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Damn, something uncool happened tonight. Someone broke in into my appartment while I was sleeping and they stole my old shit. A 6-years old iMac, a soundcard, microphones, a 6-years old Nikkon D5000 and my shitty Jolla phone. Everything worth under 400 EUR, if you get it sold at all.

I have a backup of my data, and the password-keychain is behind the admin-password so I should be ok, but I didn't have a login password, which I guess I shold have had. Meh, a shitty way to start the week.

57 Replies


I’m sorry for your loss. Sucks balls that people do that. Nonetheless this has something good: it reminds me that I wanted to encrypt my workstation as well!


Really weird choice of target for a burglar. They must have seen your computers and thought you were loaded. Dont forget to report it to the police and call your insurance company.


Yes, althoug I'm a big guy, I would have struck them down had they been a bit louder so I'd wake up.


How could they have seen your stuff? You still have this blurry-thingy on your windows right? Did you lock the door or did they come through the window somehow? Ask for a more secure door or locks. VBB also should think about making the outer door more secure. That's really fucked up. I hope they catch them.


Oh dear! Isn't the most uncanny thing that they've been *IN* your apartment while you were sleeping? When they broke into our office once it was most creepy to know that someone unwanted had been there ... but at least we hadn't been present.


Hehe that was the first thing I had a look at but sadly it only recorded before I went to bed, after that nothing.


I guess they just tested which door was open, you can't see into my kitchen from outside. But I agree that it is a weird choice, especially during the night where people are at home.

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