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Today marks the 1 year anniversary since I came to Korea to find work, but I stayed because I found love!


10 Replies


@Jeena Congratulations, Jeena! It looks like you are very happy there. My sister is currently learning Korean, and she’s gotten quite good at it after a couple of years (her assessment). 🎈✨🇰🇷🥮


@Jeena amazing story! Just out of interest, Why do you use this PeerTube powered video, vs. say Vimeo?


@warner because I want to own my own data. I'm hosting it myself at home. So I have 100% controll over it. I have a lot of private videos on it where only my family has access to it, those I don't want to share with 3rd parties.


@Jeena neat! Logo looks so professional I only just noticed it's just yours and domain is a custom subdomain. My only qualm is: these sorts of video sites are often associated in people's mind with extremists, e.g. I know BitChute is. Perhaps those ones aren't as focussed on custom domain as PeerTube though. P.s. on Jeena.net it still says you live in Sweden XD


@warner oh yeah, so I'm actively trying to change that perception, together with a couple of other PeerTube instances like tilvids.com share.tube or diode.zone and others. Hehe I guesa you're right that I should change the text on my website ^^


@warner oh and if you're interrested in knowing in more detail why I decided to host my own instance of peertube, I have a video about it: tube.jeena.net/w/fyDDHo3...


@Jeena neat that my Mastodon comment showed up. Guess that's cos you setup a Mastodon instance at same domain (not sure if that's bundled auto with PeerTube). For better or worse I've just put more chips on Vimeo as ad-free alt to YT, but wish you the best with this decentralised approach


@warner no, Mastadon and PeeTube both work with ActivityPub, my Mastodon Instance was not involved in it.

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