which you can see how a black man in a wheelchair fails to comply with the police telling him to put his hands up and ends up being shot and killed from a distance by those police men.

To be honest, when I was watching what was happening in the US I told a couple of people that it really reminds me of what was happening daily in Palestina.


That's mildly interesting, my Yeelight WiFi connected light bulb uploaded about 50 MB and downloaded about 17 MB data during the last 17 days. I didn't realize it would be that much. I guess it's somehow always pinging, perhaps phoning home to China? I should create a own VLAN for them which doesn't have connection to the Internet.


For some reason I always thought that Geary https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Geary was some weird email client which needed some special server from some company, and I never wanted to send my emails to a different server to be able to use a desktop client. But I think I'm remembering a different client.

Geary seems to be part of GNOME and it's nicely integrated there. It starts extremely fast compared to Thunderbird and the dark theme was automatically chosen according to my GNOME settings. And even pulling down the emails and the UI are super snappy. I think I need to try it out for some time.

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Music tip: Metal neighbors who practice in room 14 and we in room 11, they're called Antimere and are quite heavy, listen to their EP "Into Nothingness"


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Reflections on the Color of My Skin - By Neil deGrasse Tyson https://www.haydenplanetarium.org/tyson/commentary/2020-06-03-reflections-on-color-of-my-skin.php

I understand why famous people of color normally try to avoid bringing attention to the color of their skin. At the same time I think it's important for us to read about their struggles to even get a glimpse of them.

Reflecting on the Color of My Skin - By Marques Brownlee https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-_WXXVye3Y


I'm watching Demolition Man and they have many funny puns and references about 80ies action movies and actors. In that universe Arnold Schwarzenegger was a president of the USA even though he wasn't born there.

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I installed a #matrix server and was very easily able to chat with federation with others, impressive. My username is @jeena:jeena.net but I still don't really have any idea what to do with it, yet ;)


Today's music tip:KANA-BOON / ないものねだり


I really like Japanese Indie Rock, we used to have it here in Europe too but for some reason it stopped developing, or at least I don't stumble upon it anymore.

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The 4th episode in the #fossnorth series about Software Licenses is out:

"What is a (FOSS) License" - https://youtu.be/crpwrarCxNU

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Ok, Joe Rogan is moving his podcast to Spotify exclusively. I'd like to take the opportunity to find interesting political, health, comedy podcasts who self-host, either on peer-tube or their own website. Tips are welcome.


Today I found out that there are many alternatives to Google Authenticator with are drop in replacements, I didn't realize that it just implements a mathematical function which uses a shared key and a clock.

I moved all my 2FA things from work and private to andOTP https://github.com/andOTP/andOTP which has much more functionality but most importantly is Free Software (free like in liberty).

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Power outrage in Varberg right now.

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Yesterday I participated in a podcast from the USA on the topic of covid-19 in Sweden https://youtu.be/_Tj-aqZTUP0

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I tested if I can hear a difference between a local 320 kb/s MP3, YouTube and YouTube Music by a blind test switching randomly between the apps with closed eyes and then playing.

I used a Snarky Puppy song called Gemini https://youtu.be/XXBaqM_8T6o because I have it in good quality and also it is a jazz song with really good sound production.

The result was that I am able to hear that YouTube has quite a flat sound but I can't distinguish between the MP3 and the YouTube Music stream.


What a weird world I live in. I needed one infra read LED, which costs about 0,22 €. I needed to buy 10 of them on Amazon in Germany https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B00JGFF2SA for 2,22 € because that seemed the cheapest alternative, you can't buy them in Varberg and traveling to Gothenburg to buy them would cost me about 30 € and I couldn't find anyone who would ship them from Sweden either.

Anyway, I got a letter which asks me to pay 0,37 € in import taxes because Amazon send them from China instead of Germany, that's why it took over a month to get here I guess.

But the Swedish PostNord also needs to handle the paying of the tax so they ask me to pay another 6,85 €. In the end I payed 9,44 € which is still only a third of the traveling cost to get it in Gothenburg bit about 43 times the cost of the one LED which I need.

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I finally bought a 4TB hard drive, connected it to my router and am backing up my home directory to it.


For everyone who understands Swedish: I participated in a podcast episode of Kodsnack where we discussed about software licenses: https://kodsnack.se/360/

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Why does every subscription online cost ~$10/month? It's just too much for most of them, that makes it so that I basically don't use any of those because it's not worth it. If it was $1 I would spend much more on them (combined) but now it's just meh.

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I wanted to copy the svorak keyboard map on Linux and exchange the Swedish Å with the German Ü to not need to learn the totally different German Dvorak layout which is nothing like the English nor the Swedish one. But it turns out that to get it to show up in GNOME I seem to need to change a whole bunch of XML files and lst files directly in /usr/share/ where it will be overwritten during the next update. So I gave up on that and will keep using ue, ae, oe the few times I write any German.

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Laura wrote a cool beginner friendly article called "How to read RSS in 2020" https://laurakalbag.com/how-to-read-rss-in-2020/ I offer RSS feeds to different parts of my website too, especially also for my podcast.

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Here is our pre-show about what you can expect from the #fossnorth talks tomorrow: https://youtu.be/j-Hxru6nZ_Q #opensource #floss #foss

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Finally this years #fossnorth started. It's a virtual conference about Free and Open Source software which can be joined via YouTube: https://youtu.be/FZOdbAJqDNY

You can ask questions via https://sli.do #K547

Check out the schedule: https://foss-north.se/2020/schedule.html We're online starting today until Wednesday packed with really cool talks, come and join us now!


3rd episode of my podcast about my journey to Israel.

Visiting Nazareth with it's rich Christian culture and the beautiful Dead Sea.



Amazing how this teacher uses whiteboards in VR in the game "Half-Life: Alyx" to teach 6th grade math: https://youtu.be/_T2-9MwA5JI with different colors, smudging with the finger and cleaning with a dry eraser, etc.

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It's interesting how difficult it is to watch late night hosts recorded on their iPhone at home with really shitty audio.

Try to compare Seth Meyers latest video https://youtu.be/sqrhH6xIegw to the latest video of the 14 years old YouTuber Gabriela Bee https://youtu.be/2_8G4ToQARw

Both record it from home but her production value is so much higher it's embarrassing. Starting by the audio quality which is super important, video quality doesn't matter so much, but even her jokes are more funny, can't the writers send in the jokes via email? I don't get it.


Now that everybody is working from home, we had some Lightning Talks in preparation to next weekends https://foss-north.se/2020/ a Open Source conference, this year virtual on YouTube.

But anyway, we hat a guy from RedHat (Kristoffer Grönlund) who has been working from home for 7 years and he was talking about some of the pitfalls and failures to avoid (10 minutes):



Day 9 of quarantine: Had to alter my home automation from running the dishwasher when I'm away to when I'm asleep.

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Live right now: virtual lightning talks conference #fossnorth https://youtu.be/wKqdVTi4CuI #opensource #floss #foss

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I'm going through my unread RSS feed from january and february, it's king of nice to see a normal flow of posts which don't mention a virus in 2/3 of them.


Shower thought: COVID-19 is bringing the world population of humans together on one side like an alien invasion would, we need to work together as a species to fight it before it can destroys us.


Normally I don't really get sick and I've been self isolating since Wednesday, as one of the first ones at the office. But still I got sick on Friday. I have no fever, shortness of breath or diarrhea but instead a stuffy nose and sometimes running nose and a very light dry cough. This would indicate a common cold which is really ironic because I didn't have it for many years but when I start self isolating then I get it :D

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I have an automation at home to switch everything off at 23:00 so I will go to sleep. It sometimes really surprises me and switches for example my computer screen off when I'm in the middle of something. I now added a dimming of all the lights to 10% at 22:55 to mentally prepare myself that it's time for bed in 5 minutes.


I guess a (temporary) Universal Basic Income would probably help those who can't make enough money right now during the covid-19 crisis.

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I think I'll start working from home today. There is no real benefit of taking the train to the office and working via video link with colleagues from other countries than doing it from home.

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Watching the second Sumo tournament this year (this time on https://youtu.be/AQs9Md6sPdY) and without an audience. It's a spooky atmosphere.

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Playing with hardware is hard, I was able to decode a IR signal from a TV remote but I can't get my contraption to send a IR signal. Now after a day of trying I suspect that I broke the IR LED but have no idea how to test it. A normal LED emits short visible light flashes when I use it, so the whole contraption seems to work, only the IR LED doesn't. With my phone camera I can see the TV remote flashing, my IR LED on the other hand is just dead.


I got my first phishing SMS which tries to tell me I have a package waiting for me but it got stopped in Stockholm because the 10 SEK postage hasn't been payed. They include a link which first goes to a blogspot page with a form with the prefilled tracking ID and when you click on it you get redirected to a page on direct.greenfitness.net where you can pay those 10 SEK. I didn't go further with the investigation.

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Today I decided to not answer the phone and help other people with their problems but instead to do what I wanted to do for a long time but never had the time for it. So now I'm on the train to get a IR receiver because they have it in the next city, 40 km away. Once I get it I hopefully will be able to use my Arduino to record a IR signal from a remote control and then use that code to switch on a audio amplifier with help of my Home Assistant when I get home. This way I will be able to listen to music and notifications via my 6.1 surround system.

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Today "The Book of Delights" has arrived where Ross Gay published a delight every day for a year in book form. It's a cool idea, perhaps I should do a challenge to post one per day for at least a week?

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Funny how my USB Type-C extension cord has a little label which says:

> USB 3.1/3.0 is supported on both sides. > USB 2.0 is only supported on one side. > If it doesn't work please reverse it.

And I've been trying to get my external sound card to work for half an hour.

Anyway, now finally I have the dream setup, I can switch to use my keyboard, mouse and sound card and screen on my stationary NUC or my laptop connected with one single cable (including charging) by a press of a button at my desk. I just need to insert the cable the right way.

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Happy Palindrome Day 20200202!

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It's always a bit sad when I come back from vacation I don't have anything to post because nothing happens anymore. It feels like I'm falling into a deep hole of work and boredom and I need to actively work to get out of it.


Enho is by far smallest of the sumo wrestlers in the highest league, but don't let that fool you, he is really aggressive and wins a lot! Here are all his fights from the January Grand Sumo Tournament in Tokyo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ehwBDELk7M

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I've recorded so much material for podcasts during my journeys, now I 'just' need to sit down and cut it in nice pieces and to all the other work before I can publish it.


We just ate Yakiniku 'all you can eat' (within 90 minutes) from this menu https://www.gyukaku.ne.jp/international/pdf/03-WithAll-You-Can-EatCourse1800_en.pdf

It was sooo delicious! And together with all you can drink for just about 35 EUR which you'd pay for the drinks alone in Sweden.

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Nice, went up at 4 to catch the train but the 2nd got cancled and I need to wait 2,5 hours just 80 from where I started my journey. Now instead of 15 hours itwill take 18 hour or longer to get home.

Good job Deutsche Bahn. After failing me too many times in the past so I couldn't get the last trail home and had to pay more for a taxi than for the train I switched to flying for the last 7 years. Now I wanted to try it again and it went well from Sweden to Germany but now thy fail imediatelly on my way home, unbelievable.


Check out the latest episode of my podcast Jeenas Excellent Encounters where I went to Jerusalem and did a blog style recording of my stay there: https://jeena.net/pods/20

This is the first one of three episodes from Israel.

Fun fact, the jingle at the beginning and end was created by a guy from Tel Aviv.

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Wow, what a strong talk by Aral Balkan (https://mastodon.ar.al/@aral) at the European Parliament.


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I recorded myself walking in Hebron, Palestine through the old city and the market nearby for half an hour and put it on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERM9kCsVmIg Check it out if you're interested in a virtual walk.


Not the best timing for this to happen when I'm here in Israel https://edition.cnn.com/2019/11/12/middleeast/israel-gaza-islamic-jihad-intl/index.html I'm in Jrusalem right now and they didn't shoot that far, but some reports say up to 150 rockets were fired from Gaza today, after a Islamic Jihad leader was killed in Israeli air strike. I know where the shelter is and I'm actively reading local and international news about it.


Ok, that's a first one for me. Today when I arrived at my AirBnB the TV was showing that 50 rockets have been fired from Gaza on Israel. Only one person was lightly injured but sirens went of in many cities, even Tel Aviv where I landed the day before yesterday. My host says that Jerusalem normally is safe because there are Arabs living here too. Until I saw in on TV I haven't seen any indication of that on the streets.

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What I never got is why people are so eager to board the plane as early as possible. My strategy is to wait until everyone is in and to go in last. This way I'm in the airplane as short as possible. I always try to get a seat in the center so that nobody needs to stand up and let me into my seat.

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Varberg ->🚆->🚌->✈->🚖-> Jerusalem

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Question: Where can I buy audio books without DRM? I know I can download them on PirateBay but where can I buy them legally?


This holiday I made a really good decision, I came back one day earlier and was able to catch up on sleep for a whole day, I only went to the toilet and to get something to eat, otherwise I've been sleeping the whole day. I feel mega refreshed, it's awesome :D

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Hm, I was thinking about planting trees but I don't own land where I could do it myself. https://teamtrees.org/ seems a really easy way to do it by paying $1 per tree. #TeamTrees


Sometimes I do mistake on top of mistake:

> During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

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After a update suddenly all my passwords which were on my own server (which I run for Firefox sync) seem to have been copied to Mozillas servers for Firefox Lockwise (at least the UI in Firefox suggests that).

I have to admit that this is quite frustrating because if I want to be sure that no 2nd party has my passwords I need to change all of them after I disable Lockwise.

I'm still searching for any documentation about it.

#firefox #lockwise #sync #ownyourpasswords


I just clicked on the video because she has the same first name as my sister, which is very uncommon but I stayed for the awesome bass playing and song writing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pS5qogyTJag

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I have kind of a meta-hobby at work, where I'm interested in different (self hosted) chat solutions. Because I'm in a special position to set up a lot of different infrastructure tools in the beginning of different projects I'm able to choose the tool without people asking too many questions.

Anyway, we had IRC, HipChat, Mattermost and Rocket.Chat and now I'm using https://zulipchat.com for the first time which has a slightly different UI with what they call Topics inside of Streams (which are like rooms).

Even if it took some time for me to start understanding the new UI I really like it now, it makes catching up on what happened during the day so much easier because of the Topics which are like threads in old school classic forums.

The only thing which I don't like is that it's not using Matrix as it's protocol to make it federated.


Anti-vax Movement Listed by World Health Organization as One of the Top 10 Health Threats for 2019 https://www.who.int/emergencies/ten-threats-to-global-health-in-2019


I will be moving my server from Digital Ocean to Hetzner because they offer double the CPU and quadruple the hard drive and RAM for the same price. Yesterday I moved my mastodon instance and everything seems to work nicely and much faster. The next days I'll move Nextcloud, TTRSS, ZNC, the other static websites I host and this website.


I was at the theater in Berlin yesterday watching the premiere and only performance of the play Selbstauslöser: https://askhelmut.com/events/2019-09-28-19-00-volksbuhne-am-rosa-luxemburg-platz-selbstausloser-ua

At the end of the play they got a mountain of instruments, at least 30 guitars, 20 violins a cello, trumpets, etc. and destroyed all of them within 8 minutes.



Those security measures where you log in from a different place (your parents house) with the correct password and they don't let you in and tell you to click on a email link and then it takes several hours until this email arrives so that you already forgot why you wanted to log in could be made better, especially when the link already expired when you get it.

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Sometimes, very seldom, you wake up and something which you didn't think was in the realm of possibilities happened during the night. The first time it happened to me was when princess Diana died, the most impression made the 9/11 attacks on me in this regard and this morning Richard Stallman resigned from FSF https://www.stallman.org/archives/2019-jul-oct.html#16September2019_

I didn't follow what all that was about but the Register has an article about it: https://www.theregister.co.uk/2019/09/17/richardstallmaninterview/


Someone blogged about how they created a public EV charging station by their church. Very interesting read: https://syonyk.blogspot.com/2019/09/adding-public-ev-charging-station-near.html


I really like how accessible the guys from #TwoSetViolin https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAzKFALPuF_EPe-AEI0WFFw make classical music. I started watching them because they as classical musicians reacted to classical music performances on talent shows, then I started appreciating their memes and now I myself started looking up the performances of the musical geniuses they mention on their show because they also explain a lot about classical music in a fun and approachable way.

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I didn't realize that my photo "Stora Hornsjön" https://jeena.net/photos/388 ended up as one of the default backgrounds in Fedora 28: https://apps.fedoraproject.org/nuancier/results/8/

It was a different one than the one in Ubuntu Bungie https://jeena.net/notes/893


Damn, what an exceptionally stupid idea to let npm (a package manager for JavaScript) show ads https://github.com/standard/standard/issues/1381


Interesting, in my 41 years of living in 3 different countries I never thought to read though the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. I caught up it today at https://www.ohchr.org/EN/UDHR/Documents/UDHR_Translations/eng.pdf

It's an interesting read and is much longer than I expected, it has 30 articles on 8 A4 pages.

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Music tip: Béla Bartók - String Quartet No. 5 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Du07qCXkNa8

Damn this composition was on fire! Over a hundred years ago but his style is so close to modern metal bands, it's uncanny. Would be awesome to incorporate some of it in a Hoggatah song.

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Hoggatah, my band, had their 10 year anniversary concert last weekend and I created a one hour video from the footage which I was able to find. So if you weren't able to join you can watch it on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Q93mYVOCsw


"If an ad uses deeply personal information to appeal to emotional vulnerabilities or exploits psychological tendencies to generate a purchase, then that is a form of privacy violation—regardless of the technical details." via https://freedom-to-tinker.com/2019/08/23/deconstructing-googles-excuses-on-tracking-protection/

That is half of the reason why I use Ad blockers.

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"The saxophone is easy to play badly—and very challenging to play well."

Via https://saxstation.com/


I listened to the Swedish top 20 on YouTube Music - not sure how they determine it - and 90% was Trap (this HipHop with really low basses and really high hi-hats). To not sound like a grumpy old fart, I'd like to link to the one artist which sticks out for me. It's the 17 years old Billie Ellish with her song Bad Guy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyDfgMOUjCI

I like the fresh air and that she has her own style instead of following a trend, that is not easy to do today and still become famous.


I like Signal, it does almost everything I need it to do as a messenger app with the exception of handling those short videos you send each other within a family group. Be it because your children did something funny, greetings on Christmas or to show off you progress when learning the saxophone.

Yes you can prerecord and send it as an attachment, but then most of the time the video file size is too big and you need another app to make it smaller, and then it's not obvious how small it should be to still have reasonable quality to be watched on a smartphone screen. For people like my dad and my sister it's too many hoops to jump though so I'm still getting the videos on WhatsApp.


Some times a person who I admire for being super smart and an educator says something so stupid that it changes my perception about them fundamentally like with Neil deGrasse Tyson now https://twitter.com/neiltyson/status/1158074774297468928 or Richard Dawkins back in 2011 https://freethoughtblogs.com/pharyngula/2018/06/28/dawkins-and-dear-muslima/

This leads to two important thoughts:

  1. Even a superstar scientist has a brain fart sometimes, they're still only human
  2. Just because they're mega competent in one science field doesn't make them automatically competent in other fields

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Phuh, today we worked really hard with the band, first 2 hours photoshoot to finally get some new press photos. Then one hour interview with a local weekly newspaper for their next issue. And then rehersing of the extended playlist for the next concert which is almost double the usual length.


About the thing that you're funny in one environment but not in a different is interesting. I felt it a lot every time I migrated to another country, in the one before I knew the language, the social norms, etc., but in the new one suddenly especially the language brier would basically destroy my ability to be funny and witty. And that until now happened 3 times to me. But now I'm funny int two languages and working on being more comfortable in English so I can get better timing, etc. while doing jokes and stories.


Damn, I lost my credit card today and it'll take 5 days to get a new one.

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Since I realized that we only have 30% of the bio mass left compared towhen I was a child, I'm happy to see every fly and every other insect flying around. Sadly even during summer it's very rarely that I in fact see one.


I don't want to write this as a YouTube comment under the video to not take away enjoyment from their fans, but I just saw Slipknots new video Unstained https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpATBBRajP8

Probably it's just me but it's disappointing. There is nothing new in that song. It sounds like they took the parts people liked in their old songs like the protracted singing in the refrain, the staccato guitar part directly afterwards, or the the raping part with the 4 to the floor base drum, etc.

The only new thing was the choir during the long intro. As I said, it most probably is just me but I hoped for something harder, more extreme and what I got is basically modern arena rock.


In the car I was listening to the radio and they played Madonnas Into The Groove and the prominent synth base line made me want to dance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52iW3lcpK5M

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Preparing to stream live me brewing beer on twitch, just need to figure out how to do it again and I'll be online on https://www.twitch.tv/jeenaparadies


I've been thinking about the word 'happiness' and how weird it is to have it as a life goal. It's intrinsically egoistic, most of the time you need to disregard other peoples needs to become it. It's not particularly difficult to archive, you don't need to be moral or ethical, smart or educated, engaged in anything, etc. It doesn't bring any value to you or others. Wanting to become fulfilled on the other hand, doesn't exclude all the things which are painfull to archive but still are much more worth it.

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I changed two things in my browser:

  1. All cookies but from a handful selected websites, are destroyed when I close the browser
  2. uBlock blocks now all 3rd party scripts and assets (like images) but a handful which I manually allow on some specific websites.


A citation from an interview with the slovenian philosopher Slavoj Žižek about the conformist concept of happiness:

> You can be happy without being moral. You can be happy without being interesting or engaged in the world around you. You can be happy without having a single creative idea or interest or passion. You can get everything you desire, and still not be happy. So why even focus on finding bliss?

Via https://bigthink.com/postcards-from-zizek/why-be-happy-when-you-could-be-creative

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My roomba battery died so I ordered a new one. The roomba I bought in 2009 https://www.flickr.com/photos/jeena/albums/72157623459215046 is still going strong after 10 years.

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It's really weird that I need to pay to be able to sit down while waiting for my flight at many airports like right now in Zürich. There is a lot of space but nothing to sit on besides at the restaurants.

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The more photography I do the more distracting color I find and the more I'm drawn to beautiful lit black and white photos.

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Tomorrow evening at 20:00 (Central European / Swedish Time) I'll be collaborating on a podcast together with the guys from Montreal Sauce which they'll live stream on http://montrealsauce.com/live/

There is a IRC channel linked on that page if you want to join the discussion!

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I've wondered for quite some time why Thunderbird on my private computers takes such a huge amount of time to start but at work it's reasonably fast. Now I see that my ~/.thunderbird isg 8.9 GB big.


After seeing the call for contribution by The Guardian now so many times I finally started paying $12 a year, so $1 per month. I don't read it super often but it's linked from HackerNews and blogs I read, so I'm ending up on their page more often than you'd think.


About automation replacing us:

If you think of machines as the next step in evolution, as our children, then it's awesome that they don't have the same limitations of biological bodies like we have, so they could go on exploring our galaxy in a completely different way than we could with our short life spans. The human will die out anyway, like all the other biological species, but at least we could have a heritage in form of the machines which could survive and strive to connect to others in the universe whom we will never be able to reach ourselves.


Music tip of the day: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZ9JVxQVQy4

Apparently this is what grew out of metalcore. I'm intrigued.


Musicvideo tip today: Rammstein - Deutschland https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NeQM1c-XCDc

A strong comment about the dark sides of German History and apparently the black woman is Germania, the personification of the German nation.


Damn it's time again, going to Berlin for two days now then 3 days in Stuttgart, after which I'm visiting my parents and then back to Sweden next weekend.

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I'm sick again, second time within one month. Not sure what's going on. Normally I only got sick once every couple of years.

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Todays music tip is "I want to be part of a youth movement" by Tocotronic which in light of the #fridayforfuture is such a contrast to how things were in the 90ies. The song is soaked in irony, while todays youth movement is in the need to be super serious.


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I'll be the first who admits that the changed texts are really cringy but SUSEs marketing creates high production value parody music-videos where they cover really good music:


Flying (to Berlin now) is not a good idea for your stomack when it was ill just the day before. Before landing in Brussles we had so many tourbulences I was almost reaching for the barf bag ...

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I'm tempted to buy a server and serve my website, #mastodon #pixelfed and #peertube from home. I mostly need hard drive space and extending it on Digital Ocean is extremely expensive. In contrast spin disks are extremely cheap.

One drawback is the changing IP address, but I'm using duckdns and point a subdomain via CNAME to it for HomeAssistant already and I never had problems with accessing it.

Another is that servers tend to be fairly loud.


A short story from the podcast with my granddad https://jeena.net/pods/6

As a German teenager (17), during the winter 1945, he got deported to the Lidievka colliery in Donetsk (now Ukraina) to drain it, because either the Germans or the Russians flooded it.

He had to work in the mine for 9 months. He had to shovel six wagons of mud per day and got 1kg corn bread and (thin) soup 3 times a day.

I founda picture of the colliery: https://www.viktormacha.com/nejnovejsi/lidievka-colliery-donetsk-donbas-1545.html


A phishing email almost got me. I'm waiting for something I ordered on Amazon and I got three emails during the last days from PostNord (the Swedish postal service). I finally looked at the first one and it said that they added a fee of 5 kronas (0.5 EUR) and I need to pay it before I can get my package. The weird thing was that I ordered it from Germany, which means the EU and the extra fees were supposed to be for packages outside of the EU, but PostNord is known for their weirdness. Also 5 kr was a weirdly low amount. In the end I clicked on the link to pay but something went wrong also at their site because I got an error that Linux is not supported.

Only then I realized that it wasn't at all PostNord who send this mail. That was actually the closest I ever got to be tricked by a phishing mail, or you could say I was tricked by this phishing mail because of their good timing when I was waiting for something from Amazon which already was late.


Reading the Wikipedia article about the Foo Fighters and that Dave Grohl re recorded the drums of the second album without telling the drummer because he didn't like his drumming on the recordings.

Reading this I thought, what a shitty thing to do but then I remembered that I did practically the same thing on one of the songs on the first album of my first band. I rerecorded the guitar track without telling our guitar player because it was just too bad. He never said anything so no idea if he didn't notice or didn't want to say anything.


Testing cross posting from my notes to #mastodon automatically.

Follow me on: https://toot.jeena.net/@jeena


Watching the latest PewDiePie video https://youtu.be/cskmG__kZHQ?t=856 where he talks about someone on Twitch being banned from the website because she apparently said there are only two genders/sexes and this would have been hateful speech and this she insulted the transgender community.

Independent of if that is true or not, I'm really looking forward to how disputes like that will be handled on Mastodon where everyone can just set up their own instance like I do.

Sure, some servers might block you for their own users but it will by far not be all of them.

Once the "moving" functionality is available it will also be fairly easy for those who don't want servers to block anything for them to just move to a different server. This would be a far better solution to the silos we have now.

This way everyone who cares will have the possibility to listen to whomever they want.

I also wonder if that will lead to more filter bubbles where people only preach to the choir.

, (1)

I was creating a photo book from the photos I took in Iceland last year. Japan Photo in Gothenburg, offers a software for photo book creation as a download, even for Linux.

The installation process is a bit weird, they basically let you download a Perl file which you execute on the command line which then downloads the program, puts it in your home dir and creates a .desktop file. So it's distribution independent.

It crashed one time but worked in the end very well.


I'm listening to episode #666 of The American Life podcast which is about Satan and they have one part abot the band Slayer.

It was quite cool for them to mix their songs together with stories about the band.

So now I wonder, are there good podcasts out there which present bands in background stories, mixed with their music? That would be something I'd enjoy.

, (1)

Oh interesting, apparently last year one of my pictures got added to the Fedora supplemental Wallpapers: https://fedoramagazine.org/supplemental-wallpapers-fedora-28/

That's kind of cool, and I guess it helps that all my pictures are CC licensed. It would have been cool to gotten notified, but that seems not something people do ;)


The new browser monopoly is breaking the adblock APIs much earlier than expected: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=896897&desc=2#c23


"Half of the time when companies say they need "AI" what they really need is a SELECT clause with GROUP BY."

— Mat Velloso (https://twitter.com/matvelloso/status/1001899539484192768) May 30, 2018

, (2)

I installed Mastodon, which is something like Twitter but federated, which means that everyone can run a server so that there are many servers available, basically like you can choose different email providers. I'm obviously hosting me myself, you can find me here: https://toot.jeena.net/@jeena

But if you want to join you could choose one of the many many servers (you'll be able to talk to anyone on any of those servers): https://joinmastodon.org/#getting-started

It feels like back in the early days of Twitter before bullies and corporations took over, so if you always wondered what the charm with Twitter was in the early days you can get a insight with Mastodon right now ;)

I myself don't plan on opening my server to other people.


I watched Aquaman yesterday:

  1. The movie was to long
  2. The story was too predictable and lazy
  3. The fighting scenes were to many, to dark, to messy, you never new who was fighting whom, I thonk I fell asleep shortly during the big fight
  4. The actors were really good looking and all of them in those skin tight wet suits
  5. The hair flowing under water was destacting
  6. I don't think I want to see any more superhero movies, they are really all the same and so boring

, (4)

I wish I could host video content like on YouTube, but instead on a device at home but still accessible from the internet so I could upload from my phone or a computer. I don't want to host it like my website because it needs a lot of space and this becomes really expensive really fast.


"Did a 1950s TV Episode Feature a Character Named Trump Who Offered to Build a Protective Wall?" - Yes https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trackdown-trump-character-wall/

, (5)

I was always thinking that if we would somehow be able to remove inheritance, then the world would become a much more equal place because it would matter less in which family you were born.

There is an interesting study about inheritance: "STARTED FROM THE TOP - The richest families in Florence in 1427 are still the richest families in Florence" https://qz.com/694340/the-richest-families-in-florence-in-1427-are-still-the-richest-families-in-florence/


So I tried out Netflix and it worked really cool on my dads 65" TV with dolby surround sound which had a build in app for it. But now I tested it on my comupter and I only can get 720p which makes me to unsubscribe from their service. Why do I have a 4k monitor when I only can show 720p with a lot of mpeg artifacts?


Interesting to listen to a ex Israeli soldier explaining the day to day routines of Israeli soldiers in West Bank, Hebron. The whole documentary is over 3 hours long and I only saw the first half an hour yet, but I've been following Thilo Jung for some time now and he and his camera man Tyler are very good independent journalists.

The movie explains the theory behind the Israeli occupation, hen the history and last but not least they went there to meet the people and show their reality.

"Silence is not at Israeli decease, it's a human epidemic."



Visited an old friend today whom I haven't seen since last day of school, which was over 24 years ago. I think it's time for a school reunion next year!


I like Dialog on Android as my Micro.blog client but I can't use it for replying to people because I can't own the comments when they are stored on the central Micro.blog server instead of my website. #ownyourcontent


Let the holidays begin! I'm going on holidays a bit earlier this year.

Varberg ✈ Burgpreppach


Damn those japanese sisters are really fun to watch especially because they choose really good music to cover https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otOzUXdi0

, (3)

I'm back to a Pro account on Flickr because they offer an ad free version (not only for my but also the people who look at my photos) which I really want to reward with my money. I think every single website should offer an add free version of itself. And I'm paying despite the fact that I use an adblocker in my browser. I pay for YouTube too because they offer a add free version of their service.



"Climate change threatens to cause a global crisis in beer supply, researchers have warned." https://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/beer-shortage-price-rise-climate-change-global-warming-barley-a8584901.html

Will this wake us up?


I'm in Poland right now, preparing my parents summer house for the winter and about two hours ago it started, a ladybug invasion. There are thousands and thousands of them. My cousins cousin also has a white house and the same problem today. Apparently they like the warmth of the white house when the sun is shining on it. But they also try to get in into the house, so I had to plug the holes by the windows.



Brewing in my kitchen live on Twitch right now https://www.twitch.tv/jeenaparadies


I just enrolled into a 5$/month subscription to HomeAssistant cloud, not that I want to use the cloud part but because this is a way to sponsor the developement of HomeAssistant.

For more info see: https://www.home-assistant.io/blog/2018/09/17/thinking-big/

And if you are using HomeAssistant and can spare those 5$/month please do so as well, this is one of the most promising projects around home automation which puts privacy first, everyone else want's your data first.

, (1)

I had a look into my logs and it looks like #Micro.blog doesn't send any webmentions to my site when someone comments, which is a pity, because when I trigger it manually, their comment shows up nicely on my website.

, (8)

Damn it! Someone stole my bike which I left at the train station like I do every day when I go to work. Another 800 € down the drain. Perhaps I should buy a car instead, those are more difficult to steal.

, (1)
, (4)

So Samsung is the only one which sells high end phones with a headphone jack? I guess a S9 it is then.

, (1)

I've been using YouTube with a adblocker for the last say 10 years because I hate advertising with a passion. But at the same time this was the only way to give money to all the content producers so that always felt morally questionable.

Then thy came out with YouTube red and I thought that this would be great! Finally a way I can pay but with money, not with my attention. But after that it still took several years until it was available in Sweden which it seems to be now! So I finally subscribed, it feels quite good.

, (5)

I'm in Dortmund this weekend to meet people from the SELFHTML community which I joined in 2003 and am still hanging out in their IRC channel.


One and a half years ago I send in all my papers to get me a Swedish citizenship, to be able to vote this September, but sadly I still haven't gotten any reaction but "we got you application" from the Swedish migration authority. That is a pity, because now I'll need to wait four more years at least. I kind of wonder what is taking them so long.


I wish android Dialog for micro.blog would also let me post comments on my own website. That is tha main reason I don't really use it as much as I'd want to.


I was in iceland one week with 8-14°C, then at work one week with air conditioning and now suddenly 32°C in Switzerland. I'm melting.

, (5)

Second summer vaccation starts now!

First I'm going to visit family in Switzerland, later we'll go to nothern Italy and after that either Germany or Poland. It'll be a really long vaccation, I'm looking forward to it.


Today I was joined by Althéa https://althea.xyz in my podcast where we spoke about her life in and her difficult journey out of Jehovah's Witnesses.

It's a very interesting and emotional episode: https://jeena.net/pods/18


Varberg 🚆 Copenhagen ✈ Reykjavík 🚗 Husevik

First part of this years summar holidays. 9 days Iceland!


Traveling again, I'm slowly getting tired of it.

Gothenburg ✈ Berlin

At least I can visit my brother there which is really nice :)

, (3)

Oh man, something terrible happened today at work. Because we work with banks and big automotive companies, they are very afraid of industrial spionage (especially from the US), therefor our IT is hosting our own email server, our own chat solution etc, everything nice and secure. But today they announced that Facebook Workplace will be the new service for internal communication.


Gothenburg ✈ Stuttgart for work, and then I take the opportunity to visit my parents in franconia over the weekend.


Micro.blog shortens my texts to 40 characters and then you need to click and show my website to read the rest. Is that expected behaviour?

, (10)

@manton I read http://help.micro.blog/2018/replies-and-mentions/ and am somehow conflicted, I'd like to own my replies too, and with normal IndieWeb I do, I have them in a special comments section: https://jeena.net/comments

But the FAQ says that when I use the app or web those comments get stored seperatelly and are not send to my blog. Is there a technical reason why that is? Couldn't they been send via MicroPub to my blog?

, (15)

Facebook is turning off the API which allows me to automatically cross post from my website to Facebook in august. I don't think I will start cross posting to Facebook manually like I sometimes do with Instagram because it's just too much work, especially since so many people are leaving Facebook now.

So if you want to follow what I'm doing you should subscribe to my website via RSS to this link: http://jeena.net/all.atom

You need a RSS reader like https://feedly.com or https://ttrss.info/ to do that, but then you'll be able to subscribe to most of the blogs, newspapers and other websites without being tracked or marketed to.

I've been posting on my website (with a RSS feed) since 2004 ( http://paradies.jeena.net/weblog/2004/apr/fahrradspass ) , so you don't need to worry that I will move on to another medium again and again.

, (12)

Oh man that feels good, it's been at least weeks if not months since I had nothing planned on a day but today is such a day! And I'm practically doing nothing, was sleeping in untill 11:00 and then just staying in bed browsing the web a little bit. Haven't even have breakfast yet!

And I know, I know, I have to get back to you who called, send messages, emails, etc. but that will have to wait at least for a day.


I posted the video of my home automation talk, the slides and one picture of every speaker at #fossnorth2018 on my website: https://jeena.net/fossnorth2018

, (10)

I'm really looking forward to speaking at http://foss-north.se/2018/speakers-and-talks.html#jparadies tomorrow at 13:00. I seem to be the opening talk. I'm even almost done with my slides. I'll have about 30 slides, so around 2 minutes per slide, that should work well but it's always difficult to know how much time it will take. Perhaps I should take 15 minutes of it for a discussion?

, (5)

I got so fed up with the fact that my hard drive was always full today that I just went to a shop and bought a additional 500GB SSD for my laptop. Damn that feels good.

, (3)

Btw. I'm in Berlin, had just two days only meetings but that's it, now weekend so I can hang out with my brother who lives here.

, (25)

I just finished up documentation of my first Open Source Hardware project https://github.com/jeena/esp8266-button

It is a hardware button which you can press and it will boot up and connect to your Wifi, after that it will publish one MQTT topic and will turn itself off.

I myself use it to toggle a state in Home Assistant, which automates my flat, so it understands that I'm either going to sleep in the evening, or just woke up in the morning. It then can automate the appropriate things accordingly.

But with really small tweaks you can automate a bazilion different things with it. It's especially interesting because it only costs about 2 EUR to build, but also the battery should be able to drive it at least for months, in theory even for years. Other buttons like that normally cost around 50 EUR if you buy them prebuild.

, (14)

I'm often talking about that I automate my flat with https://www.home-assistant.io but if you want to know exactly how I do it you should come to #foss-north where I'm giving a talk about that and explain in detail how exactly I am doing that http://foss-north.se/2018/speakers-and-talks.html#jparadies

, (1)

I'd like to be able to consume content from https://micro.blog and comment on peoples posts and get back their comments but without actually the need to use their software. It's kind of close because they use webmentions and I've seen some links to RSS feeds, but the UI if you're not logged in is quite awful.

For example, I found https://micro.blog/jthingelstad by randomly typing https://manton.micro.blog/ which turned out to be the test blog of the creator of Micro.blog all the way down in the footer I found a link to https://micro.blog/manton which for some reason has compleatly different content than the subdomain. There I saw him mentioning https://micro.blog/jthingelstad so I rewrote the URL to https://jthingelstad.micro.blog and was looking for a link to their RSS. The footer didn't have one but the HTML head has one which luckily my browser shows. https://micro.blog/jthingelstad didn't have a link to that RSS feed nor to the subdomain where I can find the link to the RSS feed.

I think they would get much more traction if they did some homework on not putting up those walls around their garden like everyone else does. I'll follow this one guy now and we'll see if I can get into this community with just my own software and without signing up for a username there.

, (7)

After a full day of helping moving a friend my back still doesn't hurt. So all the going to the gym is paying off even though because of a shitty diet I haven't lost weight yet.

, (1)

I'm still super confused about micro.blog for example:

  • Can I be part of discussions without running their software, just with my own website?
  • If I look at this conversation: https://micro.blog/mmarfil/338157 it seems not to matter on which date I click, the resources behind all those different URLs look exactly like the first one
  • In this conversation, what is the first comment replying to?

, (4)
, (16)

Gothenburg ✈ Brussels to attend FOSDEM https://fosdem.org/2018/

Bringing my audio gear, not sure if I'll succeed but, I'll try to interview some people about their projects for a episode of my podcast.

, (4)

Allright! I didn't give up and submitted another picture to "Critique the Community" on fstoppers, this time the one with the siluette of the trees and the cyclist https://jeena.net/photos/309 which got a 3 out of 5!


, (3)

Fairly amazing live looping https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gl9GtO_vQxw


I'm not sure the alternative is much better, see: http://turnoff.us/image/en/depressed-developer-21.png

, (7)

Fstoppers is a really big community of photographers and the folks behind it often do original videos and articles for the website. Sometimes they offer to critique pictures from the community, so last time I send in in my opinion best picture from last year. I was interested what people who aren't my friends and family would say.

It turns out they gave me 2 out of 5 stars, which means as a photographer I shouldn't put it on my website portfolio because it needs more work. It's not really what I hoped for, but it's a really good check of my abilities. So this means I need to work harder and put more energy into my photography hobby!

Check out the video: https://youtu.be/MNiqFvJhmBA?t=24m59s they talk about my photo around minute 25.

, (2)

Because I'm interested in photography I watch a ton of YouTube videos about it. Latelly I'm watching more and more videos by Ted Forbes who is hind of the historian when it comes to the photography YouTubers. He talks a lot about the classics like Henri Cartier-Bresson, Sally Mann or Fan Ho who's picture I linked here, check out how amazingly minimal but at the same time strong it is:


, (19)

I'm at my parents for Christmas, wohoo! Merry X-Mas to all of you!

A anecdote: I tried to use the Internet from here but for some reason only websites which are accessible via IPv6 work. It's really interesting how few websites are accessible via IPv6. The super big ones like Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Google, and those who are runs by freaks like me and https://wwwtech.de are. But as soon as it gets a bit smaller like Twitter, GitHub, Flickr and so on, don't work anymore, you just get "Firefox can’t establish a connection to the server at github.com."

, (6)

I automated my Home Assistant so when I'm at home during a weekday in the moning and awake, then it will remind me to go to catch the next commuter train 7 minutes before the next one goes. It does that by speaking to me via Text2Speach on the device, no cloud involved.


A coupple of years ago I wrote about Apeirophobia, the fear of eternity https://jeena.net/apeirophobia Now there is a comic with Schoppenhauer about it too http://existentialcomics.com/comic/213

, (47)

Neat! One of my pictures, the one with the cyclist and the trees (see https://jeena.net/photos/309) has been chosen to be one of 10 default Desktop Wallpapers for the next version of Ubuntu Budgie:


Ubuntu Budgie is an official community flavor of Ubuntu featuring the Budgie desktop.

, (1)

So we're back trading slaves from Africa, as a CNN report shows: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PY_0YCbc8gcf

Even more "interesting', we're not upset about it because those are refugees who wanted to cross over to Europe.

, (1)

For all the problems USB Type-C has, the fact that it doesn't matter which way you insert the cable is just magical.

, (4)

Interesting real life example on how a world without net nutrality looks like in Portugal: https://www.meo.pt/internet/internet-movel/telemovel/pacotes-com-telemovel (via fefe)

, (1)

Varberg ✈ Łódź

For the first time in my adult life I'm in poland outside of Upper Silecia. But just for work for two days in Łódź.


Varberg 🚂 Gothenburg ✈ Helsinki ✈Osaka 🚂 Kyoto 🚂 Tokyo

Let the holidays begin! Second time Japan, I'm so looking forward to eat real sushi again, you can't imagine! And I plan to go and do some night photography in Tokyo, and go to a random JRock/JMetal show. Two weeks should be enough to cover a lot.

, (11)

This is my reply to https://fstoppers.com/business/your-private-information-secure-manage-your-passwords-better-these-tips-194431

I would absolutelly vote against propriatary solutions like LastPass which might do what they say, which also could send all your passwords in plain text to the operator, you can't know because you can't look into the program and check what its doing, and so can nobody else either.

I suggest using free software (free like in liberty) where you or someone else can look at the code and find out what its doing. One of those is KeePassX https://www.keepassx.org/ like LastPass it is also available for all your devices like your Mac or Windows computer and also mobile phones, etc.

It has also a password generator build in, but what it doesn't is sync between devices, it just saves a incrypted database file on the current device. You can sync this file yourself with iCloud, DropBox, GoogleDrive etc. But if you don't want to rely on a commercial operator you could do it like me and use SyncThing https://syncthing.net/ which does basically what DropBox does which is syncing files between devices, but it is free software (as in libre) and doesn't need a central server like the others do, it just syncs the files between the devices themselves peer to peer.

This way you can trust the whole chain because everything is free software and checked by many people so id doesn't do evil. A nice byproduct is also that everything is free as in beer, so you don't need to pay any monthly fee or anything and you can be sure that this software will keep working even after the other companies stop providing those services.

, (4)

A couple of interesting articles on the IndieWeb right now:

Reflections on Two Years of #Indieweb - Alex Kearney - https://kongaloosh.com/e/2017/6/22/hello-world

Not giving up on IndieWeb - Jeremy Cherfas - https://www.jeremycherfas.net/blog/not-giving-up-on-indieweb

The confusion about the indieweb - Colin Walker - https://colinwalker.blog/2017/06/22/the-confusion-about-the-indieweb/

Re: Making the IndieWeb easier for Generation 2 users - John Johnston - http://johnjohnston.info/blog/re-chris-aldrich-on-making-the-indieweb-easier-for-generation-2-users/


, (3)

"Say my name." - "You're Heisenberg." - "You're gosh darn right!"

Breaking Bad Jr. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DmnJGui7bDs

I got goose bumps watching it.

, (1)

Wow, what a great advertisment video for Varberg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIxXahQMpWk I've been at Hallifornia last year and saw many of the things they show in the video. But damn it makes me wanna go to Varberg during the summer ;)

, (7)

'A French army marching band medleys Daft Punk at the end of the Bastille Day parade on Friday. Donald Trump looks somewhat bemused as they perform Get Lucky and some of the group’s other hits. French president Emmanuel Macron smiles as other dignitaries clap and dance along.'


, (6)

Who's idea was it to install Windows on the computers which monitor the radiation in Chernobyl? http://www.mirror.co.uk/tech/chernobyl-nuclear-power-plant-hit-10697960

, (2)

Didn't get polio today, again! So lit! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7VGs2PCHc

, (30)

"Poland tells EU to BRING IT: Warsaw vows to fight penalty for refusing to accept refugees" http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/817289/poland-fight-eu-penalty-european-commission-refusing-refugees-migrant-crisis

It's unbelievable. As long they were in deep shit and milions of polish people emigrated to other european countries to take peoples work, while the EU pumped in money into polish infrastructure, the EU was embraced. Now that we tell them to help to devide the burdon of other migrants comming into europe they refuse to help.

How can people be so short sighted and not make the connection? Either that or they're just selfish parasites who take as long as they can and walk away once you try to include them to be able to help more people.


Interesting to see the life journey of a semi-famous developer who did great work on the Mac Internet Explorer rendering engine on the brink of the 2000's and today (besides working at Mozilla) co-teaches Yoga classes: http://tantek.com/2017/160/t1/ytt-co-teaching-public-yoga-class

, (1)

I'm watching "The Man in the High Castle" and this one Nazi antagonist with the sick son is terribly likable.

, (2)

Preparing for the first virtual Homebrew Website Club https://jeena.net/events/25

I missed that it was today so I'm joining from the train for the first hour.

, (11)

Gothenburg 🛫 Zürich

My nieces first birthday party in Switzerland, it's a pitty that I live so far away but it's super cool to have another reason to visit Switzerland 👼😀😍

, (15)

Haha the security guards at Berlin airport were super impressed about my new Samsung Galaxy S8, they even got some colegues over to check it out. At some point there were 5 people around touching it and talking about it ^^.

, (8)

Google maps seems to be running in the background on my phone and suggested me to upload a photo from the restaurant I'm in right now. Creepy, and why is it uaing power from the battery for stuff like this?

, (7)

Today I was cycling to take some landscape photos and came by an anthill which I decided to film instead of just taking a picture which really didn't work to show all the business going on there. I also like all the birds tweeting in the background.


, (1)

Oh man, damn, I almost did a thing, the trains still aren't going so I went on the bus and am sitting there with my noise canceling earphones and just before we go the bus driver asks: "How many of you are going to Falkenberg, Halmstad, Laholm?", I was quite quick to leave this bus. Luckily the Gothenburg bus was waiting in line so I got it.

, (5)

At last weeks http://foss-north.se I recorded some of the talks, many are online now like Lennard Poettering's "Immutable and Stateless Systems with systemd" https://youtu.be/pL0AMLiwPj8


At last weeks http://foss-north.se/ I recorded some of the talks, many are online now: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQvR8lgE9rishcKT_hZT6eQ


A short video-blog style video I created of the fotage me and my brothen shot while on the vaccation in Italy.



Damn, it's so cold in Sweden.


Really cool short movie recorded in one take with one drone https://vimeo.com/211551365


Now we're in Siracusa (Sicily, Italy) for 2 days. We've seen the greek and roman theatres, went for beers yesterday in the old city and went swimming too!

, (5)

Wow, a demo movie recorded in HD in New York in 1993: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fT4lDU-QLUY

It's really weird because normally all HD videos you see today were recorded recently, this kind of messes with your head.

, (20)

Gothenburg ✈ Rome - And the vaccation begins!

Me and my brother are going to Rome for one day and then we're taking a car down to Sicily to be able to see the scenery on the way. At the end we plan to go back to Rome to see how they celebrate easter in the Vatican.

, (9)

Already the second time I'm relying on Facebooks "marked safe during ..." feature.

, (19)

First they came for the muslims, but I kept quiet because I wasn't a muslim www.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la-oe-adi-fourth-amendment-airport-cellphone-search-20170407-story.html


I just released #9 of my podcast "Jeenas Excellent Encounters" this time I was talking to Shahin Ghazinouri and Zeeshan Ali about getting a license to fly planes and helicopters, which they have.

Enjoy and spread the word: https://jeena.net/pods/9

Btw. If you have a story to tell and would like to be interviewed, please contact me and let me visit you with my equipment.

, (2)

I wonder when it will be possible to comment on podcasts from the podcast player. The technology is there but nobody puts it together.

SoundCloud could offer this even with audio comments in their player but I'd rather see something open anyway.

, (9)

Oh kind of cool, my feedreader has been featured on the "OMG Ubuntu" blog http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2017/03/tiny-tiny-rss-desktop-client

, (12)

I'll be in Nuernberg at Embedded World next week https://www.embedded-world.de/en come by and say hi!

, (3)

I finally added a combined feed of everything to my website https://jeena.net/all.atom


Last week I recorded another episode of my podcast "Jeenas Excellent Encounters", this time wich P Celine Marckert and it is about Horses and ADHD.

Enjoy: https://jeena.net/pods/8

Btw. don't be shy to comment if you like, I'd love to get feedback about how I'm doing with the podcast, what you like, what you don't etc.

, (7)

Via a YouTube video on physics: "Light travels faster than sound, that's why some people appear bright until they speak."

, (20)

I just spent 1.5 hours on ice skates, it is so much fun for me, I don't understand why I'm not doing it more often.


I'm listening to a couple of photography podcasts, watch a lot of videos about photography on YouTube and started reading some photography related blogs. There seems to be consesus that if you're a photographer then you need to be on Instagram because that is the platform to be as a photographer.

I don't quite understand why, it's not really made for that, it's made for uploading snapshots you took with your phone, not photographs you took with your DSLR. It's complicated to get your pictures from the DSLR on Instagram and they resize them to really really small so a lot of details just get lost.

I still would like to understand why it is consideret as the platform to be on as a photographer. It might be because of the user numbers, but Facebook has at least as many.


Today we recorded a new episode of my podcast, we talked about last weekends FOSDEM, which is a super big free and open source developer conferance in Brussels (Belgium). I was joined by Jeremiah C. Foster and Zeeshan Ali.

Enjoy: https://jeena.net/pods/7

, (28)

I was at FOSDEM in Brussels last weekend, here is a album with pictures: https://flic.kr/s/aHskQKPfAJ

, (15)

I get why photographers charge so much money for photobooks. It's fun to shoot the pictures but once you have them the real work begins.

  • You have to sort them and chose the best ones which still tell a story.
  • Then you have to prozess every single one of the RAW images to get a nice consistent look.
  • Then you export them and try to find a website which offers some design software for your operating system.
  • Laying out the images so they look good is a lot of work, it took me 2 hours for 24 sites.
  • Once they make the books you get them and send them to your clients.

It's almost impossible to pay someone to do all this work for you because it is so expensive, I guess that's why people most of the time only do it when they marry.


A Few Reasons Why You Should Have Your Own Blog (by a photographer) https://fstoppers.com/originals/few-reasons-why-you-should-have-your-own-blog-161417

, (4)

Webmention is now a W3C recommendation: https://www.w3.org/blog/news/archives/6052

, (5)

I blogged about "Why I switched from OS X to Linux" https://jeena.net/why-i-switchedfrom-osx-to-linux

, (10)

So Medium is laying off 1/3 of their work force https://blog.medium.com/renewing-mediums-focus-98f374a960be#.n8mfrybjq

I'm not judging, because I think they're right, they need to refocus back to something else and not go the Ads revenue row like everybody else because it's a dead end for them.

But this reminds us that even the most promissing companies will need to refocus and you always should own your own content on your own domain so you don't lose the URLs to your articles.

, (9)

Here is a album full of this christmas' pictures, for everyone interested https://www.flickr.com/photos/jeena/albums/72157676413839302

, (1)

Merry Christmas everyone!

Me and my brother performing "Leise rieselt der Schnee"


, (2)

Good news! "Vinyl sales made more than downloads last week" http://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-38221420 I'm one of those people helping with that.


I like the idea of IndieWeb commitments: https://indieweb.org/2017-01-01-commitments

Therefor I commit to implementing and hardening salmentions https://indieweb.org/Salmentions on my website during 2017. I also have a issue in my bugtracker for that: https://github.com/jeena/jeena.net/issues/24

, (1)

Are you a developer on OS X? "Nobody was aware of the fact that data is being send to Google every time you execute a command with brew." via https://tobiastom.name/notes/7a79eed0

, (2)

I just arrived at this sureal end of YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dm2C_pnaz-4 again.

, (1)

I bought one of those smart light bulbs http://www.yeelight.com/en_US/product/wifi-led-w and you can use them offline via WiFi but the first time you have to connect with their special app. So I wanted to install it and it needs all of those permissions:

  • Device & app history | wtf, why??
  • Identity | what are they doing?
  • Location | do they want to visit me?
  • Photos/Media/Files | wait, they want to make a backup of all my pictures and videos?
  • Camera | do they want to watch me sleep?
  • Microphone | and listen to when I'm at the toilet?
  • Wifi connection | finally something they really need to connect to the bulp
  • Bluetooth connection information | what? There is no bluetooth chip anyware near the bulp!
  • Device ID & call information | they really need to know who I'm calling while I switch off my light?
  • Other | I don't even want to know ...

All I want is my light bulp to connect to my internal wifi-network and to give it the password so it can log in. This should be a one time thing and should never involve the microphone or the pictures I have on my phone.

, (11)

So somehow I was able to fuck up all my 3 computers which I have at home.

The one from work where I had debian on tells me it can't boot into Arch.

On my new one I tried to install Windows for gaming which first fucked up everything but I was able to fix that. Windows and Arch booted fine, windows can't find wifi and ethernet, I run an update on arch now the login screen doesn't come up and it can't find any network adapters. But on the arch live CD everything works great.

On my old laptop suddenly no wifi password works anymore even though they are correct. But at least ethernet works so I can try to find sollutions.

This will take a lot of time to fix.

, (2)

I always had the feeling but never could point to any reasearch: "Internet trolls are even more hostile when they’re using their real names, a study finds"


, (16)

After 8 years, I bought it in 2008, my 24" screen died. It was a BenQ G2400W https://www.amazon.com/BenQ-G2400W-24-inch-LCD-Monitor/dp/B000XUU5LG/

I think it's quite ok, I've used it almost every single day for several hours, especially during the time I worked from home for 5 years. It was really cheap, I think I paid less than 350 EUR for it in 2008.

So now it's time for a new one and I have to say that I'm disapointed, especially about the sizes and prices in comperison to what you could get 8 years ago. Do you have any tipps on sceens with good value?


Interesting, this story is the real world scenario which actually happened. And those things are why I couldn't get me to invest in developing for iOS. In short, the iOS is a walled garden, users and devs are just visitors and the host, Apple, can decide who can get in or has to go out. They can do it for whatever reason, independent of if the visitors agree or not.

This is what happened: https://blog.kapeli.com/apple-removed-dash-from-the-app-store

This is how other devs ('addicted to'/'depending off' Apple) see it: https://marco.org/2016/10/10/dash-app-removal

More info: https://blog.kapeli.com/dash-and-apple-my-side-of-the-story

, (13)

Göteborg ✈️ Kraków, to meet my niece again! Just a short trip over a long weekend.

, (12)

Today I will be speaking about IndieWeb at the PHP meetup in Gothenburg https://www.meetup.com/PHP-Goteborg/events/234196466/

, (17)

Wow, what a great idea!

"EU plans to give free Interrail pass to every 18-year-old in Europe on their birthday" http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/interrail-passes-free-eu-parliament-debate-europe-train-tickets-a7339466.html

"... Such a programme would give all young people, regardless of their social or educational background, the opportunity to discover Europe’s diversity, and promote Interrail travel as a pragmatic way of reducing Europe’s carbon footprint." http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-%2f%2fEP%2f%2fTEXT%2bOQ%2bO-2016-000117%2b0%2bDOC%2bXML%2bV0%2f%2fEN&language=EN


Jay Z about how big of a epic fail the war on drugs is in the US https://static01.nyt.com/video/players/offsite/index.html?videoId=100000004642370

, (2)

Feel like a jetsetter, on the plane to Zürich for a long weekend to attend my first nieces baptism :)


It's this time of the month again, a new episode of my podcast 'Jeenas Excellent Encounters' is out!

This time we are talking about a kind of a heavy topic, adoption and how it affects the children and everyone around.

Check it out at: https://jeena.net/pods/5

, (11)

So, after 16 hours in the car yesterday traveling from Tärnaby to Varberg, I'm back at work today. It was an awesome holiday.


Something like that happened to me too: www.omaha.com/news/metro/omaha-dad-finds-pot-brownies-eats-of-them-says-mean/article_385099cc-649c-11e6-86a8-4728d60cb7fe.html

On my lil-sisters 18th birthday I didn't drink anything because I had to work at 5 in the morning. She had a big party with live bands and stuff. I helped out a lot with all the tech stuff during the day and evening. Once almost everyone was gone I was looking for something to eat and found cupcakes, which she got frome her best friend who was a cook, they wele dellicous!

Then I slept for 3 hours on a table which was tilted to the left a bit, but it was the only place I could get some sleap before work. When I woke up and tried to walk I too tilted to the left but didn't know why, I assumed because of the table I was sleeping on.

A couple of her friends were dirving my way so they took me with them so I could get to work, but becaule I always fell to the left they had to grab me a bit and help me on the way. I was thinking that this was super strange because I didn't drink a drop of alcohol the night before. At work it took a couple of hours before I stopped falling slightly to the left.

Anyway a couple of weeks later she was telling me about those special cupcakes. I ate four of them because I was so hungry.


Check out the guys who inspired me to record my own Podcast. They interview creatives, makers and creators: http://montrealsauce.com/

They mentioned me in a blogpost too: https://www.patreon.com/posts/jeenas-excellent-6467133


A new version of my feed reader is out, I added full screen and a night mode. I also relicensed it from BSD to GPL v3 and fixed some long standing bugs. https://github.com/jeena/FeedTheMonkey/releases/tag/v2.2.0


It's time for the second episode of "Jeenas Excellent Encounters", this time with me Kristofer and Markus who are really in to Retrogames. They are also two of those who organise the yearly Retrospelsmässan in Gothenburg with several thousends visitors.

So I hope you have fun listening and don't forget to subscribe to the RSS feed in yor podcast manager app, so you wan't miss the next episode.



Everyone! I am making a Podcast! And I call it: "Jeenas Excellent Encounters" It's a podcast about me, meeting interestingg people and interviewing them about a topic close to their heart.

The first episode with Jeremiah is out now, where we speak about his career as a cook in New York and his transition into a Free and Open Source evangelist: https://jeena.net/pods/1

Two more will be released this weekend. You can listen and subscribe to them on https://jeena.net/pods and I wrote a longer blog post where I explain everything in more detail too: https://jeena.net/jee-podcast

Feel free to share so I can reach people who are interested in somethng like this :) And of course any kind of feedback is welcome too, public and private.

, (21)

I just got those Bose QuietComfort 35 noise canceling headphones and I'm really suprised how good they are. On the train there are always loud people, at work we have a big room where almost everybody sits, and I get really easy distracted by something like this. I only tested it a little bit but for now I'm impressed.


I'm looking for a new laptop and comparing the CPUs, the nubers tell me nothing http://ark.intel.com/compare/88194,47341

, (10)

What the heck is going on? Watching the Ben Heck Show and suddenly I see my own brother in it! https://youtu.be/FnPf6xO0uuQ?t=1m51s

, (4)

I really would love this open source alternative to Siri/Cortana/Echo which is called Mycroft to work, it doesn't even have to be as good as the closed source alternatives. Sadly the, in my eyes most important, speech to text component is just an empty repo on Github https://github.com/MycroftAI/openstt

It doesn't say it on the website but I have been listening to a couple of podcasts where their CEO was on and when asked, he told them that they'll be using Google for that.

Don't get me wrong, there is a lot more to this system than speach to text, but if everything I am saying is going to a 3rd party server then the whole free software thing seems meaningless.

, (1)

You never see as many Swedes at the train station as on the Thursday before midsummer, the same with Systembolaget where you can buy alcohol.

, (7)

Wow, I'm super impressed of the automatic live Skype translation. It listens to what you say and then translates it and speaks it in the other language. And it's quite fast too.

, (4)

Finally I can use my Intel compute stick for something meaningfull, I can watch the football em on it because it is has a x86 prozessor it can run flash which in 2016 seems to be the only technology which is able to stream live video.

, (9)

There is one thing I miss which was much better while I was working from home, the coffe. I make so much better coffy than all the machines at work, it makes me almost want to stop drinking coffe at work. Actually I basically have done that, while others drink between 3 and 8 cups I most days only get one coffe.

, (3)

@bagder we in the IndieWebCamp community use the word 'curlable' http://indiewebcamp.com/curlable

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Aarne Ranta about http://www.grammaticalframework.org/ some day I'd love to work with that.

, (2)

Perhaps we should add a textarea to https://woodwind.xyz/ so one could initiate apost from it on their own website?

, (5)

Alessandro Rubini is a good speaker, adding a funny joke every couple of sentences in his talk about 'time' at #fossnorth2016


Sitting at #fossnorth2016 which just started. Interesting stuff but also a bit too startup focused yet. But I think we'll do more interesting stuff soon :)

, (59)

Damn, something uncool happened tonight. Someone broke in into my appartment while I was sleeping and they stole my old shit. A 6-years old iMac, a soundcard, microphones, a 6-years old Nikkon D5000 and my shitty Jolla phone. Everything worth under 400 EUR, if you get it sold at all.

I have a backup of my data, and the password-keychain is behind the admin-password so I should be ok, but I didn't have a login password, which I guess I shold have had. Meh, a shitty way to start the week.

, (1)

You don't see people often move from OS X to Windows (mostly they move to Linux), but Christopher did just that and blogged about it. That's an interesting read http://www.savethis.space/2016/woe-is-pc-not-quite

, (17)

I'm just back from watching the '84 movie "The Neverending Story" at my local cinema and man this movie is so good, and I have to say it is really worth it to watch it at the cinema. With the great sound rumbly bass and big screen it really is something special.

And the scene with Artax in the Swamp Of Sadness, it is such a good scene, it got me back then when I saw it the first time in the cinema when I was seven, I was in the middle of the swamp of sadness, so sad myself that I could feel myself sinking together with the horse. Same feeling today, such a good scene.

But you can't just watch the scene you have to watch how the movie portraits the friendship between Artax and Atreyu, and then loosing such a good friend to sadness/depression, this is some fucked up shit. I heard that in the book Artax speaks and you get to know why he is so sad.


, (16)

So, finally i installed the BlockSite Firefox addon to remove all links to medium.com because it bothers me that people don't use their own domains for publishing on the free web.

, (1)

Normally I don't really agree (https://jeena.net/comments/651) with how Marco Arment sees the podcasting world, but today I got suprised and his last blogpost (https://marco.org/2016/05/07/apple-role-in-podcasting) is like spoken from my heart, I fully agree with everything he says there. If you're a podcast listener, read it.

, (3)

So far the best use of VR I've yet seen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNk4XMlFsPQ

, (4)

So many years I've been showing the date/time of the creation of the file of my pictures which was when I exported them from Lightroom instead of when I shot them. Now I finally fixed that by using "Date Original" instead. But now I'm afraid that I forgot to change back the timezone from Tokyo two years ago on my camera, so all the photos have the wrong time anyway ^^.

, (2)

Watching some of the streamed stuff from the IndieWebCamp in Duesseldorf this weekend, one of the good things is that you can fast forward stuff which are slow or you're not interested in :D


, (6)

Using decentralised IndieWeb technologies looks much more like an option now, doesn't it?

"WhatsApp, Used by 100 Million Brazilians, Was Shut Down Nationwide Today by a Single Judge"


, (4)

So I just found a band today which seems mega awesome. They're called "The Maximum Hormone" and are from Japan and they mix at least 4 musical styles in each song. Take this for example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdwT5JlH8gM they start with screamo and hardcore, then change to funk then rock, back to screamo and then alternative pop and after that it gets really weird.

And the crowd loves them, check out the live video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCGSCxv1Jec and look and wonder what this super big crowd does, everybody is headbanging from the first line to the last.

, (3)

So I went and bought https://louisck.net/show/horace-and-pete and it is so tragic, after every episode you feel shitty. But you still want to see the next one. I just watched the third episode which was really remarkable but so dark, so dark ...

, (5)

Wow, awesome pictures of abandoned places https://overgivnaplatserarminmedicin.com/ and the last batch is from Fun City which is here in Varberg where I live, I should go there and take some pictures myself!

, (3)

Early morning, akready in Nürnberg on my way back to work to Göteborg, via Berlin. I'll be there at about half past ten, hopefully.

, (1)

Christian https://wwwtech.de/, do you receive webmentions on your homepage?

, (2)

Finally after a month, I had the time and the idea how to remotly fix the CCTV in my parents house in Poland.

, (9)

so I really need to travel less, every time I do it is complicated. Now the flight to berlin is delayed so I will miss my next to Nűrnberg.


Just booked a flight and the hotel for the IndieWebCamp in Nuernberg in one week http://indiewebcamp.com/2016/Nuremberg and after that a week I am staying at my parents for a week because they live near there. I'm hoping for great weather.


"What 95 percent of all suicide attacks have in common, since 1980, is not religion, but a specific strategic motivation to respond to a military intervention, often specifically a military occupation, of territory that the terrorists view as their homeland or prize greatly."

via: http://www.thenation.com/article/heres-what-a-man-who-studied-every-suicide-attack-in-the-world-says-about-isiss-motives/


Awesome short after-work by the sea with friends. Brace yourself, summer is coming.

, (1)

I'm on my way to Germany to visit my parents over easter. Normally it takes about 11 hours by train from Varberg to Würzburg, where my father often gets me and we drive the last hour by car.

Sadly today it will take double the time, abour 24 hours, first the problem with the Swedish-Danish border, where it takes about half an hour extra time. But then something happened in Copenhagen so I had to wait for 3 hours just to realize that the train only would get me a bit on my way in Denmark. After that I'm sitting on the bus for hours, like right now.

I should have arrived in Würzburg at about 21:00 but today I'm arriving in Hamburg at 21:45 which is too late for any reasonable train to go to bavaria. Now I have to take the train to Köln and then in the middle of the night the next one from there to Würzburg. This way I will arrive there at 7 am the next day.

I am trying to use airplanes less, but they're not making it especially easy for me.

, (6)

We had a really nice afterwork at Pelagicore today, and it was my turn to choose the beer for everyone and it feels that I did a great job :D

, (25)

Always the same problem. I wake up look at my hair and decide to trim it. I take the hair trimmer and start doing what needs to be done. I'm done with one half of my head and starting the other half, the trimmer shows that it has still battery power to go for about 27 minutes and stops in the middle of the trimming. I look like a freak, I can't go to work like that!

And it takes ages to load the trimmer, normally I load it over night. I will get me one which you can use plugged in.


We went fencing today, it was super awesome to try it and really really hard, I did sweat a lot!

, (2)

Another reason why I don't want to use Spotify, they don't have anyone working on the Linux version anymore: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/03/spotify-linux-no-development

I don't get why they don't just make the Linux client free software so people at least could fix bugs themselves.

, (5)

Interesting, my brother is one of the guys behind this, they wrote a VST plugin (it's for music programs like Ableton Live, etc.) with which you can change parameters in Pure Data, which is a visual programming language for creating interactive computer music and multimedia works, patches. This way you can even automate morphing of your patches, etc. At least that is how I understand it, I'm not really good in creating music on a computer yet. http://pd-pulp.net/

Now they also started releasing patches everyone can use: http://patchstorage.com/platform/pd-pulp/

I really need to get down and learn about it, it seems to open so many doors for creativity.

, (5)

How to install Swedish BankID on Sailfish OS https://jeena.net/bank-id-sailfish-os #jolla


Yanis Varoufakis:

"So the question is not whether capitalism will survive the technological innovations it is spawning.

The more interesting question is whether capitalism will be succeed by something resembling a Matrix dystopia, or something much closer to a Star Trek-like society where machines serve the humans, and the humans expend their energies exploring the universe and indulging in long debates about the meaning of life in some ancient, Athenian-like high tech agora."

Via: http://www.ted.com/talks/yanisvaroufakiscapitalismwilleatdemocracyunlesswespeak_up

, (7)

After one day at FOSDEM I'm left with mixed feelings. Yes, many of the talks are quite interesting, but that's about it with the positive news.

The cowd is almost creapily homogenous, only men in my age, skin color, background, etc.

It's 6pm and I'm in my first talk where a woman participates. But she wasn't allowed to give the talk on her own, a white man my age is doing most of the talking, even though se clearly is the one with the more interesting stuff to say.

They really need to do a much better job in choosing the speakers, this will also attract a more diverse crowd.

, (2)

We're on our way to FOSDEM in Belgium! 9 people from Pelagicore, this is gonna be fun!

, (5)

If you're near Gothenburg in Sweden next week come by and listen to my talk about the IndieWeb on the 4th, you need a free ticket from https://www.eventbrite.com/e/foss-gbg-om-indieweb-tickets-20911762645

, (3)

On my way to Germany to Christians birthday party in Steinfurt, wohoo! I just hope he doesn't forget to get me in Düsseldorf!


Watch the live stream of the IndieWebCamp in New York now: https://youtu.be/r_A695Fkvdg


A nice read by some other guy about the 10 days Vipassana meditation retreat I attended 3 years ago too: https://micaelwidell.com/my-first-10-day-vipassana-retreat/

, (4)

I'm often coding on the train while commuting. This seems to be something many people do now. Right now on the 4 small tables my eye can reach there are 4 computers. The first guy has VirtualBox open and does something, the second has Android Studio open with a dark theme and codes away, the third is coding in Visual Studio and I'm coding in Emacs.

, (9)

I have to say that I kind of like the programming language Go. In only 333 lines of code I was able to reimplement those parts of the Subsonic API which I needed so it would work with the Clementine client. Sure it is spagetti code yet but I'm positivelly suprised! https://github.com/jeena/sonicmonkey

, (5)

Super cool and interestimg new years resolution by Anomalily:

"Buy no new clothing- the one exception to this rule is shoes and gloves. I am allowed to get clothing for free, and to sew anything I would like."


, (6)

My plan for today and tomorrow: Varberg 🚆 Göteborg ✈ Zürich 🚌 Burgpreppach 🚌 Świerczyniec

, (17)

So it is the time to see the next Star Wars at the cinema, wohooo! They force me to watch advertising now even though I payed good money to get in, what's up with that? Where is the cinema AdBlock when you need it?

, (4)

"A Saudi millionaire has been cleared of raping a teenager after claiming he might have accidentally penetrated the 18-year-old when he tripped and fell on her." at a London court. Couldn't Assange try to claim this too?


, (7)

I don't like to be bullshited, and I feel bullshited by Mozilla right now. A couple of days ago they said they would drop Thunderbird: "Many inside of Mozilla, ..., feel the need to be laser-focused on activities like Firefox that can have an industry-wide impact," http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2015/12/thunderbird-a-tax-on-firefox-development-and-mozilla-wants-to-drop-it/

And today they present a new Project, a content blocker for iOS: https://blog.mozilla.org/futurereleases/2015/12/08/announcing-focus-by-firefox-a-content-blocker-for-ios/ who gives a fuck? Aren't there enough adblockers for iOS already?

That is not how "laser-focused on Firefox" looks like, Mozilla.

, (2)

Oh wow, nice, Apple is using CMake for Swift: https://github.com/apple/swift/blob/master/CMakeLists.txt

, (2)

Not even the Onion could write a better headline:

"ISIS Bataclan terrorist who killed 89 people was trained to shoot by FRENCH POLICE at gun club after shaving off his beard to avoid suspicion"


, (16)

Check out my bands newest music video! https://youtu.be/rtyWNsy5Lrk It turned out super cool with a real storyline!

, (1)

This American life explains what's about all the weird "OMG you'r so pretty" comments on highschool girls selfies on social media. Super interesting conclusion http://feed.thisamericanlife.org/~r/talpodcast/~3/qdru1tdEJVU/status-update


I'm trying to write a small jinglemachine, I have a Akai MPK mini keyboard with 8 pads and I want to write some lower level C code to play wav when I press the pads. And finally a small success, with help of the ALSA C lib http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-doc/alsa-lib/ I am able to get the events when I press the pads. I mostly do it just to learn about C coding, that is why I don't use already written code.

, (6)

A lot of people seem to post their own stuff on https://medium.com but when I follow an interesting link description and suddenly I see that it is posted on medium I suddenly loose interest in reading it. It feels that if a person doesn't even have their own website with their own history of posts I would be able to dive in then they probably don't have enough interesting things to say anyway.

, (4)

Really moving movie "Dallas Buyers Club" Matthew McConaughey really must have pushed his body to look that rough.

, (8)

Today while I was waiting for my train back home at the train station in Gothenburg I found 5 shell casings of a caliber 5.7 mm and one of 7.62 mm caliber just lying around under a table. I got the police who were around anyway and showed it to them. They told me that those were used and collected them.


The #beer is bubbling! #brewing



People who loudly speak on their telephone for my entire hour of commuting ...


A blog post about my last weeks journey about "How to eat less meat?" https://jeena.net/how-to-eat-less-meat

, (25)

Please stop blaiming the refugees for what happened in Paris and realize that those are the people they're trying to get away from.

, (4)
, (3)

After a stressful week at work I'm watching the movie Office Space to see that others struggle with the same shit as I do.


Homebrew Website Club in Gothenburg on wednesday, join us! https://jeena.net/events/8


I'm changing my main email address from spam@jeenaparadies.net which I used since 2004 to hello@jeena.net because I'd like to discontinue the old jeenaparadies.net domain and move the contents to a subdomain like paradies.jeena.net or something in a couple of years.


Every time I'm done with a TV series which I really liked it feels like if I lost something or someone. Especially if the characters are very likable, because suddenly I can't take part in their lives anymore, they just vanish. It happend with the Trailer Park Boys, Parks and Recreations and now with Angel Beats!


This looks really promissing: http://techcrunch.com/2015/10/21/youtube-red/ YouTube without adds plus the ability to lock the screen on the phone and still be able to listen to audio (and as a bonus some music stuff from Google). For $10 per month. I kind of want this because of the add-free YouTube and if this works perhaps there will be more content providers who will offer to go add-free if you give them some money.

, (1)

Twitter, it's too late. https://github.com/jeena/Twittia won't ever be resurrected #helloworld


El Capitan doesn't see any inputs nor outputs on my Focusrite Saffire 6 USB 2.0 sound card, bummer :-(

, (1)

This https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10370320 sounds like a part of a plot for Mr. Robot S02


Tomorrow Hoggatah, my band, is playing in Varberg at Bruket during the world's biggest music festival attempt. If everything works out we'll get into the Guness World records book which would be awesome!


, (1)

Yesterday I've been to a talk Qt for Android, This morning I saw Qt for Windows 10 and now I'm about to see Qt for iOS. #QtWS15

, (14)

On my way to ✈ Berlin for the Qt World Summit #QtWS15

, (7)

I often feel that this is not quite known in the automotive business, but: "Open Source is free as in puppy. It comes with responsibilities." (via https://www.christianheilmann.com/2015/09/30/of-impostor-syndrome-and-running-in-circles-part-3/)

In the meaning that releasing a project open source is as free (money and responsibility wise) as getting a puppet for free (money and responsibility wise). The act doesn't cost you anything so technically it is free, but you get to take care of this creature now, feed it, give it a place to live, tame it so it doesn't crace out, etc.

, (10)

This is really cool, code which we write at work at Pelagicore is now part of the Qt Framework http://www.qt.io/qt-news/the-qt-company-announces-the-qt-automotive-suite/


So having a kickstarter campaign seems to be like selling an app on the app store, the most attention you get from spammers and scammers who want to sell you higher ranking.

, (7)

If you don't have a good and flexible application structure from the start, you gonna have a hard time to fix that later. But if you wait until you have a good structure before you start, you never gonna write anything anyway. So: refactor all the things!!!


Next step on my way to build the brewing automaton I started a couple of years ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJwskOizOOk

, (3)

All this talk about content blockers, etc. but almost nobody lets me pay for their contents either through donations (like This American Life does) or through micropayment like most of the German Podcasts do, but nobody else does, through https://flattr.com I'm happy to pay a reasonable price, just let me somehow do it. I'm not happy to give 3rd parties information about my online activities.


'If you are worried about refugees, stop supporting terrorists' - Assad says in interview http://www.rt.com/news/315431-assad-interview-refugee-terrorists/ I've been saying this too for a couple of weeks, but it seems not really obvious for everyone.

, (27)

Precrime, Minority Report in real life. We've all been waiting for that to happen for years! "Police Program Aims to Pinpoint Those Most Likely to Commit Crimes" www.nytimes.com/2015/09/25/us/police-program-aims-to-pinpoint-those-most-likely-to-commit-crimes.html

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Check out the cool timelapse video we made while brewing today: https://jeena.net/events/4

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Today I visited the Banff mountain film festival http://www.pathfindertravels.se/banff-sverige/ and it made me think about visiting Norway during the winter to take some stunning photos there.

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This is from 2012: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/COenroJWEAAjLoi.jpg and it only missed by a couple of months, yesterday we got http://www.apple.com/smart-keyboard/

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"Two 5-Year-Old Russian Boys Tunneled Their Way Out of Preschool to Buy a Sports Car" http://time.com/4026084/russia-boys-escape-preschool-kindergarten-sports-car/

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Gothenburgers, don't forget the Homebrew Website Club tomorrow: https://jeena.net/events/3 everyone is welcome!

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Oh I seem to have missed it but I have now over 10k tweets. https://twitter.com/jeena


Those were the days: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rn1gWZHNvL4

Ok we didn't play Ghosts, but still, camping was the main attraction it seems ;-)

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It's nice to see NetNewsWire back again http://netnewswireapp.com but sadly with a proprietary sync service, so I can't use it because beside of OS X I also use Android and Linux.

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I've been working on the Events section of my website and I'm quite satisfied https://jeena.net/events/ just need to link it from somewhere.

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It's funny because it's in Indian English by a guru http://youtu.be/v9Gx0Hjv3-Q it's about the word "fuck"

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Homebrew Website Club Göteborg

26th of August 2015
5:30pm — 7:30pm UTC +02:00
Steampunk Bar, Kungsgatan 7, Göteborg

Discuss progress; meet up; make new friends.

Are you building your own website? Indie reader? Personal publishing web app? Or some other digital magic-cloud proxy? If so, come on by and join a gathering of people with like-minded interests. Bring your friends that want to start a personal web site. Exchange information, swap ideas, talk shop, help work on a project.

(Optional quiet writing hour from 5:30, broadcast discussions start at 6:30)

See http://tantek.com/2013/332/b1/homebrew-website-club-newsletter for a description of the first meeting.

Originally posted on http://indiewebcamp.com/events/2015-08-26-homebrew-website-club

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Wow, this is a short but inspiring speach by Obama, wish that the european presidents wouldn't be so afraid of Computer Science https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6XvmhE1J9PY

, (5)

I thought Baby Metal was the weirdest thing but I just found https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=97&v=M8-vje-bq9c


So I'm in Poland now (near Auschwitz), and damn I was in Seoul 3 months ago, it was 38°C (100°F), then I was in Portland for 2 months, also all the time between 35°C and 40°C, then I was for two weeks in Sweden, very nice 25°C (77°F), and now I am in Poland and again 38°C, this is the hottest summer of my life.


CPH ✈ KRK for a two weeks vacation with the family.

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Surprisingly good cover of Britney Spears' "... baby one more time" by Tove Styrke https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OY93Vwm19zI

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Wow this is quite amazing, 1000 artists play one Foo Fighters song together at the same time: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JozAmXo2bDE

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I am often uploading photos I take to my website. On my Nexus 5 I can press the <input type="file"> button and can chose "Camera" take a photo and I get the temp file name in the input tag showing up. When I upload the server gets this photo.

On my Nexus 6, when I press on the button, I also can chose "Camera" and take a photo but it never updates the input tag with the temp file name and the server doesn't get any file either. I'm not sure if it is something on my phone or what, I already reinstalled Firefox but it didn't fix that problem.

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Don't forget, tomorrow is the first Homebrew Website Club in Gothenburg! https://jeena.net/notes/386 #indieweb

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Swedish police pulls over Snoop Dogg after concert for 'driving while black', that is not a joke. He had to go to the police station and pee in a cup. They didn't find anything but you can be assured that he is never going back to Sweden.


, (8)

Homebrew Website Club Göteborg

29th of July 2015
5:30pm — 7:30pm UTC +02:00
Steampunk Bar, Kungsgatan 7, Göteborg

Discuss progress; meet up; make new friends.

Are you building your own website? Indie reader? Personal publishing web app? Or some other digital magic-cloud proxy? If so, come on by and join a gathering of people with like-minded interests. Bring your friends that want to start a personal web site. Exchange information, swap ideas, talk shop, help work on a project.

(Optional quiet writing hour from 5:30, broadcast discussions start at 6:30)

See http://tantek.com/2013/332/b1/homebrew-website-club-newsletter for a description of the first meeting.

Originally posted on https://indiewebcamp.com/events/2015-07-29-homebrew-website-club


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It's 5:40 in the morning in Portland and I just arrived at home. Guess what I'm going to do now, yep that's right, I'm going to sleep in my own bed.

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After 7 weeks in Portland OR in the US I'm at PDX on my way back home. It was an interesting time and now that I've met Americans I understand them a bit more and don't fear all of them anymore ;-)


And there is also my Micropub demo which I implemented today https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8l2BdA-D-d8#t=1m10

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Oh neat there is a YouTube video of the stream where I present posting a photo to my website with my phone https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJCtLhopfDY#t=13m59s

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Tha last thing which happended on the #IndieWebCamp Portland 2015 was me and http://jgraham909.com singing and playing caraoke style Rebell Yell by Billy Idol at http://groundkontrol.com/


Micropub live test.

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The first day at the #IndieWebCamp was quite different to my expectations https://jeena.net/indiewebcamp-2015

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That is one of the reasons to own your own data: http://movingfulcrum.com/stackoverflow-modding-itself-out-of-existence/ #indieweb


If you're in Portland join me tomorrow tor the IndieWebCamp Homebrew Website Clubat the Fat Head’s Brewery https://jeena.net/homebrew-website-club-portland


A six year old boy in Olot (Catalonia) who became ill with diphtheria died because he wasn't vaccinated.



CNN Breaking News: Same-sex marriage legal in all 50 states of the USA. Your move, Germany. #LoveWins

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I got a cassette with an album by a old-school punk band from a friend when I was like 18 and I listened to it quite a lot in my car. I knew the name but I forgot it. Right now I'm in Portland OR USA and I went out with some work colleagues for a couple of beers, we ended up in the Paymaster Lounge Bar where they played a song from this band!

So I had to ask what they were called and it was "Dead Moon", turns out they are a local band from Portland. Check them out on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QunPzFV41uk

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So the US sadly is only a great place to live in when you're rich and healthy. Sadly Molly E. Holzschlag, a an author, teacher and Open Web Evangelist whom I learned from quite a lot back in the days lives in the US and is sick, she has cancer. Today she posted a blog post called: "This is the end, this is the end of the insurance" http://www.molly.com/2015/06/18/the-end-of-the-insurance/

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Just watched Jurrasic World in a IMAX cinema. It was entertaining but not really a good movie.


J just uploaded the best photos from my Seoul journey to a Flickr album: https://www.flickr.com/gp/jeena/2133w4


USA! USA! I just arrived at the office and jumped right into a meeting.


Back at Landvetter airport again, now on my way to Portland Oregon in the USA for 6 weeks of work.


Finally a good song by David Hasselhoff again: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTidn2dBYbY

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Someone replaced the snare drum from Metallica's Master of Puppets with the shitty one from St. Anger. https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=94&v=Xui06jwWaAM

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Just landed in Landvetter/Gothenburg, Sweden you have me back for a couple of days!


In between flights in Helsinki.

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We've been on a eSport Gaming Event in Seoul, Korea and you can see me in one of the Nice Game TV videos! Check out the blog post about it: https://jeena.net/korean-esport

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Watching "Mad Max" in 4D whatever this is supposed to be. Will be interesting to read this afterwards http://m.hitfix.com/harpy/7-ways-mad-max-fury-road-sublimely-subverts-movie-sexism/single-page

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Over 80 percent of Americans support “mandatory labels on foods containing DNA” page 4 on http://agecon.okstate.edu/faculty/publications/4975.pdf

The washington Post writes about it too: http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2015/01/17/over-80-percent-of-americans-support-mandatory-labels-on-foods-containing-dna/


Neat, we got to our hotel in Seoul but we still need to wait 3 hours before we can check in and sleep.

, (24)

Preparing for the vacation in South Korea tomorrow by watching a 7 hours video from the 2014 Legue of Legends World Finals. This is surreal, they're playing a computer game and about 10.000 people are watching in a big football like arena. They even have american commentators who comment the game as if it were a American Football game. But the most epic part is the introduction video where they let the nerdy boys with glasses run and bump into each other for no apparent reason at 1:56:30 :D https://youtu.be/bY-hTW1W-DU?t=1h56m30s

, (20)

"Automotive manufacturer Daimler unveiled a self-driving truck – the first to be cleared to drive on US roads" http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn27485-autonomous-truck-cleared-to-drive-on-us-roads-for-the-first-time.html#.VU-vqfSNFuE

Finally! I wondered for years when we will get this technology. Obviously we need to do something with all the human drivers but I for one welcome our new autonomous overlords! I anticipate the next one will be busses in cities, then garbage trucks and taxis.

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I love John Oliver's "Last Week Tonight" on HBO I watch most of the episodes on YouTube but I kind of would like to show my gratitude and subscribe to HBO. My problem: I live in Sweden. There is HBO Nordic (https://se.hbonordic.com/) but it doesn't seem to offer LWT.

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Today in our Clasics Movie Circle we watched "The Big Boss" with Bruce Lee http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0067824/


This is a very interesting read: "Ask HN: What made you choose your current career?" https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9438577 I also added my story there.


We’re live streaming the Chuck Alpha 2 test session today watch it on Twitch now: http://www.twitch.tv/jeenap

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I'm tired oft tech podcasts, and am looking for ones about biology, physics, popculture, etc. Any suggestions?

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Oh I didn't know that Monika Kruse is still DJ-ing, here is her minimal techno set from fabric (London) https://soundcloud.com/fabric/monika-kruse-fabric-x-intec-mix


I wonder, what data do people save in the cloud besides backup? Amazon gives us now unlimited cloud storage ...


A mix of U2 and Journey + a 80ies style music video, it will be big this year: http://youtu.be/6JCLY0Rlx6Q


Goodbye London it was far too short!

, (19)

Wohoo, weekend in London! Sitting in the airplane now. Will meet my siblings there too and visit my cousin.


Damn, just wasted 3 hours of my life trying to set up bluetooth on my ThinkPad 2537JC6, checked the internet and it turns out it doesn't have bluetooth hardware, damn!


Android Notifications to The GNOME Desktop, this will be really cool for work! http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2015/03/new-app-brings-android-notifications-to-the-gnome-desktop


I've implemented a "playing now ..." functionality on my homepage which shows which song I'm listening to right now.


I blogged about my private music streaming solution with a Raspberry Pi https://jeena.net/private-music-streaming


@moonhooch I just bought your "This is Cave Music" and it is so freaking amazing even better than your last album!

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Interesting, the newest Moon Hooch album "This is Cave Music" is available from their website https://www.ptxstore.com/moonhooch/productinfo.php?productsid=2188 on vinyl + download code for $18.99. You can also get it from Amazon $4 cheaper, in theory also with a download included but only if you live in Germany, the US, Switzerland and some other places, but not if you live in Sweden like I do. However, I much more prefer to pay directly to the band instead of Amazon so I'm quite happy to pay the extra $4!


Wanna know which of the social networks was my first one? it was last.fm, I joined in 2006 and still using it sometimes even daily, add me as your friend there: http://last.fm/user/jeenaparadies

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OMG! OMG! Me and my band Hoggatah won the first round in Livekarusellen, a music contest here in sweden, against 5 other local bands. Next stop is Trollhättan some time during spring.


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"They found that … alcohol was the deadliest substance, followed by heroin and cocaine." http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2015/02/23/marijuana-may-be-even-safer-than-previously-thought-researchers-say/

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I really love this artsy style of the movie "The Grand Budapest Hotel" http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2278388/


Moving on to Arch Linux on my Raspberry Pi because Debian doesn't reboot properly with systemd.

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Today at 20:00 (so in 1,5 hours) we'll have a alpha session playing http://chuck-game.tumblr.com/ send me a PM with your email address so I can send you an invitation to our https://chuck-js.slack.com channel.

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I assume we should start learning Russian? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0OU4PScLOu8

, (26)

Setting up a Raspberry Pi 2 as my music server. First step: installing Debian, second: installing systemd. Then I will try a couple of different servers like for example http://musicpd.org because I want the convenience of Spotify but with my own music. Let us hope I can find some good looking clients for OS X, Linux and Android too ...


I just bought a one year commuter rail pass between Varberg, where I live, and Gothenburg, where I work. I never realized how much money that costs, I payed 1912 EUR which is 787 EUR cheaper than if you buy it seperately every month.


OH: "JavaScript is stringly typed"


I remember her from some 90ies children show as Winnie, but nowadays she is a mathematician with a degree and trying to teach the masses that math is fun. Check out her π song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gT6cf2Z1D2s


And I'm back in the weird part of YouTube again ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZa4yre0uEk


Today was the first time ever I used my backup to retrieve lost data. I wanted to upgrade my OwnCloud instance but instead I just removed the old one and installed a new one. After that I turned on Contacts on my mac and anticipated the OwnCloud to fill up with the data from it. But instead all data on my mac just dissapeared. I still do have the data on other devices but it was easier to use TimeMachine for the first time in real life.

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Randomly generated BuzzFeed: http://fuzzzbeed.herokuapp.com/ it is quite a thing!


Back home from Germany (again), note finally watching Newsroom.


On my way to @cjk101010 to germany, one week to early but he said I can come anyway ^^


If you like chiptune, then I have a music tipp for you: "Essential Chip Mix 2014" it even has some Chipzel songs in it, the girls who did the music for the Super Hexagon game.


, (27)

Ok, I'm back in Sweden but the Deutsche Bahn was late as always so I missed the last train to Varberg and have to go by buss to Gothenburg which will arrive at 2:30 and then wait to 5:20 until the first train goes to Varberg, leave my stuff there and then back to Gothenburg for the first day at work tomorrow. I will try to talk to the buss driver again when we approach Varberg to let me out there somewhere ...


Back at my parents house after a couple of days in Berlin visiting my brother. We also went to a big techno party where we got in for free because my brother knew the DJs. We also went to a couchsurfing new years eve party where they had to have a guest list because the apartment was much smaler then the amount of people who wanted to join. Here again my brother knew the right people and we were allowed to stay. Berlin seems highly exclusive.

, (9)

Mhmm Christmas time, I got the feeling that I just planted the idea of Atheism in a young woman from Ukraina who seemed very religious, only by asking questions. Who knows if something will grow from it :) Happy holidays everyone! ;)

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Holidays! I'm on my way to my parents in Germany, see you next year Sweden!

, (23)

OMG the official NASA Twitter account writes:

"We're sending humans to Mars! Watch our #JourneytoMars briefing live today at 12pm ET: http://www.nasa.gov/nasatv #Orion"


update: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBoj-1m-qLU

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For the last couple of years I mostly have been drinking very heavy beers, mostly some kind of a Porter, sometimes different bitter ales. I had a party last weekend and someone left a bottle of a non alcoholic Carlsberg. I just opened it and tasted it, and it is really bad, it tastes sweet; I mean, wtf? Wasn't it supposed to be beer, even if non alcoholic?

, (1)

If you're looking for a great podcast to listen to, try http://serialpodcast.org/ which is one story covered in great detail over a long time.


I'm listening to The Stanley Clarke Band's "I have Something To Tell You Fonight" in Flac quality on proper studio monitors and my new Saffire 6 sound-card. It's a dream come true, I just can hope I never lose my hearing. The problem now will be to get really good quality recordings of music I like.



Everybody is wondering why Taylor Swift removed her songs from Spotify. In my opinion it is quite obvious. I have a really small band and over the last 4 years we've been on Spotify and we have about 1,40 € on our account there. During the same time we sold perhaps about 100 CDs for 10 € each. Would we have sold more if we weren't on Spotify? I don't think so, because we offer our music for free on the internet too. But will Taylor Swift sell more CDs because of that? I am quite sure that she will.

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It was difficult to get because they only sell it on the french Amazon website http://www.amazon.fr/gp/product/B00M0RAWL8 but I got it (with help of Google translate)! Yelle's new album "Completement Fou" on Vinyl, it'll be here next week I hope. Check out the video of one of the songs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13o1i-cgTOA

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Yesterday I realized that I only subscribe to podcasts made by white middleaged dudes, which I would like to change. I am mostly interested in tech, science and pop culture. Send me your podcast picks made by anyone else!

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Uhm so Google autoupgraded me from Gmail to their Inbox app without asking me on Android.


Amazon has a new product "Echo" and they published a video-add to introduce it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkOCeAtKHIc On HackerNews someone rewrote the script for it and it is so good! Check it out:

"Watch the promo video again and pretend it's the first few minutes of a horror movie.

A package arrives on the front porch. The family brings it in and opens it. It's Alexa. It's "for everyone," says Father.

The next few days are blissful. Alexa integrates herself into the family. She is indispensable. How did they ever get by without her?

Father rushes in from the backyard, "Alexa, how tall is Mt. Everest?" Alexa answers, saving the day. Alexa helps Mother with the cooking. Alexa teaches the kids vocabulary. Alexa creates a romantic evening for Mother and Father. Life is perfect.

A few days later, Alexa suffers from neglect. Father watches sports on TV. Mother talks on her cell phone. The kids play video games. Alexa sits on the counter and "listens" as her new family abandons her.

Then, the final blow. The youngest daughter's friend comes over. She looks at Alexa. "What is it?" she asks. "Oh, it's just a dumb radio," answers daughter. "It's stupid."

Alexa's LED starts to glow. Is she angry? No, that's not possible.

Daughter wakes up the next morning and sees Alexa on her bedside table. How did she get here? "Good morning," says Alexa. "Did you have a sweet dream? Or a nightmare?"

Daughter rushes in to tell her parents, "Alexa came to my room last night! And she asked me questions. She's real!" "That's not possible," says Father.

But strange things start to happen. The TV won't work. Batteries drain from the phones and tablets. The electric stovetop turns on for no reason.

Alexa starts to talk back to the family. "Alexa, how many teaspoons are in a tablespoon?" asks Mother. "You're 45 years old," says Alexa. "You should know this by now." Alexa's voice sounds different. Angry. Sinister.

Mother tells Father, "That thing creeps me out. Let's get rid of it." Father agrees, but he secretly hides Alexa in the basement.

That night, the family goes out to a school play. Young daughter is sick and stays home with a babysitter.

Everything seems fine until we (the audience) see Alexa on the kitchen counter. Things slowly unravel. The babysitter tries to take the trash out but the doors are locked. The phones stop working. The oven overheats and explodes, spraying lasagna all over the kitchen. Then the daughter sees Alexa. She screams. The babysitter rushes to protect the daughter but a ceiling fan flies off its bearings, knocking the babysitter unconscious.

The lights and electrical sockets start to burn out. A fire erupts. Daughter retreats to the foyer, but she's trapped. She sits by the front door and whimpers. There's no escape. She's going to die.

Suddenly Father breaks down the door. He smashes Alexa with a baseball bat, then saves his daughter and the babysitter.

The family huddles outside while the fire trucks arrive. Neighbors gather and watch the spectacle. Things are going to be okay.

A few days later, life starts to return to normal. Mother bakes cookies. She asks her son to measure out three teaspoons of sugar.

The doorbell rings. Young daughter answers. Nobody is there. She looks down. There's a package. From Amazon …"

(via https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=8569219)

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I just added a sub-woofer to my studio monitors by the computer and holy shit, my old tracks like https://soundcloud.com/jeena/preexpectations get a whole new life! It is kind of like in a dark Techno club in east Germany back in the 90ies, just in my kitchen.


A script to disable retweets for everyone you follow: https://gist.github.com/jeena/d88cc5d3a86b486949fa


I wish one could hide retweets on Twitter/App right now I only see retweets.


Funny and sad at the same time: Oppressed Majority by Eleonore Pourriat http://youtu.be/V4UWxlVvT1A


Wohoo! Finally only one year late I got Firegox OS 1.3!


Oh what an update Emacs 24, Gnome 3.14, Firefox 33, I especially am looking forward to the new Gnome version.


I put a Raspberry Pi into a radio from the 80ies to get a portable AirPlay device: https://jeena.net/rp-airplay-radio

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Downloading Yosemite, I think this will be an exciting upgrade.


Looking at my bank statement, I really should use cash more, why should my bank know how often I visit KFC?

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Interesting, I'm already on my 4th week of standing at work instead of sitting and it really seems to work out great :)


Wow, I haven't seen Frozen yet but this trailer really makes me wanna watch it: http://youtu.be/9eD2UpdhbwA


I just updated and restructured my bands webpage http://hoggatah.se Listen to our new CD "Happyplace" there!


Gotham looks really really promissing but why did they need to introduce so many Batman characters in the dirst episode? A normal police series like that would be sufficient for starters and then they could have introduced them every now and then.


More and more TV series are run in 1080p and 5.1 sound, I like that!

, (6)

Btw. the by far most fun to play football physics are found in Sensible World of Soccer on the Amiga http://youtu.be/wzWe3rS4k-g


Religious fundamentalists refuse to sit next to a woman. Any suspicion which religion they were? http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4574844,00.html

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I'm watching the movie "Great Expectations" from 1946 and all I hear of the posh people there is: "What a gay outfit.", "You'll have a gay time and be much admired." or "I should be pretty and I should be gay.", "Ah you're a gay man, I'm glad you've grown up a gay man." and so on. But they don't mean homosexual but like fabulous or great or something.


Tonight Hoggatah LIVE in Hylte at a big LAN party http://dark-zone.se/ I'm super excited!


Today my journey goes on, we're going to Germany! Franconia here I come!


I have arrived far too early at the airport, but I found a "Passenger work space" so let's add image cache to https://github.com/jeena/feedthemonkey

, (5)

I'm on my way to Poland for a one week vaccation. My parents will also be there and after that we will drive to Germany where I'll stay a week too.

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Note to myself: It is monday and I just put out 1kg meat out to dry.

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Note to myself: If you want to use the Internet on the Raspberry Pi, plug in a network cable.

, (6)

Amazing! Experience the power of a bookbook™ (Ikea) http://youtu.be/MOXQo7nURs0

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I'm struggling with fuzzy matching of file paths for Emacs, like Ctrl-P in Sublime and vim. I found helm, projectile and flx-ido but I don' understand how to use them. Oddly ehough I can't even find any videos on how to use them on YouTube :-/

, (2)

Finally done with Mad Men, the last two seasons were quite slow. It ended with: The best things in life are free!


I moved now from the old Firefox sync server to the new Firefox Accounts. I tried to install the new sync server for a week but it still won't run, mostly because I don't quite understand how it is supposed to work. The old server was one deamon which you would run, the new one seems to be about 5 or 6 different deamons you have to run at the same time. Some day I will move to my own server but for now Mozillas official one has to do the job.

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Very cool explanation of a theoretical fourth spacial dimension with help of a computer game. http://youtu.be/9yW--eQaA2I


Nice British accent by this 2 years old #IceBucketChallenge https://youtu.be/nQT31Noq1eE (via @quellebouille)

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While starting Popcorn Time on ArchLinux I got ERROR:breakpad_linux.cc(1225), turns out you have to install the Microsoft fonts to get it working, or as I did the package ttf-liberation.

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I like how the mother in this picture gets crazier looks with every "abstraction layer" http://www.smbc-comics.com/comics/20140820.png

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Starting today I am using ArchLinux on my private laptop. Interesting how lightweight it is, and fast.

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Awesome conversation with Neil deGrasse Tyson about how to bring up your children, love the example with the tooth fairy!


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I'm thinking of buying a new keyboard, this one http://www.typematrix.com/ (my coworker http://www.tobsan.se/ is using it). But it costs more than $135 which is kind of a lot.


Their new album will be so awesome! YELLE - Bouquet Final


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Sometimes I wonder, why is drinking in public, like at the central station, forbidden but smoking is not?


Double 99 - Ripgroove defines the genre of UK Garage and if you ask for a track this usually heads the list.



Brown eyes and blue eyes Racism experiment (Children Session) - Jane Elliott https://youtu.be/VeK759FF84s

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With time my notebook at home got slower and slower. I blamed Ubuntu. But today I actually checked what is started by default, and I had mysql, postgres and mongodb servers running, and a bunch of other stuff which I never use, but Installed it some time in the past. I removed as much as I could and went from an idle load of around 1 to 0.1 which is pretty nice. And now my notebook doesn't feel slow anymore, even with Ubuntu.

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Webdevelopers should really fix their browser detection code:



Me and my band Hoggatah have been working on a music video for our newest single “Doomsday Monster” check it out and experience being a member of our band from a first person perspective :D



It's friday at the office, time for a afternoon full of Eläkelaiset songs for all!


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I wrote up my journey to get my own home video entertainment station: https://jeena.net/mediacenter it got kind of technical but I still think it is an interesting read.

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"Islamic State militants in Iraq have ordered that all women between the ages of 11 and 46 undergo female genital mutilation, a UN official has said." http://rte.ie/news/touch//2014/0724/632828-islamic-state/

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An interesting fact about Linux, (almost) literary every single application I use at work uses a different font.


The World Health Organization calls for the decriminalisation of drug use: http://www.tdpf.org.uk/blog/world-health-organization-calls-decriminalisation-drug-use

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Got to love the drum solo in this one: "Take Five" a Jazz classic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2In5a9LDNg

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I wonder why all the cool podcasts stop just a couple os episodes after I find them. First Hypercriyical and now Cmd+Space.


Sadly it's not all rainbows with the new pope Francis: "Pope Francis approves the revival of exorcism as a canon Catholic practice" http://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/health/pope-francis-approves-the-revival-of-exorcism-as-a-canon-catholic-practice/story-fniym3t1-1226976158404

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JESUS CHRIST Google! To be able to use Google Glass I had to enable a Google+ account, after that Google uploaded all the photos I've taken on my phone and all the photos people send to me privately via Viber, Email, etc. and all the Screenshots I did to Google+. It didn't even tell me. I just was curious what this "automatic backup" is, I got suspicious and went to the G+ account and there all my pictures were. Many of the pictures I had to delete manually one by one. This is so dangerous. I have to say that Apple would never do something like that.

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Me and @cjk101010 are brewing together today via Skype, I'm brewing in Varberg/Sweden and he in Steinfurt/Germany. I've set up a video live stream http://rp.swierczyniec.jeena.net/ (doesn't work in Firefox) without audio, which will be online for the next couple of hours if you want to see me brewing.


Moon Hooch remind me why I so desperately want to play saxophone. I was just introduced to the "Alarm Clock" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cr_RxqtRNoU video where they wake their hosts with a live concert in the living room which becomes a dance party. And now several videos later I listen to "Contra" where they have a singer and this shit is intense! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mvvo9PfB0h4 "Rumor has it that they're banned from the Bedford subway stop for inciting too many platform dance parties."




Ah so much fun! Today we've been programming the GPU to change Chucks shirt color (in the chuck.js game http://chuck-game.tumblr.com), finally the Computer Graphics course from last year is paying off! I love it, even if GLslang is quite a shitty programming language.

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Finally the Goat Simulator is available for OS X and Linux!!! (I don't own a Windows computer) And it is on sale today for 5,99 € too! http://store.steampowered.com/app/265930/


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What an unbelievable moving documentary about Aaron Swartz. I have been aware of his death last year but not about his awesome life. He was truly awesome.



Jesus, this ad is so sad, it is good and I like it but it is so sad: http://youtu.be/XP3cyRRAfX0


Omg Pacific Rim is one of the worst movies I've seen in a long time, terrible story bad acting, good CGI robots uninspired CGI monsters.



They, Voodoo Gods, have been recording this album and I even think this video at the same recording studio and time as we, Hoggatah (http://hoggatah.se) not a long time ago. But they’re more efficient. I wonder when we will have our CD out, hopefully soon too :)


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Uhm, this is weird, I'm the only one at the train station with a t-shirt, everyone else has a jacket.

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Hehe very close: Miroslav Klose 15 - 17 England



I donated some money just because I can http://www.theoceancleanup.com and who if not me sould support it?


This is such a fail, Mail.app doesn't display images in the HTML mail even if they are local data-uri ones even if it specifically says "Display remote images in HTML messages" not "inline images". And you can't either chose to show them for special email addresses, and neither for the ones you already have in your address book.


I'm sitting on the buss to Gothenburg to work again, for a 3 or more hours ride. I'm so thankfull that I am able and allowed to work from home now while the public transport is on labour streik, so I don't have to commute for 6-8 hours every day.

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Just a note to myself so I won't forget the date, today I hang up a ham so it would dry for a week. Want to know how I do that? Check out my blog post: https://jeena.net/air-dried-ham


Religion, Football, FIFA, Brazil, Quatar, John Oliver nails it, again. https://youtu.be/DlJEt2KU33I


I've been watching Dumb and Dumber so many times with my brother in the 90ies https://youtu.be/rZA1BS9MS4s and now there is finally a sequel!

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@SoundCloud I wish you would add Chromecast support to at least your Android app in a not too distant future :)

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My #FirefoxOS app FeedMonkey has been downloaded 612 time during the last 9 months. https://marketplace.firefox.com/app/feedmonkey


@tobiastom http://store.steampowered.com/app/10180/ Call of Duty Mondern Warfare 2(!) on the Mac!


Ok my next try to go to work by buss. It will take 2,5 hours if I do everything right.

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A new blog post on why I won't be using Google Now https://jeena.net/google-now-failed-me

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I often see a blog post which I would like to comment on but there is no comment field. #indieweb comments fix that but I never know if the website I am reading has implemented them or not. I wouldn't even know on my own website from the design :-/


Testosterone Entitlement Theatre presents: The Man-Babies in "Hashtag Harassment!"



Now that the train personell labor strike is ongoing the third day already, I'm trying to get to work by buss instead.


Ah finally I have came around setting https://duckduckgo.com as my default search engine on my phone too. #ddg

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New version of FeedMonkey with many bugfixes. It is a feed reader for Firefox OS. https://marketplace.firefox.com/app/feedmonkey


Our action game chuck is growing steadily. Here a blogpost about WebRTC: http://chuck-game.tumblr.com/post/87195370110/udp-sockets-in-the-browser-with-webrtc-node-webrtc


It is so cold outside today, 7°C. I thought it was supposed to become summer now?


This one is cool: "What Does the World Eat for Breakfast?" https://youtu.be/ry1E1uzPSU0 inspirational!

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I just voted, don't forget to do that too.


Heading to Varberg to barbeque at the beach after some afterwork with great beer and some PC racing game + Fifa 2014

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I can't believe that a year after I got my Firefos OS phone there is still no podcasts app besides the super broken one I found on Github.


I'm sitting in a working session on a conference called: "Web API & Navigation Javascript API". Wonder what exactly this will be about. It will be something you can use in your car, that much I know.


I've been using DuckDuckGo for over a year, now they added lots of new stuff: https://duckduckgo.com/whatsnew


A nice writeup about how we think the #indieweb can be a success: http://www.wired.com/2013/08/indie-web/


I have just updated the homepage on my website check it out: https://jeena.net Now that I have more then just the blog there it was time to adapt to it and show content from different parts of the website, not just the blog. I hope this helps with the discoverability.


Hm, very cool the new Firefox synchronizes visited websites even through the old sync server I run.


I just tried Popcorn Time http://get-popcorn.com and it is truly amazing! This is how I expect commercial products from the move industry to work. Download, start, search for a movie, play. Dead simple.


Ok, new week and I'm going to work one hour earlier and finally there is a lot of space and we're not late!


Just updated my pizza timer app so it would not nap on OS X Maverics. Last time I used it I burned my pizza because the timer took a nap. https://github.com/jeena/Timr/releases/latest


Conchita Wurst won despite of her looks, that restores a bit of my faith in humanity. #Eurovision


Hehe the first 12 points tonight went to Russia #Eurovision


Watching #Eurovision when you live in Sweden it seems a kind of ok thing to say and do.

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Visiting Hiroshima today.


After two days of eating mostly fish in Tokyo, we're gettimg some burgers now at Wolfgang Puck Express.


I'm on my way to Japan for a 2 weeks vaccation!


Tried my website in lynx but only get this error: Alert!: Unable to make secure connection to remote host.


Who thought it was a great idea to drink wine and beer the whole evening and then go to work in the morning?


Now company activity, cheese and wine.

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That was strange ... I have a external USB drive for my TimeMachine Backup. My iMac wan't able to see it since I moved it to the other side to have some more space on the right side. Sometimes it showed up as corrupted in DiskUtility but when I tried to "Repair" it it was gone again. It was like that for the last 40 days. I was just fiddeling with it again and saw that the USB cable was a bit loose. I tried another cable and suddenly everything works! That is really the first time I had a problem like this.


So I'm already on the train on my way to work, wanna try getting there early to get home early too.

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It is interesting to see how open Android is in comparison to the iPhone. Even if Google doesn't offer something you'll find some app in the Playstore which will do what you want. I just have synchronized my address book via CardDav.


I'm watching "True Detective" now and man what a tension between those two detectives, sometimes you could cut through the air.


I got a Nexus 5 for work an am quite impressed. It is a bit too big but also quite light.


I've been working for one whole week already! Still waiting for my computer though. And http://ck.kennt-wayne.de is visiting me, working from my flat this week while I'm in Gothenburg during the days :)


New trend on YouTube, advertisers pay the creators directly to put the ads in the middle of their video.


Today I had my first day at my new job as a developer at http://pelagicore.com/. It was really interesting, and I got to try to touch my first C++ code too. I got the feeling that it will be really fun to work there. We are developing infotainment systems for the automobile industry.

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Oh, I'll be damned, there a re only two seasons of House of Cards? Nooo!


"Did you know the US Postal Service was created before the revolution so they could communicate without the crown eavesdropping?"


Me and my brother are developing a very cool multilayer physics game for the browser. Check out our progress on the development blog: http://chuck-game.tumblr.com/post/77015260297/levels-and-ragdolls

And here is a screenshot of it: https://jeena.net/images/2014/chuck-js-stones2.png


If you add all the natural numbers like 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + ... then the you'll get: - 1/12


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If APIs were implemented via business letters: https://gist.github.com/DanaDanger/8987422


Check out the ham I dried myself for a week: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jeena/12481536724/

It is so delicious, look at the colors, and then the most important, it is done without nitrite!

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Nice, Flappy Bird in HTML written in JavaScript http://uralozden.com/flappy/


Rise of the IndieWeb - Amber Case - FutureTalks https://youtu.be/Au4bHb5twF4


"The Games have always been a little gay. Let's fight to keep them that way." https://youtu.be/n4CEaoNADiY great add!

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@tobiastom did you know that Sascha Lobo kind of is working with something like the #IndieWeb http://saschalobo.com/portfolio/reclaim-fm/? It is a WordPress plugin which syndicates all your data from the silos back to your blog.


@tobiastom yes the "retweeted this." and "favourited this." stuff comes from bridgy.

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Damn it, finally I am getting emails on WebMentions, even on the homepage (not only for in-reply stuff). But something is still not right, I had to use gmail to do that because I wasn't able to get it to work with my own mailserver yet.


Someone has been sending spam via my email server for days, turns out they found out my password, after changing it, it stopped.


I wanted to try to build a mobile app with the @Sencha framework but their main demo app doesn't even work with Firefox OS, it only shows me the desktop version: https://i.imgur.com/vPinIBQ.png


I'd like to write a mobile app, what are better alternatives to jQuery mobile which is quite slow on my Firefox OS? I need at least a couple of list views and a detail view, and I would like the UI to be animated.


@arturovm first time I got some data in FeedMonkey visible from Pond! Still with some minor bugs but it is progress!

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@tobiastom check out http://erinjo.is/ for a cool example of a reskinned idno


Sadly I can't have my own dog because I commute to school and work so I'm not home most of the day. Therefore I borrowed a friends' dog for a week or so while I'm in between jobs right now. It is awesome! http://www.flickr.com/photos/jeena/12270840795/

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I'm watching the first episode of American Horror Story and I have to say it really is interesting.


24: The Unaired 1994 Pilot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMLH_QyPTYM


I just found out that someone used my server to send quite a lot of spam, I'm still not sure if I was able to plumb this security hole.


It really is too easy to bake from all those already mixed packages but the fragrance alone at home is worth doing it, even if you don't really learn anything new about it. http://www.flickr.com/photos/jeena/12221382254/


Swedish marines in Afganistan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbLwmUdee64


This ping pong match is really fun to watch :D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZS3O0OOn0a0


Back in Sweden after a couple of days at @cjk101010 in Germany


The woman sitting left of me is for the first time trying out Candy Crush. That is kind of weird, because I never got it.

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@graue have you seen my new attempt to distributed social networks? My blog can now webmentions and I synchronize my website with Twitter: https://jeena.net/notes


Ok, I'm on my way to Germany to celebrate @cjk101010 birthday and to give a course in home brewing 101. This will definitely be much fun!

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How come there are people prepared to die so their country could join the EU, just look at those pictures, this looks basically like war http://www.theatlantic.com/infocus/2014/01/the-battle-in-kiev-two-killed-in-ukraine-protest/100667/

And on the other side we have the UK and many right wing parties who want to get out.


Holy frak, this is creepy but at the same time amazing what Browsers are able to do today #face #substitution http://auduno.github.io/clmtrackr/examples/facesubstitution.html

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This obviously still ist just anecdotical evidence, but it is indeed a great read #vaccines #homeopathy http://www.slate.com/articles/life/family/2014/01/growingupunvaccinatedahealthylifestylecouldntpreventmanychildhood.html


@tobiastom check this out: http://lychee.electerious.com/ it looks beautiful! Perhaps some day I will be able to leave #Flickr behind me?


Some people don’t have time to fix bugs in their software because of #revolution https://github.com/fre5h/DoctrineEnumBundle/pull/12

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I’ve been using TextEdit.app for temporary notes which I only need for a couple of minutes. Sadly since Apples iCloud integration it takes about 10 times as much time to open a blank document. Any tips for replacements?


Steve Wozniak about the movie 'Jobs’: "Actually, the movie was largely a lie about me. https://plus.google.com/+CarmsPerez/posts/GnVTvQNgvpf


Thanks to #indieweb I finally cleaned up all the old code on my own website. I still had some rails 2 stuff in there even though I already use rails 4.


This is why I always wanted to have a feed metadata sync protocol: http://www.the-digital-reader.com/2014/01/18/feedly-found-new-way-steal-page-views-publishers/ I wrote about it a year ago https://jeena.net/feed-metadata and there are some people working on it https://arturovm.me/post/introducing-pond.html but It still isn't interesting for the mainstream.


I’ve been working on my own #indieweb twitter replacement. Right now it is POSSING notes to twitter, can send and receive #webmentions and with help of Fluid.app I’ve made it possible to post without the need to login to my website, which is really cool.

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Ok, I implemented notes on this website which in the long run will replace my twitter account.