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In reply to: https://jeena.net/notes/1426

Another fun anecdote is that in the morning when we go to Kindergarten and his mom and sister stay at home and say goodby he is very happy to do so, but when they are first out of the door and we still need 2 more minutes then there is big crying and drama.

So he likes to leave, but he hates being left.


In reply to: https://jeena.net/photos/688

Now the AC broke down and I can't stop sweating, or better, my sweat doesn't dry anymore because the humidity is over 80%.


In reply to: https://jeena.net/notes/1410

But the most amazing thing is the battery life. My Dell XPS' battery is empty after about 3 hours, my Lenovo's laptops battery after about 5, my phone goes ok for a whole day, but this Samsung Galaxy S7 tablet, I'm only charging it every coupple of days, it's amazing!


In reply to: https://jeena.net/notes/1406

Turns out gnome-notes does to some degree implement CalDav. In the perferences I can choose which is the primary storage location, and there the two calendars I have set up in Evolution show up.

And when I write a new note in the gnome-notes app, it even shows up in Evolution and on my phone! Great success! But for some reason when I create a note in Evolution it does not show up in gnome-notes.


In reply to: https://jeena.net/notes/1352

So I asked the universe 2 month ago to give me a "browser plugin which would remove anything about Elon Musk from any website I'm visiting" and it delivered today!




In reply to: https://toot.jeena.net/@jeena/110608010138060926

Btw. because I never trusted any of the ActivityPup alternatives to stick around forever, I'm still do https://indieweb.org/POSSE to Mastodon.


In reply to: https://jeena.net/notes/1353

Haha, but already the second movie makes it a bit difficult, The PirateBay doesn't have it at all and YouTube has it but without subtitles.


In reply to: https://jeena.net/notes/1347

But by using DuckDuckGo as a search engine I was finally able to find something where I can render a website in a GTK4 window: https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/Rust/webkit6-rs/

Now that I know that it works in practice I can finally start thinking about the rest of the application like a login page, settings, API calls to my TT-RSS instance, etc.


In reply to: https://jeena.net/notes/1339

There is a bug report on it https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/epiphany/-/issues/638 and it seems it will not be changed because the decided not to have folders but instead tags which doesn't really synchronize well because of that.

Only way for me would be to drop browser internal bookmarks but hm, I'm not sure I'm ready for that. And moving to tags ... I tried it back in the day with deli.cio.us and I ended having more tags than bookmarks, it's not for me.


In reply to: https://jeena.net/notes/1329

Ok, I left ChatGTP and used Google to do the research myself and it led me to the official documentation https://developers.google.com/gmail/api/reference/rest/v1/users.messages/batchDelete which says that it's not the <a href="https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gmail.modify">https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gmail.modify</a> scope I need but instead <a href="https://mail.google.com/">https://mail.google.com/</a> and with that change the code works.

I tried to tell this to ChatGTP, but when I do it just throws an error: "An error occurred. If this issue persists please contact us through our help center at help.openai.com."


In reply to: https://jeena.net/notes/1

9 years ago I implemented notes on my website: https://jeena.net/notes/1 and I wrote "in the long run will replace my twitter account" and it did that after 3 years https://jeena.net/comments/875 but it took 5 more years for me to decide not to use Twitter anymore: https://twitter.com/jeena/status/1585921623554654210


In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/589

Yeah, I'm aware of it but inside of the rails application it was easier to do it with ruby.


In reply to: https://jeena.net/notes/1283

I'm trying to get better at making videos. This time I wrote a overview script and recorded it. Then I realized that I have a huge amount of "eeeh" and pauses in it. Cutting it out reduced the video from 14:30 minutes to 10:30 minutes. I added some b-roll to conceal all the cuts, sometimes I had to cut every ... single ... word.

It's going into the right direction, the video flows much better, but I need to get better at recording without thinking pauses.


In reply to: https://twitter.com/Abebab/status/1416708376470433795

> The road to total tech-surveillance is paved with convenience

This is sadly very true. Just yesterday I had the Google Home app open and it suggested me to switch on to show pictures of specific people which are on my phone also on the TV via the Chromecast. I clicked one button and we had a nice evening watching a slideshow and talking about those pictures.

Theoretically I would be able to do that on my own devices too. I have all my pictures backed up with Synology and it categorized them and found the people in the pictures etc. But to get it on the Chromecast I'd need some script which chooses random pictures and then moves them into a directory in Google Photos where they can be then chosen to be shown on the Chromecast. I'm sure I can program this, but it will take a while before it's ready. And until then this feature will not be new and exciting for us anymore.

In the end this is what Richard Stall man was also always talking about, trading freedom for convenience.

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In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/557

Interesting, it quite reminds me of Qt's Signals & Slots https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/signalsandslots.html make UI applications with C++ so much easier to write.


In reply to: https://matrix.org/blog/2021/05/19/how-the-u-ks-online-safety-bill-threatens-matrix

I'm so happy that there are people out there who care about this things and have the time to invest fighting the fight. I would like to be with you there but right now my life doesn't allow the time but I'm totally with you there but only can help by throwing some money on the problem.

But a very big thank you to everyone involved!


In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/541

I'm mean it's not bad, but a bit predictable and just not super great so it would make me want to binge watch another season ^^


In reply to: https://twitter.com/e8johan/status/1312100419745718272

Yes, as an extension to Home Assistant, it actually works really nicely combined.

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In reply to: https://jamesg.blog/webmentions/2020-09-25-jeena-webmention

Yeah I did actually, just a couple of weeks ago I bought a espresso machine and started learning how to use it :D

I have a Rocket Appartamento which is fairly expensive, but I had a KRUPS Novo Compact Latte before which I found used in a second hand shop for 3 EUR for a couple of months where I tried to learn the basics with.


In reply to: https://laurakalbag.com/lens/car-companies-want-to-monitor-your-every-move-with-emotion-detecting-ai/

Damn that was a scary read.


In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/498

That is definitely true, especially for nature photography I'm practically always too far away. The downside with a bigger zoom is that it wouldn't fit into my photo gear bag and I'd need to carry it in a special bag and then I wouldn't take it with me on trips like this one anyway.

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In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/pictures/281

It would be nice to get a short review when you post pictures like that, even just a rating would be nice.


In reply to: https://fstoppers.com/historical/facebook-bans-renowned-colorist-deems-world-war-ii-photos-dangerous-490043

A reply to "Facebook Bans Renowned Colorist":

What I really don't understand is why people who have those problems don't post on their own website where nobody can tell them what they're allowed or not allowed to post.

Fstoppers doesn't just rely on YouTube and Facebook for their community, they have this website where they can do whatever they feel to do. Buying a domain and getting someone to install and update blog software on it isn't really that expensive nor hard and you're instantly free. Keep posting with a back link to your website and once you get banned you don't lose everything, just one stream of many. And if people were really interested in your work they will find it outside of Facebook.


In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/articles/home

That was exactly a month ago, how do you feel today?

I myself had that craze too for at least two weeks but then it was just too much and I had too little power to do anything anyway so it was only bringing me down until I stopped. Now I check the news perhaps once a day.

Obviously the quarantine in Sweden isn't as extreme as in other places but most people stay at home and to the social distancing in hopes that it won't be necessary for the government to do what all our neighbor countries do.

But to be honest, the disaster was only positive for me. Because of all my privilliges I was able to finally introduce changes which I wanted to do but never had the environment to do. I mention it in more detail in a comment to someone else: https://jeena.net/comments/1140

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In reply to: http://savethis.space/2020/a-break-in-a-pattern-is-not-always-a-break

There is one thing which is really great with the whole covid-19 disaster, it totally breaks habit in a fundamental way. It took me about two weeks but something happened where I don't commute to work and suddenly don't come by the train station after work where I always bought junk food because I was so hungry after work.

Now that I'm working from home and the restaurants are kind of closed it's super easy to do two things:

  1. cooking everything from scratch on my own
  2. not eating after 6pm

Which then led to other things like it being easy to put all the ingredients into a calculating app and restricting the calories to basically half.

And this has been going on for two weeks now, I do the normal 3 times a week gym as before. There is so much less stress going on also, the whole world has slowed down so I'm now easily able to catch up with a lot of things. I'm almost panicking a bit when I think about the quarantine ending.

So yeah, a lot of selfish reasons but that's how it is when you're as privileged as I am, white male in a rich country working in IT from home.


In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/461

I was looking into MyFittes Pal because I've ben using their app for free for quite some time and I'd like to support the development and get rid of the advertising. But first it's impossible how much their pro account is and then you find it somewhere in some forum online and it's $10/month. It's a nice app but $10 per month? I guess I'll keep just ignoring the ads or perhaps will look into hosting pihole.

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In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/

Tobias, because I remember you enjoying the 3rd wave ska playlist I had on Spotify a couple of years ago, I thought you also might enjoy a current band which makes ska-punk style but now. Their sound is close to early "No Doubt" and they're called "Bite Me Bambi".

Here is an example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ea99xTt9rzs


In reply to:

Someone on reddit wrote a recension of my latest artsy photo:

> Jeena presents us in a simple, pure expression, his personal vision and experience of a world and a life that is gradually and surely disappearing and whose remains seem to be hopelessly abandoned and lonely. With his/her humanistic approach to the subject, the extraordinary framing of the observed object, the author reveals and affirms to us the authenticity and beauty of as much the compositional whole as well as the emotionally separated details of this monument of todayz. Jeena's photo of the toilet paper is a poetically intoned reportage of his/her sensible devotee, from which he/she invites us to take a look at that toilet paper, not to abandon it and keep it from disappearing, which threatens us. 😁

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In reply to:

I wish they would take the advice from this guy, I stopped watching them especially because of the insanely bad audio. I understand that it's bad the first or second day, but after that you have a budget for a USB microphone, come on.


In reply to: https://jeena.net/photos/538


In reply to: https://jeena.net/notes/1105

Neat, the danish train broke down too so we were moved to a different train. This adds at least another hour. We'll see if I'll be able to catch the last train to Varberg. I literarily took the first train at 5am in the morning. According to time plans this could be a 12 hour journey, but in reality we'll see if I can get home today ^^.


In reply to: https://twitter.com/Matthias_Apsel/status/1194693129204568064

@Matthias_Apsel das stimmt zwar auf dem Bild, aber heute habe ich mir dann doch meine eigene gekauft so als erinnerung ^^


In reply to: https://twitter.com/asciidisco/status/1194895359539130368

@asciidisco There is Mastodon which is good enough and is decentralized and because of ActivityPub can be used with other software. And doesn't need to be hosted by every single person, just join one of the servers like with email. Are you guys on it?


In reply to: https://aaronparecki.com/2019/11/10/12/

I'm only traveling with my [messanger cammera bag](https://www.peakdesign.com/products/everyday-messenger/) which isn't that big to begin with and then it's also flexible, so I never had problems to fit it in between other peoples bags.

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In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/451

I second this so much!

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In reply to: https://twitter.com/mnoorenberghe/status/1189083598940295169

@mnoorenberghe I see, where did you get this information from, do you have any link where this is described somewhere, it would be interesting to read.


In reply to: https://www.manton.org/2019/09/15/i-can-understand.html

Hehe it's interesting that this problem, almost 15 years after my earliest attempts to fix it, still isn't really solved: https://github.com/pavatar/pavatar/blob/master/Specification.md

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In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/c4e0eea0

I understand and respect the not posting other people, etc. but by leaving humans out of the picture it doesn't capture the moment as it is. Quite the contrary, it distorts the reality to a degree where it's unrecognizable.

It's really interesting because looking at your pictures I imagine that you either went up super early or you shot really late when people weren't there anymore. Because you don't only not post faces but neither do you post shadows, silhouettes, groups of people, far away or from behind.

Not trying to say it's wrong, it's absolutely your style, I can almost tell that it's one of your pictures without looking at the author line in my feed reader which is cool :)

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In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/photos/birthday-pool-party

It's a cool photo but in the context of a party a question came to my mind. Why are there never humans in your photos? What kind of party has zero humans?


In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/440

I think I expressed myself incorrectly, of the biomass which consists only of insects, there is today only 30% left in comparison to 30 years ago.


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In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/8f46414c

For some reason Twitter broke the notifications for me by adding notifications when random people I follow like something (not mine) or tweet something (not related to me).


In reply to: https://aaronparecki.com/2019/07/01/6/

Fun is a reasonable reason to do stuff :D

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In reply to: https://aaronparecki.com/2019/06/30/20/

Hm, I kind of wonder what this functionality is used for if most of the people read the text in their reader which I would guess would not show that?


In reply to: https://jeena.net/notes/1051

Live streaming be brewing beer in my kitchen: https://youtu.be/M0RpceZvGJA


In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/7d026383

As a sysadmin (or even easier DevOps guy) I can get you an offer from a dussin companies tomorrow if you want. Practically everyone is looking for someone who wants do do it.


In reply to: https://adactio.com/links/15233

The question is why do we need it if there is only one browser engine left (the Google one). Isn't whatever they implement automatically the standard? Why do we need to waste so much time and energy on some 3rd party coming up with standards?

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In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/3e4d2bf6

You could do system administration ;)

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In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/photos/sushisan-lisboa

For being sushi it looks really weird. This is how sushi normally looks like https://www.flickr.com/photos/jeena/14094688804/ ;)


In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/426

It's especially during the startup phase.

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In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/ddbdc22e

I understand that, my answer was just to highlight that "Until then we can only keep on raising awareness" is not a true statement. Especially while seeing articles like "How open-source software took over the world" https://techcrunch.com/2019/01/12/how-open-source-software-took-over-the-world/ it is really weird to hear that the only thing we can do is to "keep on raising awareness" while effectively ignoring a mainstream movement.

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In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/4e556692

There is an alternative though, using an operating system where the user is in control, not the manufacturer. That is why the Free Software movement and copyleft licenses like the GPL came into life. That is what people like Richard Stallman are fighting for. Sure you lose a bit of convenience, but that price we should be glad to pay.


In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/17a13fb3

Hehe, yeah basically. Thanks!


In reply to: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=19351055

When I was 7 or 6 or something, I remember my granddad, who was in the Wehrmacht back then, very often explained to me how they fought during the war.

One of the things which stuck with me was how many more people the Russians had in comparison with the Germans. He once drew on paper to explain how they did something like cross fire where they would just fire with the machine guns so the lines of fire would cross and from down the hill Russians would run up the hill, die on the way up and new Russians would come up the hill without weapons and would take the weapons of the dead Russians and keep on running until they died, then another ones would take their weapons and so on.

I remember him saying it was 2000 Russian soldiers on one German soldier, but I guess that number got mangled through war propaganda, war reality, fear, and rumors on the front.


In reply to: http://www.islay.org.uk/2019/02/02/three-approaching-whooper-swans-isle-of-islay/

Wow, amazing capture!


In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/425

Right now I'm hosting HomeAssistant on a NUC which takes 15 W. I'm guessing that if I want to serve my website, mastodon, pixelfed, peertube and perhaps other things in the future I'd want something which also runs with a mobile CPU like the NUC, just newer and faster and in a different case so I can build in hard drives, etc. inside of it. But yes, I'll need to calculate the costs for all of that.

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In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/424

It's 10 EUR / Month per 100 GB. I need something running at home anyway for HomeAssistant and backup/file server and my ~/Pictures alone already has 268G additionally ~/Video has also around 100G.

For the videos for example it would be cool with some software which would make it available to other people than me (mostly home videos) so I was thinking PeerTube might be able to do that in a nice way.

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In reply to: https://jameshfisher.com/2019/01/20/my-parents-are-flat-earthers

The only problem with this which I feel does have a real impact is when it comes to medicine, and especially anti-vaxers. Those people destroy lives, especially of children and that is not OK. I'm just happy that herd immunity exist which is the last hope those children have.


In reply to: https://m.signalvnoise.com/signal-v-noise-exits-medium/

Good to see you back on the free Internet. Also really good that your feed URL didn't change so that I was able to read about it in my normal feed reader without needing to resubscribe or anything.


In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/articles/should

You should stop whining and: Just do it!


In reply to: https://twitter.com/ttepasse/status/1083927563922227200

@ttepasse I'd rather have it not on other peoples computer. Was thinking about a industry grade NAS but those are really expensive too.


In reply to: https://twitter.com/mardy/status/1083480854188486657

@mardy Thing is, once we start having exceptions then it will be difficult to manage ^^ But yeah, I get what you're saying.

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In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/

Tobias, couldn't you come up with some talk to talk at http://foss-gbg.se/2019/01/speak-at-foss-north-2019/ in Gothenburg? They're looking for speakers.


In reply to: https://laurakalbag.com/my-2018/

> Travelling is still utterly exhausting

I found that this is mostly the case if you have to change a lot like you do when you travel by plane, especially getting to and from the airport is exhausting. When I travel the same route by train I feel that it takes a bit longer, but I arrive much less exhausted. I think it's because I don't need to wait anywhere, I can stand up and walk around, I can sit down and use the computer with Internet, there is way more space and when I change I can get something to eat and drink.

I'm traveling from Varberg in Sweden to Burgpreppach in Germany which are both fairly small so it takes a lot of time and effort to get to the airports. But both are really close to train stations.

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In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/6012ea07

Can't you get mentions too as emails and not only DMs?


In reply to: https://david.shanske.com/2018/12/19/an-indieweb-podcast-episode-12-gutenberg/

David, your audio is always quite low, Chris' audio is worse quality but much louder so it's good, but yours is too low and I can't hear you when it's a bit louder like in my car or on the plane or train when a lot of people are loud.

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In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/ebe8cc68

so you finammy made it a write only medium. I uninstalled the app from my phone a coupple of month ago too, posting from my website also.


In reply to: https://adactio.com/journal/14558

I love how you used media in this post, obvioussly especially the short audio from two places. Reading and the photos didn't really convey the atmosphere, but listening to the audio really did. Did you just record it on your phone?

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In reply to: https://twitter.com/Xjs/status/1058125198724136960

@Xjs yes I had the same reasoning but back when Yahoo took it over, and back then I didn't feel that Yahoo really needs my money either.

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In reply to: https://eddiehinkle.com/2018/10/17/1/reply/

I had a look now and I subscribe to 69 https://gpodder.net/user/jeena/subscriptions

I'm in no way a completionist when it comes to podcasts, I subsribe to what I might find interesting and hen when new episodes come out then I look at the combination of the topic and the podcast and decide if it sounds interesting or not on a per episode basis. Some podcast I do listen to every episode but most of them I don't.

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In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/0de5b66c

Let someone record you doing it some day and upload it so we can have a good laugh :p


In reply to: https://eli.li/entry.php?id=20181017134319

We mostly just write them in a Wiki as a table.

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In reply to: https://eddiehinkle.com/2018/10/16/12/reply/

Although, as a listener I don't feel that there isa a "too long" mark for podcasts, I'm regularly listening to many podcasts that are at least 3 but up to 5 hours long, like https://aufwachen-podcast.de/

But I do understand that this is a lot of work ;)

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In reply to: https://eddiehinkle.com/2018/10/16/5/reply/

Oh wow, that was fast, but yes, please put me on your list :D. Can't wait for the next episode, really looking forward to it, it obviously reminds me of https://monday.micro.blog/ but I really appreciate that your episodes aren't that micro, I always feel that I'd like to hear more about the people in the Micro Monday podcast too.

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In reply to: https://eddiehinkle.com

Hi, I would love to be in your new podcast "My Url Is". I've been part of the community for a couple of years and would like to tell my story.


In reply to: https://mpospese.com/2018/10/13/status-2018-10-13-17-41-12/

How long are you staying?


In reply to: https://micro.blog/crossingthethreshold/952701



In reply to: https://www.mattball.io/2018/09/18/fediverse-identity/

The identity problem is actually what prevented me yet to try mastadon. If I want to try it then I need to install it myself so I can have it under my domain. But because I didn't want to give up my homepage for mastadon but didn't want a wonkey subdomain to be my identity, and it doesn't yet work in a subdirectories, I wasn't able to try it.

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In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/418

Who says that my bike got stolen? I'm saying it, I came back to the train station to where I parked my bike and it was not there anymore.

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In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/f0c18aef

I don't have such an app, but you're right, that would come in really handy now. Next time I get a bike I'll put in a GPS module in it, then it just needs either an Internet connection or a GSM module to use SMS.


In reply to: http://jthingelstad.micro.blog/2018/09/07/i-finally-order.html

Can you elaborate on why you call it "lost his mind"?

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In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/0201ead3

I'd say it depends who you work with. At our company nobody even mentioned that there was some Apple event.

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In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/652ccfdc

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In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/431a2c9e

Did you forget to set a 'reply to' link or who do you adress with the forst sentence?


In reply to: https://laurakalbag.com/insecure/

> "Calling out to folks asking for their blogs’ RSS feeds to follow, I swiftly realised that RSS was not a viable replacement for what I wanted to follow. 99% of the RSS feeds recommended to me were of white men."

That is the case in my feed reader too. I try to actively find others but it's not as easy as it would sound.


In reply to: https://micro.blog/Ron/587206

@Ron I think the 280 chars limit is silly, I don't have that limit on my website.


In reply to: https://eli.li/entry.php?id=20180523034719

I'd say you can not post with Dialog (yet), only reply, as far as I understand.


In reply to: https://micro.blog/manton/586630

@manton I guess that's one of the cases where microformats are much nicer than a feed.


In reply to: https://micro.blog/manton/586372

Interesting, ok now I at least understand what's happening, because I do have a title for everything, only the title gets shown.


In reply to: http://www.savethis.space/2018/fractured-part-3-just-me

Let me first say:

> I am cluttering your social feed, mind, and eyes with serious talk instead of cat memes.

If I don't want to have this in my feed reader, then I will just unsubscribe. I know where to get cat memes instead, I decide what I read or not, so no worries.

Why I don't unsubscribe is that it's interesting reading, I may myself not understand the reasoning behind all this, and it seems you don't either, that's why you're in therapy. And I myself don't seem to have problems like those you describe, but I have friends who have symptomps like you describe who I like and whom I'd like to understand better.

But for various reasons we don't talk about this topic so that I can't get explanations like that from them, so reading your texts helps me to at least understand what they're feeling. I might not be able to help, but with some understanding it might help at least not stepping on their toes and be mindfull about how I approach them.


In reply to: http://jthingelstad.micro.blog/2018/05/20/some-scenes-from.html

Man, those pictures are outstanding, great work!


In reply to: http://jthingelstad.micro.blog/2018/05/20/chicago-at-night.html

Wow, a beautifull picture!


In reply to: https://aaronparecki.com/2018/04/01/22/

Ah interesting, I will try to do it like that, my only problem now is that now without woodwind I don't have a dedicated reader which can do that, but I'm thinking of implementing replies/likes/reposts to my own RSS reader FeedTheMonkey.


In reply to: http://timetable.manton.org/2018/05/episode-101-while-waiting/

Interestingly if you look at the Twitter API and all the old clients, the name and URL of the app which which each Tweet was created were saved with every Tweet and many third party clients showed this information quite prominentally in their UI.


In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/70b266c6

No, I mean you would still show a list of links but just the URL not a name or anything, then I could still see that someone commented on something you wrote whom I don't follow, I could click on the link to read it and I could respond to that comment on my website and ping them and you about my comment.

With your implementation I have no chanse to see that someone who I don't follow yet responded to something you wrote.

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In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/88658af8

I wonder if a simple list of URLs, without any metadata wouldn't be sufficient, just to collect the backlinks to make it possible for people to read what others answered, basically like WordPress used to do with pingbacks way back then.


In reply to: http://www.manton.org/2018/05/instagram-import-in-micro-blog.html

So will it put the post dates in the right way too so my followers don't get thousends of photos in their timelines when I import something?


In reply to: http://www.savethis.space/2018/old-dogs-and-patterns-of-behavior

Wow, I wasn't aware of the whole dog poop in a plastic bag problem. Back when we had dogs they were always outside and pooping where they wanted themselves.

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In reply to: http://inessential.com/2018/05/01/making_apps_is_harder_than_it_needs_to_b

Are you aware of QML? That is basically what you're talking about, a scripting language (in this case JavaScript) embeded in a declarative language which can be extendet with C++ for performance reasons. With Just-in-time (JIT) compilation technique is used to generate machine code on the fly, which speeds up the execution of JavaScript and QML binding expressions. And all that is then run on directly with OpenGL on the graphics card so you get nice and fast native performance.


In reply to: http://www.manton.org/2018/04/6741.html

My podtasts are all between 33 and 75MB, the median is 51MB.


In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/91e64272

I stayed untill thursday, but, funny story, I'm back in Berlin now for 3 days again.


In reply to: https://david.shanske.com/2018/04/18/an-indieweb-podcast-episode-2-indieauth/

I love the podcast, I didn't know that it was needed that badly but just listening to people talking about IndieWeb technology and questions I realize that it's so much easier for me to listen to long ass podcasts for hours than read pages and pages of text. And also creating it is much easier than writing a structured long blogpost, especially when it's not a monolog like most of the blog posts are but a dialog between two or more people who are knowageble in the topic.

I also have found some bugs with it:

  • only episode 0 in the RSS feed has the enclosure tag, so I can't download episode 1 nor 2 in my podcast catcher
  • on https://david.shanske.com/series/indieweb-podcast/ there are no headlines
  • It's really difficult to find the RSS link for the podcast, I expected a button to subscribe, but you need to find the podcast category and then if your browser offers it click on the RSS UI to open it and then sending he url to your phone to subscribe. It would be nice with a button so I can subscribe on my phone


In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/3f256ef8

I do think that the ESC is a great thing which brings the people of Europe closer together because they travel, they meet other nations, they make friends, etc. Which is what Europe really needs. We already have a EU of goods and of money, we just need the EU of people too.


In reply to: http://jthingelstad.micro.blog/2018/04/07/the-view-from.html

Interesting, that looks like from a helicopter.

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In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/3884a7cd

It'll be this sunday.


In reply to: http://www.islay.org.uk/2018/04/06/window-into-the-past-in-port-charlotte-isle-of-islay/

That is an awesome picture!


In reply to: https://colinwalker.blog/04-04-2018-1535/

But isn't blog comment spam a real thing?

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In reply to: https://mobile.twitter.com/anomalily/status/981360888425820160?s=19

@anomalily I once wanted to impress a girl who started going out with me so we went out a lot to bars, cafés, the cinema, clubs, etc. And it worked, we moved in together. But during that time we also burned through all my savings. So about half a year later we found ouselves so poor that we had to get free food from the church for several weeks before we got back up finincially.


In reply to: https://jthingelstad.micro.blog/2018/03/31/great-family-travel.html

But what do you do if some people start using USB Type-C?


In reply to: https://mlncn.withknown.com/2018/dell-fantastic-that-you-sell-laptops-free

Thanks for the first link, I thought they stopped selling them.


In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/394

Have you heared of treadmills yet?


In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/pictures/224


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In reply to: https://twitter.com/sikkdays/status/961415607525695488

@sikkdays No absolutelly not, quite the opposite it's an honor! Super interesting to read of the perception which others have about the online persona one is showing online.

For some reason it makes me to want to jump in and fix small imperfections like that I might have been born in Poland and that technically you're right to say that I'm a Polish man, but I don't feel like one because all my ancestors were German and I grew up in Germany. But because that would kind of be missing the point of your post I won't do that :D

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In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/389

Now you have a whole year to plan so you're able to go next year. And untill then you can relive this years FOSDEM by listening to my podcast with a lot of interviews: https://jeena.net/pods/14 ;)


In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/388

Will it be a Tuxedo?


In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/18fbe582

My story was that I didn't have computer stuff as work from the beginning, it was a hobby. But then about 11 years ago I remade it into my daily job. Since then I'm doing less and less programming stuff at home. Now I have photography as my new hobby and I feel like you, there is more for me out there! I would love to be out and shooting pictures all day, but I wouldn't like it as a job because this brings all the things I don't like with a job, customers, deadlines, responsibility. etc.


In reply to: https://yatil.net/102189/

Oh cool, I didn't know that you're microbloging on your website!

, (1)

In reply to: https://social.literati.org/@seanl/98879965467496265

Hi, could yoube more precise which links are dead or which git repos are staled? Then I could try to explain it a bit more. We do have one Wordpress plugin which tries to integrate most of the Indieweb functionality, did you find that?


In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/photos/my-very-first-own-surfboard

Congrats! That sounds super aweseme!


In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/369

When I'm in Japan that is what my photoblog is about :p


In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/366

What can I say ...

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In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/pictures/207

You bought a new laptop?


In reply to: https://jeena.net/notes/1

About 3 years ago I implemented notes on my website: https://jeena.net/notes/1 and I wrote "in the long run will replace my twitter account" and it actually did already.


In reply to: https://eli.li/entry.php?id=20170704005743

Really nice photo here, a lot of depth and layers, very nice.

, (1)

In reply to: https://eli.li/entry.php?id=20170623013632

Oh man thanks for this post I just listened to the first "Israel Story" and it was so moving. I love it when people share the podcasts they enjoy because it makes it easier to find the good ones.

, (1)

In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/5268f118

Is that for real? It looks fake. How would that even work with a 2D kamera?

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In reply to: https://eli.li/entry.php?id=20170623013632

Since you're already listening to so many of them, check out my interview podcast https://jeena.net/pods


In reply to: https://kylewm.com/2017/06/in-case-you-were-wondering-why-woodwind-xyz-and-silo

Ah that is good nrws, I've been trying to set up my instance but for some reason always failed.

, (1)

In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/346

I agree too, but I haven't seen anyone using anything AMP related yet. The funny thing is, I could without trouble find information about how to make my framework compatible with AMP, but it proves quite difficult to find out how to use it.


In reply to: https://indieweb.org/2017/Berlin/Guest_List

Yes, it was some time ago I visited Berlin and I can crash on my brothers couch. Already looking forward to it!

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In reply to: https://twitter.com/jkphl/status/870615494990147584

@jkphl I think the link on https://indieweb.org/2017/Berlin/Guest_List to the RSVP page is wrong, it goes to Nurnberg

, (2)

In reply to: http://anomalily.net/my-financial-girlfriend/

What is "My Financial Girlfriend"? Btw, I started listening to your "Oh My Dollar!" podcast and have to say it's pretty awesome, I thought it would be dry and boring, but the "glitter" as, you call it, makes it really enjoyable to listen to.

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In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/344

Thanks! Fixed.

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In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/pictures/195

Oh, wow one really can see the change, even though I meant a full body before and after picture ;).


In reply to: https://adactio.com/notes/12316

Hehe, every time I'm at the Munic airport I'm getting Weisswurst too.


In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/336

Those are really good tips and most of it is applicable to all cameras.

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In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/c0f608a9

I read a little bit about it but thought this was quite expensive, but it seems that for a monthly 60 minutes podcast both their options would be essentially free. I'll check it out more, thanks for the link!


In reply to: http://www.savethis.space/2017/everythings-fine

I guess it's learned behaviour, once you shared and nothing happens anyway, but you still exposed your self, you learn that sharing has not always positive effects on your life.


In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/3205251c

Today I finally went: https://jeena.net/photos/301


In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/3205251c

I plan to go today, was half an hour late yesterday because I wanted a sundown photo, so they already closed.

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In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/61d124e3

I also listen to podcasts when I'm out shopping or even doing chores.

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In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/96f30190

Or you could just start commuting to work ;)

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In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/5fbd6b8c

I don't think it will help to see who said what because it also feels that 50% of the words are wrong so that you can't even get the gist of what really was said. Here an example from the top of the file:

Karolina: "I have mad 20-year 28 years old but that's when the 20 years old a happy person living in hitting an island with my brother and my two bunnies."

Which should have actually been: "I am 20 yea... 28 years old, but not 20 (haha), 28 years old happy person living in Hissingen island with my brother and my two bunnies."

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In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/7c17d8be

What if I don't go to conferences? ;)


In reply to: http://www.savethis.space/2017/does-it-smell-somewhat-gross-i-grew-up-in-a

Actually no, not really, first it's outside of the town but also there I didn't smell anything bad in particular.

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In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/dd509b90

I checked Youtube who offer automatic speech to text and this is what you can get: https://jeena.net/t/captions.txt

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In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/f78046e2

I tried to transscribe one episode of my podcast which was 1,5 hours long. I'm commuting 2 * 1h per day and I was able to transstribe about 5 minutes of audio per hour, after a couple of weeks I had transcribed about 40 minutes. I used a special software to do that too which connected the text with timestamps to the audio. But I had to give up because I wasn't able to do anything else but transcribing, it was just too time consuming.

And the automatic transcribtion services are still quite bad. And paying someone to transcribe is quite a financial burden. I agree that it would be awesome but I don't quite agree that the technology is there (yet).

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In reply to: https://aaronparecki.com/2017/03/09/19/day79

It kind of reminds me of the music Microsoft Songsmith creates: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oGFogwcx-E

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In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/329

Oh, wow, that is not something I want.

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In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/328

I'm also looking into replacing my Airport Extreme which is soon 10 years old with something faster. I have 250/100 Mb/s internet but only if I connect my laptop by wire, which is more and more seldom this days.


In reply to: https://aaronparecki.com/2017/03/07/7/

I was kind of thinking that the homepage is a HTML version of it, but perhaps a stream-like version could also be something.


In reply to: http://www.islay.org.uk/2017/03/05/shag-resting-on-cliffs-isle-of-islay/

I'd love to see more meta data about youp pictures like with which camera you were shooting, with which lens, zoom, apperture, shutterspeed, ISO and stuff like this.


In reply to: http://anomalily.net/new-camera-day/

What did you make go with a newer version of your camera instead of going used but the next bigger one?


In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/photos/leaving-nazare

Wow, awesome photo, I see you incoperated my tipps about composition. Lovelly sky, people in the foreground for scale and grate waves.


In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/b26d01f6Y

You got a typo there, it should have been: "... there are just too few days in a weekend."


In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/322

Yeah it's cropped from a bigger picture where the tree was supposed to be the forground, I even have pictures of it iluminated, but I endet not up stitching it together because the cropped still looked better. So yeah it was planned differently ;)


In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/a68108d4

Yeah, that is the one I have, for the 13" laptop. It is a bit heavy, yeah but they made it really confortable to wear.

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In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/1a628eff

I actually do, I was at the same time in the market for a laptop bag and got me this really expensive but emensly well designed bag by Peak Design: https://www.peakdesign.com/product/bags/the-everyday-messenger

This way every time I take my laptop with me, I also have my camera with me.


In reply to: https://gregorlove.com/2017/01/orange-7-cherry/

Nice, that is what I also get :)


In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/pictures/159

Cool, a VR pillow!


In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/307

I guess the culture is quite different in this regard. Also you can get the information what your neighbour/colegue/boss earns and stuff like that. I have to admit that some of this was a cultural shock when I moved here, but somehow it works out much better than you'd expect.

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In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/306

Yes, and the only thing you can't do with the photo is using it for advertisement. Appearantly you even can take photos op people inside their houses as long as you aren't on their private land. And then you can sell them upload them etc. You aren't allowed to do it in toilets and changing rooms though.


In reply to: http://www.manton.org/2017/01/podsearch.html

Auphonic, which I use for my podcast post production, has it as a commercial product integrated already: https://auphonic.com/blog/2016/12/02/make-podcasts-searchable-speech-to-text/

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In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/8389f989

Oh, wow, that is a really cool idea! I hope you will find the time to do that often. I abuse my blog for stuff like that but I like the seperate part of the website more.

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In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/033e43ab

How do you mean, what deos that mein to 'take a Pomodoro'?


In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/291

Yes, some day in the future. I tried to transcribe it now for 4 months and it's such a tedious job, I got to 45 minutes of the 1.5 hours and once this is done the translation begins.

, (1)

In reply to: https://wwwtech.de

Oh, wow Christian, I just read through https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=747543 and it hinted that if you just install Evolution, gnome-contacts will make ass the addresses available offline.


In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/280

For me it is good, if this continues I will be able to pay for my music on an actual medium instead just a virtual one :) + the awesome big artwork you get with it!


In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/275

Haha may be, but it was just 14 EUR so I was ok taking the risk, especially because in theory you only need the app for the first setup, after that it should work offline as far as I understand. But it's difficult to understand how to get it working, the app can't find it and the littli instruction paper which came with it is in Chinese, so I'm still searching the internet on how to get it working.

But actually I have had often good luck with such chinese periferials, they do cost 1/10 of the price and I got everything working yet and everything offline unlike the stuff you can buy in europe.

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In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/274

I don't need it with ZigBee in particular, just so I can turn it on and off programatically from some device at home which sits behind a NAT and I can connect to that device for example via SSH. I want to be able to switch on the light remotelly for someone who arrives an my house when I'm not there.

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In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/273

Yes you're right and that is what I actually am trying to do. That is why I tried to buy one which works offline but it's practically impossible. The one I got was as close as it got. It only needs the app the first time you connect it to your network to set it up to run in developer mode, after that you can controll it via ZigBee http://www.yeelight.com/en_US/developer

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In reply to: https://jeena.net/notes/781

After a evening trying to fix my computers here is the status in between:

A normal Arch update on my old laptop made it recognice wifi passwords again so that one is working fine now.

On my new laptop I found out that by installing windows I had to create a special partition for EFI into which I copied my kernel. After a Arch update which gave me a new kernel but saved it into the old /boot partition nothing worked. I copied the kernel manually into the EFI partition and everything works again. Now I am mounting the EFI partition as my /boot so next time the updater can hopefully update the files in the right place.

I hadn't have the time to check why windows doesn't see WiFI and ethernet, and I hadn't have the time to check what's wrong with my work laptop yet, but I have my big desktop at work and this is just a backup if I need to work somewhere else or want to workk from home, which rarelly happens.


In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/photos/frh-klsch-kuckucksuhr-schnitzel-and-german-schlager

Everything on this picture looks great but thi salad, I hate this blend kind of salad.


In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/photos/not-sure-what-this-aTM-wants-to-tell-me-with-the-minimum-amount-i-am-supposed-to-withdraw

I guess the smallest bill it has is 200 EUR?

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In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/268

And for less than half the price!

, (3)

In reply to:

@tobiastom ich sitze da gerade am Gate 65.


In reply to: http://www.manton.org/2016/10/4335.html

I'm still only getting "YouTube Red isn’t available in Sweden"

, (1)

In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/254

I'd say "impressive" is the wrong word, I'd use "expected" ;)


In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/a79c9ac8

hehe, classic

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In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/45953500

And you found out about it on Twitter?

, (1)

In reply to: https://aaronparecki.com/2016/09/27/15/

The R16, what a beauty!


In reply to: http://www.savethis.space/2016/jeena-hows-things-with-your-website-have-you-had-to

In the beginning I was posting to facebook myself, but since they change their API every couple of months I couldn't keep up and rely now an Bridgy. And I only POSSE to Facebook and Twitter (to Twitter I still POSSE myself). Getting the comments is much more difficult, for that I always relied on Bridgy.

Reading the post you link to, I'm somewheri in the middle, I understand their corcernes, at the same time without POSSE, most of the people who read my stuff now wouldn't. And looking at it from the third side, keeping POSSEing seems not to make more people reading it directly from my site, so nothing changes for the better, it's just as if my site didn't exist and I'd use just Facebook and Twitter.

I guess normal POSSEing will still be possible for a long time with Known, but getting back all comments, etc. might get complicated in the long run when Bridgy can't keep up with all the changes for example Facebook does.

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In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/photos/botanic-garden-lisbon

What plant is that in the picture?

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In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/243

On the picture you can't see my speach, but it was a pledoye for a life in science and the end was me envisioning her as one of the scientists at the CERN institute. ^^


In reply to: https://aaronparecki.com/2016/08/29/13/

Not me at least because as I said most of my photos are not published, they are just on my computer.

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In reply to: https://aaronparecki.com/2016/08/27/8/

What will you be doing about getting the sound dry?


In reply to: http://tantek.com/2016/241/t2/challenging-posting-photos-iteration

I agree, I am on a older Android phone now and it often reloads my page when I try to choose a photo from my gallery and then all my text is gone, and often the picture does't get chosen anyway, it's weird. I almost want a dedicated app for that.

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In reply to: https://aaronparecki.com/2016/08/28/12/

How were you able to get to that spot to take this picture without getting shot?

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In reply to: https://aaronparecki.com/2016/08/25/12/poll

I would pay for a (open source) software like this which I can run on my computer, most of my photos never get published but I still want auto tags on them.


In reply to: http://tantek.com/2016/238/t1/off-boat-not-checked-fb-notifications

Reenable email notifications for Facebook and just check that email two times a deay.


In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/239

Thanks :)


In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/5d8d2a11

Thanks :)


In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/

Oh man, check out this https://github.com/architv/soccer-cli we could have saved us a lot of work usind that back then ;)


In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/236

But we often do it because it is fun!

, (1)

In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/230

For me the main reason is that it's Free Software, and to be honest, for most of the daily tasks I've been using the same free software on the mac already so there was no big clash when I moved to linux.

But I have one area where I wish I had a Mac (or Windows computer) and it's audio. Ardour is really great but all the work I had to get jack and pulse audio to kind of work together, jesus, I even bought special hardware so I wouldn't have to deal with this shit while recording my podcast.

I second your statement, the fun of figuring out how to do something with linux which I was able to do easaly on the Mac is quite far down on the list of the reasons why I use linux on my desktop.

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In reply to: https://aaronparecki.com/2016/08/02/24/

So what is the end goal here?

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In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/228

Is it possible to filter out a specific language in the index pages? If I don't understand english/german then the lang attribute doesn't really help me to find the articles I do understand.

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In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/photos/discovering-lisbon

Is that the sea we can see there? And palms? Cool shit.


In reply to: http://tantek.com/2016/209/t3/last-saturday-reached-the-beach-trail

I have to say, short videos like this are so much better for showing the sea which moves than normal wide angle pictures.


In reply to: http://werd.io/2016/if-you-prefer-to-use-opensource-end-user-not-infrastructure

I don't particularly care about Open Source, but I do care about Free (as in Libre) software. I use it so I as a user can decide what it does, not a company or the developer. The four freedoms: to use, study, share and improve the software are the ones I am interested in when I use software.


In reply to: https://aaronparecki.com/2016/07/17/3/first-website

I didn't know you had Waldorf schools in the US, interesting.


In reply to: http://www.manton.org/2016/07/twitter-and-blog.html

But most people don't have the urge to use something which will hold their data for the next 50 years, the next 2 hours is more than enough for allmost all tweets.


In reply to: https://shitposter.club/notice/549851

They somehow look kinda creapy.


In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/224

Yes, I did indeed, had to convince my boss to get them, because they're 150 EUR more expensive than the QC 25, and he payed for them because I was complaining about the noise at work in our big plan office. But in the end I got them :D.


In reply to: http://tantek.com/2016/182/t3/middle-of-road-looked-like

So, how did it feel?


In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/pictures/112

That sucks.


In reply to: http://veganstraightedge.com/notes/2016/06/26/i-ve-been-off-the-grid-since-thursday-afternoon-what-d-i-miss

We celebrated Midsummer!


In reply to: https://unrelenting.technology/notes/2016-06-26-18-41-12

It's even better if you use it in a VM with 2D acceleration, then this layer is above everything.


In reply to: http://tantek.com/2016/178/t2/dinner-paris-three-seafood


In reply to: https://waterpigs.co.uk/notes/4gECHn/

Could you comment about your reasoning behind the license change?


In reply to: https://aaronparecki.com/2016/06/22/19/indieweb

Tey are really beaufifull.


In reply to: https://aaronparecki.com/2016/06/22/19/indieweb

Tey are really beaufifull.


In reply to: https://aaronparecki.com/2016/06/22/19/indieweb

Tey are really beaufifull.


In reply to: https://aaronparecki.com/2016/06/22/19/indieweb

Tey are really beaufifull.


In reply to: http://known.kevinmarks.com/2016/experimenting-with-collapsible-woodwind-at-8080-indieweb

Post a screenshot, otherwise I need to manually import my feeds into that instance.


In reply to: http://j4y.co/p/20160621170208_57696500c1769

Yep this worked, I got a person tag mention. :)

, (1)

In reply to: https://aaronparecki.com/2016/06/20/5/indieweb

I remember we had kind of the same problem in the SELFHTML community and we also decided for a clean static homepage with a description of the project and links to the wiki, blog, forum, etc. http://selfhtml.org/


In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/220

Haha, damn, I had to find a screenshot online because I don't have any Mac anymore. But whatever, I hope people still get my point.

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In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/219

I only used it for a couple of hours yesterday and was mostly happy about the UI, but you're right, they have still a long way to go.

About iTunes, I only used that part of iTunes because I don't have a iOS device and I never buy anything on iTunes, so I haven't seen those problems you describe.

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In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/pictures/111

Is it in the basement or upstairs?


In reply to: https://aaronparecki.com/2016/06/16/14/

Hehe, I feel you, have very often the same problem ^^


In reply to: https://adactio.com/notes/10824

This looks so english!


In reply to: https://blog.mousereeve.com/technologies-of-the-decentralized-web-summit/

Hm no Microformat and Webmention?


In reply to: https://aaronparecki.com/2016/06/13/7/thinkup

It's fun to see that on yet another one of those services.

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In reply to: http://notenoughneon.com/2016/6/8/3

So I guess it finds the whole in-reply-to chain upwards, but not (yet) downwards?


In reply to: http://veganstraightedge.com/notes/2016/06/08/jeena-you-re-welcome-to-print-new-shirt-or-stickers-anytime-you-want-if-you-want-to-distro-eu

We sure will do that!


In reply to: http://veganstraightedge.com/notes/2016/06/01/pdx-i-am-in-you

If you like beer you should really visit the Cascades Brewery and taste orme of their more than awesome sour beers, they're exceptional, never had better sour beer than there. And try their beer-cheese soup too if you're at it :D


In reply to: https://adactio.com/notes/10760

Oh interesting, Woodwind says you will be posting this "in 39 minutes" then I should go out and perhaps I'll see the ISS flyover too!

, (1)

In reply to: https://kylewm.com/2016/06/indieweb-summit-2016-discussion-day

Wow, Scott Hanselman is at the IWC? I'm a big fan of his too! Especially of how diverse his podcast interview partners list is.


In reply to: https://aaronparecki.com/2016/06/02/14/

Ah nice, with the new logo!


In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/acb06525

Yeah, for me it is slowly becomming my main feed reader together with FeedTheMonkey and Facebook.


In reply to: https://adactio.com/notes/10720

English breakfast?


In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/pictures/101

I want to know if it was worth it!

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In reply to: http://blog.rust-lang.org/2016/05/26/Rust-1.9.html


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In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/f217d125

It's a feedreader which in addition to RSS/Atom also understands h-feeds marked up with microformats, which makes it possible to have a UI which is more like Twitter/Facebook, wich the author and a avatar, etc. and inline replies/likes/reposts via micropub.


In reply to: http://2016.indieweb.org/

Yes, although sadly just online, but I'd love to go in person some time in the future because Portland is quite cool and I really loved it there last year too https://jeena.net/indiewebcamp-2015


In reply to: http://known.kevinmarks.com/2016/well-rrmutt-the-most-comprehensive-list-is-at-events-theres

But not every HWC is on facebook either, perhaps we could work on that?

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In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/97212ab0

That's why people started developing http://thepiratebay.se/


In reply to: http://tantek.com/2016/144/t4/read-chapter-7-before-tomorrowland

Can you give us a reason why we should do that?


In reply to: http://glennjones.net/notes/2016-05-24

So what are you working with?


In reply to: http://prog21.dadgum.com/219.html

@dadgumjames just because it is like this righti now doesn't mean we should stop fighting for tem to learn to use better tools.


In reply to: https://twitter.com/e8johan/status/734347756140171264

@e8johan that sounds really good, I hope mine will get that old too!


In reply to: https://kylewm.com/2016/05/exactly-just-seems-like-a-nice-optionally-typed-oo

There is a book out there "PHP - the good parts", I find it to be quite accurate: https://jeena.net/php-the-good-parts


In reply to: https://hugoroy.eu/2016/05/je-teste

Does it really work against rain?


In reply to: https://adactio.com/notes/10669

What is the thing in the center, a block of butter?

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In reply to: https://wwwtech.de

Chistian, for the next screencast we need this: http://www.webupd8.org/2016/05/tool-to-display-keystrokes-in.html


In reply to: https://known.0x539.se/2016/untitled

Haha, this was my first native indieweb RSVP to a HWC I'm hosting! ;) It's a pitty that it was a no, but perhaps next time :)


In reply to: https://ben.thatmustbe.me/note/2016/5/17/1/

Running anything in full screen on OS X is a barbaric act and should never be done.


In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/201

That would be super cool!


In reply to: http://veganstraightedge.com/notes/2016/05/13/my-kingdom-for-a-modern-tweetie-for-ios-mac

You have a kingdom?


In reply to: https://twitter.com/quellebouille/status/731433277031075840

@quellebouille haha that is really true :D

, (1)

In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/522794e8

Hehe that sounds awesome. Sadly the best burger in Gothenburg is no more :(

, (1)

In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/80c98ac3

Hm no it doesn't, are there canonical URLs for medium articles? I guess if it is a good article the canonical version will show up somewhere I can see it anyway.


In reply to: http://gregorlove.com/2016/05/missing-conversation/

First let me say that I use Twitter (and basically Facebook and Instagram) basically as a write only medium, therefor I can't really have conversations there anymore.

  1. NetNewsWire, Google Reader
  2. https://github.com/jeena/FeedTheMonkey and https://woodwind.xyz/
  3. Marking as read on all my devices, comment/like/repost via micropub
  4. No way to let the computer read the text for me easily, that's why I have written https://github.com/jeena/Speaker but it only works on OS X


In reply to: http://known.kevinmarks.com/2016/1-netnewswire-google-reader2-3-inline-replies-are-good-being

What do you mean by tagging?

, (1)

In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/photos/son-of-a-bun

Does it taste as delicious as it looks like?


In reply to: https://indiewebcamp.com/2016/Leaders

It's a bit far but I will attend remote, sounds cool!

, (3)

In reply to: https://twitter.com/m_ott/status/730154838890270721

@m_ott Noo! You obviously should use your own website for that!


In reply to: https://aaronparecki.com/2016/05/10/31/video

"... that means they can be streamed in countries where Amazon Video is available – the U.S., Germany, Austria, United Kingdom and Japan." that would be a nogo for me, then I wouldn't be able to see it.

"This is capped at $75,000 per year" wow, ok not many on youtube make that amount but there at least there is no cap, if you're good you're allowed to make more.

Honestly, I don't quite see the appeal, could you elaborate?


In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/pictures/93

But why is it so dry around them??

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In reply to: http://atp.fm/episodes/168

@atpfm I would rather get asked for money every time I listen to the podcast than listen to advertisements every time I listen to it.

This is what most german podcasts do and it seems to work for them, moneywise not as well as ads but still prettty well.

Asking for money, or for them to buy a book or merhandise you did, is in my opinion much more respectfull to the audience than forcing them to listen to random ads therefor I'm sceptic about you saying that you don't want to sell some older merch again out of respect for the audience while you're sending at least three ads per episode and don't offer a payed add free version.


In reply to: http://www.kevinmarks.com/joyofsparks.html

Wow this is really artsy, now I want to have it for my posts or something ^^


In reply to: http://veganstraightedge.com/notes/2016/05/05/new-indiewebcamp-logo-and-tshirt

Very stylish, I'm getting one!

, (1)

In reply to: http://www.islay.org.uk/2016/05/06/windblown-highland-coo-at-kilchiaran-isle-of-islay/

Hehe damn it looks like CGI!


In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/200

Messages, Viber, Facebook Messanger, Twitter, Hangouts, Yahoo Messanger, ... there a lot of them that are really popular.

, (1)

In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/199

Yeah same here, in my opinion it is because it doesn't have build in history which is synchronized between all your devices.


In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/198

OS/2 Warp FTW!


In reply to: http://known.kevinmarks.com/2016/my-posse-buttons-are-still-ugly-though-indieweb

Mine are just checkboxes with a label instead


In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/pictures/82

Cool hoodie Christian!


In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/191

Very nice, weiter so!


In reply to: http://www.islay.org.uk/2016/04/19/impressive-highland-coo-at-kilchiaran-isle-of-islay/

Really awesome picture!


In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/190

Hehe she was on her bike already and had to come back for the photo ^^


In reply to: https://twitter.com/aaronpk/status/721386855225106432

@aaronpk You know I can receive person tagged mentions to my homepage? ^^


In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/bcbc7896

Yeah, we just had our first sessions, I attended the SWAT0 one.


In reply to:

Hell yeah! Let's drink some frankonian beer and get us some Nürnberger Bratwurst!

, (1)

In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/pictures/77

What is that?

, (1)

In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/pictures/76

Ok I even made an animation with music out of it! https://jeena.net/media/christian-rollin.webm


In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/pictures/76

This post is so freakin awesome I don't know what to write :D oh yeah, next time aggregate the GPS coordinates as you ride this wild thing and put them on the map too :D

, (1)

In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/photos/day-at-the-beach

wow, that looks more than awesome.


In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/pictures/73

And I thought that wasn't possible because it was plastic.


In reply to: http://tantek.com/2016/074/b1/embrace-joy-present

What is a solar revolution?

, (1)

In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/165

Yeah and especially now since Thunderbird doesn't get any love anymore and every new client does some server side stuff where you have to send all your emails to a third party, there seems not to be any hope that this will change any time soon either :(


In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/164

Now that you're finally an adult, there is no way out of it.


In reply to: http://www.savethis.space/2016/i-really-need-to-start-buying-garlic-thats-been-peeled

But it's so easy to peal garlic if you do it right! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XyHnpKmp-Ug


In reply to: https://geor.gs/2016/mama-im-babywahn

Hilft das etwas?


In reply to: http://tantek.com/2016/069/t1/netflix-down-brainstorm-indieweb-flix

You could use Plex and let others log into your instance, the only not so good thing is that Plex is not free software, otherwise I think the UI is good and it is distributed, etc.

, (1)

In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/163

Welcome to the wonderfull world of big corporations!


In reply to: https://mlncn.withknown.com/2016/post-in-favor-of-lgbt-rights-family-friend-asks-something

Could be because they can see with their eyes if you're black?


In reply to: https://geor.gs/2016/endlich-datensammelei-via-like-buttons-und-social-plugins-in-de-rechtswidrig-das/annotations/e4e84eca3a33320ec44ffb76cfd0625d

I put it back in there. Thanks for the link!


In reply to: https://geor.gs/2016/endlich-datensammelei-via-like-buttons-und-social-plugins-in-de-rechtswidrig-das

Do you have a source for that?


In reply to: http://www.manton.org/2014/09/defining-a-microblog-post.html

In the IndieWebCamp community we try to do this also but even without RSS feeds if you don't want one. See my notes which have an h-feed site which is just the HTML marked up with Microformats so I don't need a special xml-feed. (I do have one for legacy reasons) And we use Webmentions (it's like Pingback) to ping others about us mentioning them. I also show their mentions under my own posts.


In reply to: http://www.savethis.space/2016/i-thought-it-was-hazy-so-i-jiggled-the-contrast

And so the world is comming to and end.

, (1)

In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/articles/2016/mar/tuxedo-infinitybook-a-review

How is the build in sound?

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In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/156

You're so cryptic! I had to check the #selfhtml irc chatlog to understand what you're talking about! And it seems that is one of the badges one can earn for writing a lot in this forum: https://forum.selfhtml.org/


In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/155

Na, it's not homemade but sold sealed, so you don't have to handle any water or anything.


In reply to: https://lukasrosenstock.net/post/67892515

I don't think there is reason to believe that, we're only working more and more. See also: http://strikemag.org/bullshit-jobs/


In reply to: https://jkphl.is/articles/indie-as-in-individuality/

Interesting how different we experience the community, I wrote about my experience here: https://jeena.net/indieweb and here: https://jeena.net/indiewebcamp-2015


In reply to: http://www.savethis.space/2016/cool-thanks-for-the-suggestion-checking-out-the-soundcloud-now

You mean Kavinsky's "Outrun" album? If so then I agree, I got that on vinyl back than https://www.facebook.com/jeenaparadies/posts/10151920233832678


In reply to: http://www.savethis.space/2016/edmonton-had-dat-glow-last-week-like-bruce-leroy-yegskies

Wow this looks like an atomic bomb is exploding in the background.


In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/148

Scared and nervous, good combo!


In reply to: http://www.savethis.space/2016/i-lasted-45-minutes-before-i-broke-windows-by-simply

Just, ... don't use Windows.


In reply to: http://veganstraightedge.com/notes/2016/02/17/disappointing-ruby-code-of-conduct

Disapointed because you don't agree with what it says or disapointed because it goes not faar enough in your opinion?


In reply to: https://aaronparecki.com/2016/02/13/18/

Hm, for my private git repos I don't use a web gui, I just have a bare git repo somewhere on my server.


In reply to: https://aaronparecki.com/2016/02/14/12/

Hehe, sounds fun


In reply to: http://www.savethis.space/2016/a-game-night-with-the-wife

So what did you play?

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In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/pictures/51

He's right, you know?


In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/612c5809

Although it is not really true, because a lot of our content of our [devices] ends up on their backends anyway, like pictures, backups, notes, documents, videos, etc. Otherwise we would not be able to share them that easy with other people.

, (1)

In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/130

And I love that you're doing that in a way that helps others too!


In reply to: http://anomalily.net/january-2016-expenses-life-report/

93 tacos in one month?

, (1)

In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/pictures/42

Wait, I know this game, I just played it less than one month ago!


In reply to: http://veganstraightedge.com/articles/2016/02/02/indiewebcamp-logo-study

The only thing I find a bit off putting is the extreme redness of the "i"


In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/127

Welcome to my everyday life. I actually started to publicly shame them after I waited for more than two months for them to do what I need them to do.


In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/125

Congrats for choosing the AGPL v3 license, I licensed my first software to AGPL v3 just some weeks ago: https://github.com/jeena/sonicmonkey/commit/0aa30a2aec04fa426b8f31dba30ccbc759712ea7


In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/124

I'm terribly sorry, it is a bug in my code which makes the avatars smaller, I will try to fix it when I have the time.

, (1)

In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/123

How dies that change my point?

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In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/b5a81cbe

Hehe, I totally forgot what happened last year but they reminded me.

, (1)

In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/117

That's what I wanted to hear, great! I'm sitting at the gate and waiting for the flight which will be in half an hour.


In reply to: https://lukasrosenstock.net/post/67118310

Interesting, that's the same one in which also I did my first 10 days.


In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/photos/b83e77b5

If that would have been your home I'd declare you a old person, with style.

, (3)

In reply to: https://www.christianheilmann.com/2016/01/10/dont-use-slack/

@codepo8 Have you tried Mattermost which is free (as in libre) and does basically the same as Slack but selfhosted?


In reply to: https://lukasrosenstock.net/post/67007256

Why aren't you instead using free (as in libre) software instead like Signal instead of Threema, especially when it comes to secure communication?


In reply to: http://www.islay.org.uk/2015/12/15/blue-tit-at-kilchoman-isle-of-islay/

Cool picture! I tried fur over an hour to get one like that and failed, so I know how fast they are and how how difficult it is to take such a picture.


In reply to: https://lukasrosenstock.net/post/66940705

Oh wow perhaps I should plan for this, is there a concrete date already?

, (2)

In reply to: https://medium.com/backchannel/i-moved-to-linux-and-it-s-even-better-than-i-expected-9f2dcac3f8fb

Very interesting article, but why whine about Facebook while posting the article on Medium?


In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/110

I'm still posseing because that way I don't have to change anything, but I haven't started any of their apps for a long time now.


In reply to: http://known.kevinmarks.com/2016/how-did-both-disney-and-general-mills-sign-off-on

It's perfect to get small children to eat their vegetables!


In reply to: https://kylewm.com/2016/01/you-know-what-sounds-waaaay-cooler-than-it-is-light

So which temperature does a light rail have then?


In reply to: http://aaronparecki.com/notes/2015/12/28/1/starwars

Haha, I went the first week already and I must say, I loved it!


In reply to: http://aaronparecki.com/notes/2015/12/24/1/

But you don't want to give us the URL?


In reply to: https://kylewm.com/2015/12/should-i-see-star-wars-in-3d-or-no

No! The 2D version is really good!


In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/57f364aa

Money! And actually I don't know, it wasn't me who bought the tickets ;-)


In reply to: http://tantek.com/2015/352/t2/freedom-tower-np-nyc-winter

So Tantek is a rebel?


In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/134e6326

My note is about 27 KB while yours is about 42 KB ;-)


In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/cf3f7416

When writing English it would be cool if you link to the English versions of the websites.

, (1)

In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/103

Ah nice, that's awesome!

, (1)

In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/102

Did you have to wait for some new kind of lenses or why first now?


In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/98

It seems the word "Christmas table" is tied to Scandinavia http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=christmastable


In reply to: http://tantek.com/2015/346/t3/world-of-laughter-tears-hopes-fears

In my Firefox it says "Video Format not supported"

, (1)

In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/97

Ah hehe ok so not at work but with work kind of, now I get it :D

, (1)

In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/96

Ok, but with whom?


In reply to: https://kylewm.com/2015/12/do-you-ever-feel-like-i-wish-my-cat-was-nicer-to

Yeah, I don't have a cat.


In reply to: http://lancey.space/2015/12/here-s-my-big-side-project-this-phase-diver-http

This is super fun, a couple of sounds and you can play it for a long time, haha :D

, (1)

In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/pictures/33

Is it the Christmas table at work?


In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/4df4eff2

Haha nice, that sound really easy :D

, (1)

In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/29342050

How do you distinguish between good and bad fashin advice?


In reply to: http://tantek.com/2015/343/t3/scratching-your-itches-teaches

I agree, especially the 'people over plumbing' which back then the Tent developers didn't get and I had to leave. This works so much better in the IndieWeb-community!

, (1)

In reply to: http://www.huhmagazine.co.uk/10779/study-finds-quitting-facebook-makes-you-happier-and-less-stressed

But sadly they didn't have a control group with people who never used Facebook nor one where they stopped using it a long time ago.

, (1)

In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/92

I was never under the expression that Mozilla was a company, are they?

, (1)

In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/91

It's a shame, I would donate monthly some money if I knew that they'll concentrate on freedom but yeah, they seem to fail a lot lately. I guess that is because it is really hard to make money with free software, but then they should push more for donations instead.

, (1)

In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/87

Yeah I guess, I'll try to add something. And I also need to shorten the RSS feed and add paging and stuff.

, (1)

In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/86

I thought your feed reader would do that for you? ;)


In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/3e3bf517

Because it is the best, easiest and most powerfull way to create Makefiles right now. It seems that really many big projects are moving towards using it.


In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/83

It was about freakin' time.


In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/3679d26d

@Tobias, Yeah kind of, I mean, we define what Circus Metal is so we can define anything! But it is one of the lighter songs we made and it can't be a bad thing to broaden the fan base as long as you don't sell out :-P


In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/79

Hehe yeah, I totally agree!


In reply to: http://www.savethis.space/

Oh wow you started using a Known instance? Self hosted?


In reply to: http://www.islay.org.uk/2015/11/17/two-whooper-swans-on-ardnave-loch-isle-of-islay/

This is a really awesome picture!


In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/2e86d4fb

Living the dream, I envy you!


In reply to: https://jeena.net/notes/503


, (1)

In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/9f57c0e0

I really can't trust a closed source solution. I've seen what Volkswagen did and I am convinced that every company does stuff like this when they can be sure that nobody can have a look. It is a nice gesture by Apple that they try to fight the political fight, but I think they will lose and they'll be forced to not tell anyone.


In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/74

Yeah those are really nice, I had no idea that they sold USB sticks looking like steampunk, not bad.

, (1)

In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/c672c242

I almost thought you were a zombie already because you haven't been posting notes since that day onward anymore!

, (1)

In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/2a71bd20

, (1)

In reply to: https://jeena.net/notes/235

Ok, one year later I finally ordered one!

, (1)

In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/articles/2015/oct/feedback-or-the-lack-of

I think if you want feedback as an author there are ways to encourage it. You see that often in YouTube videos for example, and back in the golden days of blogging one advice was often to ask your readers a specific question at the end of your article so they would feel like to answer.


In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/67

It kind of sounds that you've been at the wrong university.


In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/articles/2015/oct/adblockers-as-the-reason-of-invalidaccesserror

This really reminds me of an almost 10 years old article by Robert Nyman http://robertnyman.com/2006/04/25/an-important-lesson-learned-about-ajax-and-accessibility/

, (1)

In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/8ac48169

Yeah especially it is called "web"OS for a reason, when you put Qt in front of it what is the point??

, (1)

In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/55

I'm in Berlin on the Qt World Summit conference, we're one of the sponsors and I naged for half a year and was finally allowed to go :D


In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/54

You should take up brewing again.


In reply to: http://werd.io/2015/a-place-where-carrying-a-tool-built-to-murder-people

, (1)

In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/51

Jesus Christ, this was so bad, but I still watched the whole thing because I wanted to know how it ends, but it only ended badshit crazy without a storyline or anything.


In reply to: http://werd.io/2015/i-do-not-give-facebook-permission-to-use-my-pictures

It does a bit, but its still very weird because they don't have permission per default anyway.


In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/4755a5bd

Offsite backup, that's what I still haven't done but should have a long time ägo.

, (1)

In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/47

I had something simmilar, but instead of getting up early I slept until half past eight or something.


In reply to: https://twitter.com/miahfost/status/648072418993545216

@miahfost no need to be scared, it's like Döner but not cooked.


In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/bd323b7a

I still use it as a write only medium.

, (2)

In reply to: https://jeena.net/brewing-automaton

Next step on my way to build the brewing automaton I started a couple of years ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJwskOizOOk


In reply to: https://lukasrosenstock.net/post/64930922

Honestly, I've read the article now and I think it's just bullshit.


In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/photos/fifa-16

I'm so proud of you!!!


In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/44

Oh, wow, 42% seems a lot, interesting.

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In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/42

Any tips on what to use instead?

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In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/36

Weren't you supposed to book a room for FOSDEM instead of FODEM? ;)


In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/34

Great work!


In reply to: https://jeena.net/events/4

This will be awesome!


In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/1901a5bd

Is it one of your own projects?


In reply to: https://wwwtech.de/notes/13

Oh yeah! That's how we like it!


In reply to: http://wwwtech.de/pictures/7

Wow nice weather!

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In reply to: https://twitter.com/marioboikov/status/640134085696978945

@marioboikov up until 3 years ago I've been working as a iOS developer and been paid by companies to develop their apps which they gave away for free because they were part of a bigger service like booking a table at a restaurant, watching support videos of a financial group, etc. They made money with something completely different but needed software to support their company so they payed us to create this software.


In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/95d3fb07

I kind of think that it's the background music which makes it so creepy.


In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/84067780

What is dribble, I don't seem to understand what it is supposed to do.


In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/photos/cork-on-a-saturday

And what is it? Watching football in a pub or something?


In reply to: https://twitter.com/tobiastom/status/639819975230947328

@tobiastom wow, now it is really great!

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In reply to: http://wwwtech.de/pictures/1

So is it in any way different to the music they did before?

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In reply to: https://twitter.com/tobiastom/status/639562690130644993

@tobiastom oh that is a pitty, on my bigger screen it looks really ugly :-(


In reply to: https://twitter.com/cjk101010/status/638799775068999680

@cjk101010 Oh awesome video! Haven't seen it yet, thanks for the link :D

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In reply to: http://acegiak.net/2015/08/29/15052/

What is this behind him/her, a crown?


In reply to: http://aaronparecki.com/notes/2015/08/28/2/stratoscard

So where do you store all the coins?


In reply to: http://werd.io/2015/ive-cultivated-a-beard-failed-to-shave-while-ive-been

Sure, why not, shaving is troubling anyway so if you can get away not doing it I would chose that option every time :D


In reply to: http://tantek.com/2015/238/b1/smartphone-vacation-mode-called-it

Yes! I hate retweets that's why I periodically run this script https://gist.github.com/jeena/18db8076b9ed928f1f04


In reply to: http://tantek.com/2015/238/b1/smartphone-vacation-mode-called-it

I the light of this, I really want to have/work on a offline publisher for my phone, especially abroad.


In reply to: https://kylewm.com/2015/08/i-d-like-an-open-source-clone-of-just-the-part-of

Isn't that basically what jekyll is?


In reply to: https://kylewm.com/2015/08/who-d-win-in-a-wrestling-match-lemmy-or-god

Lemmy, because God doesn't exist?

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In reply to: http://localhost:3000/events/1

For sure!


In reply to: https://jeena.net/events/2

I'm definitely going, it'll be fun, the second time in Gothenburg :).

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In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/photos/swedish-products-where-you-would-not-expect-them

I know it but I don't quite like it, its too sweet!

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In reply to: https://twitter.com/miahfost/status/634102541706465280

@miahfost that is exactly what it was :D


In reply to: http://lancey.space/2015/08/it-s-2015-and-the-iphone-still-can-t-multitask

But the question is, should it?


In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/ef257db4

Nope, If I see duplicate content I just unfollow that person everywhere but one place.


In reply to: https://yatil.net/attending-indiewebcamp-germany-2015/

I wasn't aware of the fact that you're in the IndieWeb community too, cool, hope to see you on IRC some time :D


In reply to: https://aaronparecki.com/notes/2015/08/09/2/

Have you ever tried to do it via webrtc? https://rtccopy.com/


In reply to: http://anomalily.net/a-question/

Yes, I would, I wen to the Universitz for 3 years just to be able to get a job like this.


In reply to: https://tinokremer.withknown.com/2015/sesam-open

Sadly the picture is gone.


In reply to: https://kylewm.com/2015/08/rented-a-prius-first-time-driving-one-ever-actually

I drove a BMW i3 once, it was so awesome, the acceleration and the torque right from the beginning. I very much would love to have a electric car, just to get that feeling every time I drive.


In reply to: https://aaronparecki.com/notes/2015/08/07/3/livestreaming

Is this from the biking podcast or something?


In reply to: http://werd.io/2015/im-not-sure-i-believe-in-this-whole-introvert-extrovert

I guess there is no one only introvert / extrovert, people seem to always to be some shade of gray in between.


In reply to: http://lancey.space/2015/08/when-you-want-to-make-coffee-but-you-have-to-grind

Don't you have a hand grinder as a backup which isn't that noisy?


In reply to: http://acegiak.net/2015/08/06/bear-mccreary-nassau-shores-6-aug-2015-11-06/

So it is interesting to see what you're listening too, but the reader right now only shows a looking list of the things you've been listening to almost nothing else from the other users ;) perhaps it would be cool if you could offer a feed for notes and photos etc. But without everything you listen too? :)


In reply to: http://lancey.space/2015/08/i-ve-been-meaning-to-set-up-woodwind-it-s-a-good

You don't really need to set it up yourself, just log in with your website on the public instance Tino mentioned.


In reply to: http://werd.io/2015/meanwhile-whats-your-favorite-podcast-lately


In reply to: http://tantek.com/2015/212/t2/off-grid-what-up-download-who-call

"Mr. Robot", Music, Podcasts, Backup.


In reply to: http://werd.io/2015/feeling-like-i-need-to-get-my-hands-on-a

I went the other direction, at work I use Debian, on my Laptop ArchLinux and on my Raspberry Pi ArchLinuxARM.


In reply to: http://werd.io/2015/mostly-my-job-is-to-try-really-hard-to-make

So who is coding then?


In reply to: http://known.kevinmarks.com/2015/for-backup-im-replacing-raid-with-rascal-redundant-array-of

Yeah, I do that too, especially for photos which I put on Flickr.


In reply to: http://known.kevinmarks.com/2015/and-how-do-we-get-atom-feeds

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In reply to: https://twitter.com/austintaylor/status/626882851842207744

@austintaylor so how did you find out about it in the end?


In reply to: https://jeena.net/notes/390

I might have overreacted and should do better research before posting stuff so thanks everyone participating in this media competence thingy. One final link, the search results wouldn't look that homogenous if my hypothesis was right: https://encrypted.google.com/search?hl=en&q=ricial+profiling+sweden


In reply to: http://veekaybee.github.io/who-is-doing-this-to-my-internet/

If people would publish on their own websites and not on 3rd party ones this would be a smaller probem.

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In reply to: https://twitter.com/peakwinter/status/625754436632211456

@peakwinter there is something you're looking for: https://withknown.com


In reply to: http://tantek.com/2015/205/t1/social-web-acid-test-swat0-demo-video

Haha, I like the added dramatic music!


In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/1b9116d5

So, uhm, which article are you talking about Tobias?


In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/23478042

You could use https://github.com/jeena/Speaker#speaker and just record it :D

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In reply to: https://twitter.com/cjk101010/status/622601827180281856

@cjk101010 oh very neat! I have something like the second one too: https://jeena.net/photos/154

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In reply to: https://twitter.com/cjk101010/status/622592624382373892

@cjk101010 how long have you been away? We missed you on the Internet!


In reply to: https://tommorris.org/posts/9351

Why would cannibalising commercial broadcasters would be a bad thing?


In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/photos/kerry

Wow, this looks wonderfull! How long are you staying in Ireland? I've never been there, might want to come over for a weekend or so.

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In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/articles/things-will-not-change

Nice article, mostly whining at the beginning but then ending with a positive attitude for the future.


In reply to: https://jeena.net/notes/368

Way to go!


In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/photos/japanese-dinner

Is that teriyaki duck or something like that?


In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/articles/things-will-not-change

It will be interesting to see how long you can do the non-whining phase ;) Otherwise I mostly agree with what you say.


In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/99c6be2e

Seems to work just fine.


In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/photos/ab182280

So, where is Cork, in which country?

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In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/c27a4202

Every american I talked about it here said it was awesome!


In reply to: https://aaronparecki.com/notes/2015/06/17/5/hwc

Aaron, for a hack night edition we talked a lot! But suprisingly on topic.

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In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/articles/increasing-the-barrier

I agree with the sentiment of the article, but I have kind of a problem with the working of Exibit A, I mean, the C64 was the last computer you as a human could compleatly understand, the whole hardware and software. That doesn't mean that newer computers which aren't as easy to understand are inaccessible to people. It surly is more complicated to understand them but on the other hand you get a lot benefits from the complexity. That could be the same with HTTP 2 too, don't you think?


In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/9aff62e0

Mostly I was thinking to be able to connect it to a network or at least to my laptop so I could get some new data from the Internet on it. And then I'd like to host some Amiga gaming parties where we can play on the TV like it's 1994!


In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/576f1941

Because on monday I'm getting on a 10 hours flight again, to the US for work this time :)

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In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/photos/318d52e4

Btw. it would be cool if your feed would contain the images too.

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In reply to: https://tobiastom.name/notes/41fd89e8

I somehow still was subscribed to this RSS feed for about a year I guess? Didn't really expect it to be revived any time soon but happy to see something there anyway :D


In reply to: https://tommorris.org/posts/9276

Tom, we in the band use Viber which works on iOS, Android, OS X, Linux and Windows.


In reply to: http://mattgemmell.com/female-voices/

@mattgemmell would you care to link to some female driven podcasts? I find that the tough one, to find female Twitter users is the easiest, blogs are a bit harder but podcasts are the harderst, especially if you're looking for podcasts about something else than feminism.


In reply to: https://brooksreview.net/2015/03/the-lack-of-magsafe/

@brooksreview I really wish I could use a computer like that but I'm always programming and compiling so I never even have half a day without plugin it in. Perhaps some day in the future when I get a PO job or something, who knows.


In reply to: https://jeena.net/photos/98

Ok, I just made and ate the first dish which was salmon on minitortilia with self made mango chutney, white onion with koreander and self made guacamole. It tasted really really great. But was so much work, damn. I’m not sure I’ll be up for those complicated meals for longer periods of time.


In reply to: https://tommorris.org/posts/9196

To play 3D games together with other people?


In reply to: http://aaron-gustafson.com/notebook/2014/what-do-we-own/

For after death there is https://archive.org/ which works with your indy website, but not with a closed silo. And before that you just copy your software to a different provider/domain, and keep the interaction with it the same, you can't do this with your content in a silo.


In reply to: http://athingilike.svbtle.com/how-do-you-consume-the-news

Mostly RSS and HackerNews. Twitter is too noisy and Facebook is for connecting with friends.


In reply to: http://voxpelli.com/2014/10/indie-config-overview/

I don't need your website to change anything, and I don't need a browser extencion, I use a bookmarklet which does that and works for every webpage on the internet.


In reply to: http://uselessd.darknedgy.net/ProSystemdAntiSystemd/

I like two quotes from this article: “Linux is for people who hate Microsoft” and "The Linux community is known for reinventing the square wheel over and over again"

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In reply to: https://jeena.net/notes/268

First Yosemite impression: It looks like Elementary OS with a fuzzy system font.


In reply to: https://tommorris.org/posts/9113

Tom, people know how to buy an app on the store but don't know how to save a bookmark on the home screen.


In reply to: http://inessential.com/2014/10/02/need_new_blog_engine

@brentsimmons I also wrote my own thing, with rails and nginx as a caching thingy. I just added a couple of lines of mobile CSS and wouldn't change it for something else because I can get it working exactly like I want it to. I don't need to compromise that there is no subheadline field or something like that which I want to have.

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In reply to:

@quellebouille yellow, red, sour and sweet!


In reply to: http://www.gnome.org/news/2014/09/gnome-3-14-released/

GNOME got polished a lot lately. It is my default DE both at home and at work. Yesterday they released 3.14 and we had a release party in Gothenburg which I sadly couldn't attend. I'll try to update my laptop at home soon.

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In reply to: http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-29208540

Apple having to release a U2-Album-removal tool is so funny :D I never really liked U2.


In reply to: https://jeena.net/photos/58

A bit weird that everybody is commenting the color. In other news, it is so awesome to fly it outside above grass where you don't have to worry that it crashes hard if you do something stupid :D


In reply to: https://twitter.com/quellebouille/status/494144562424999936

@quellebouille Don't ask such questions if you don't want to hear the answer ...


In reply to:

@tobiastom Ok, I think I was able to fix it now, so in the future it should work better.

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In reply to: https://twitter.com/tobiastom/status/489436482537803778

@tobiastom yes you're totally right, this is a stupid bug I thought I have fixed but apparently not yet. I'll have another look at it.


In reply to: https://jeena.net/notes/211

That was it for today! Thanks for everyone watching me live brewing, asking questions and commenting. I had a lot of fun, I hope you got to see some useful things too.


In reply to: https://twitter.com/marcoarment/status/486899260172955649

@marcoarment The problem with the Tent devs is that they still prioritize their company over the protocol, which leads to not being able to use my own server/domain for almost a year. After asking they said that this is not prioritized, that was 9 month ago, I'm still waiting for the fix.

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In reply to: https://twitter.com/ArturoVM/status/482257131400216576

@ArturoVM thanks ^^


In reply to: https://jeena.net/photos/38

I think they also might be called "shithawks" (watch the Trailer Park Boys!)

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In reply to: http://runkeeper.com/activity?userId=22706622&trip=374374577

It wasn't far I went today because I still have problems with my knee but it went much better than I thought.


In reply to: http://inessential.com/2014/06/10/temptation

The problem is that swift only works on OS X, what if you want to move on to a better OS?

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In reply to: https://twitter.com/tobiastom/status/464712300159856640

@tobiastom I now moved replies to its own section and even added so I can reply to more then one origin.


In reply to:

Acegiak, I think something like that would be better implemented as its own application instead. Kyle, yeah exactly, or even like the one which shows RSS availability in the browser address bar.


In reply to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=enu6GFQPJ4o

This is kind of what it feels like when you're watching a modern dance performance.


In reply to: https://kartikprabhu.com/article/inline-svg-icons

I like theat, but sadly the links to the examples just lead to a 404 File Not Found right now.


In reply to: https://kartikprabhu.com/notes/indieweb-non-white

Very cool that we have you, Kartik Prabhu :) perhaps some day we'll see that on your avatar too ;-)

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In reply to: http://alistapart.com/blog/post/work-to-do-yesallwomen

Reading A List Apart's #yesallwomen article made me think about the #indieweb I know we have some active women with us which is great. But checking the blogs of at least the active members I found, where you often can see a avatar, I haven't seen a single non-white person, which is really sad. I understand that I am a privileged white male to be able to tackle the problems we work on within the IndieWeb but I just hoped that this privilege would have been distributed more evenly.


In reply to: http://david.shanske.com/notes/2014/05/25/thinking-social-buttons/

David, I tried the Firefox extension but it didn't really work like I expected. On Twitter it broke the design and often I wasn't able to click any of the buttons either.


In reply to: http://david.shanske.com/notes/2014/04/27/website-version-2/

David, what I would change are the alignments of all the boxes and their contents, so they start all on the same vertical pixel, etc. This is especially bad in the reply-form and the "Next note"-Link. I would also add more padding to many of the boxes, and here too use the same padding everywhere. (See especially padding-bottom of the search). The social media icons should be left aligned with the text above them. I'm impressed of the work you put in into this WP-theme!


In reply to: http://david.shanske.com/notes/2014/04/27/remotely-attending-indiewebcamp-nyc/

@David I wasn't aware of the fact that you could attend them remotely, how did you do it?


In reply to: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10152494794927650

My band Hoggatah just posted a first sneak peak of our new EP on Facebook, check it out!


In reply to: http://www.policymic.com/articles/80229/23-inspiring-feminist-digital-campaigns-that-changed-the-world

23 Inspiring Feminist Digital Campaigns That Changed the World.


In reply to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdcGek-NoFQ

Real life Wolverine claws, kinda bad ass!


In reply to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csyL9EC0S0c

This is a really good talk: Programming is terrible — Lessons learned from a life wasted.


In reply to: https://jeena.net/accept-on-input

Useful attribute "accept" for the file upload tag in HTML.


In reply to: http://www.theverge.com/2014/5/6/5684212/tumblr-declares-war-on-the-internets-identity-crisis

I love Tumblr's move to more diverse looks of their blogs even on mobile.


In reply to: http://instagram.com/p/m93SFRHkWf/

Soon we're back in Tokyo after a 11 hour journey by bus ans train. Kurokawa Onsen hot springs were really really great!


In reply to: http://instagram.com/p/m6l8EVnkTt/

They seem really happy to be eaten by me soon!


In reply to: http://instagram.com/p/m1a94yHkSW/

Don't drink and die.


In reply to: https://flickr.com/photos/jeena/13795871705/

Me at the Super Potato shop in Tokyo where they sell oldschool 8 bit consoles and games.

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In reply to: https://www.flickr.com/photos/jeena/13645726284/

Board game evening.


In reply to: https://flickr.com/photos/jeena/13627286323/

Testdriving the new BMW i3 with a fully-electric drive. I really miss the German Autobahn right now!


In reply to: https://twitter.com/graue/status/449024661603770369

@graue over there at #indieweb we're still working on the syndication problem.


In reply to: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bjkem79IcAAvCx4.jpg

My new computer at work, a T440p with Debian on it.


In reply to: http://www.jimdunlop.com/product/bass-overdrive

Now that we for the first time have only one guitar in the band I play in I'm thinking about getting a bass overdrive, just to thicken my side of the sound a bit. This Dunloop MRX Bass Overdrive looks and sounds subtle enough so it wouldn't overpower my deep bass ground work I think.


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In reply to: http://youtu.be/XFF2ECZ8m1A

Holy shit, I'm watching the new "Cosmos" TV series with Neil deGrasse Tyson. It is so great! Most awesome graphics and when you hear Neil talking, it is like hearing lyrics to a lovesong to the universe!

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In reply to: https://soundcloud.com/jeena/6up

Sometimes I like to make electronic dance music. Today some random German Techno.


In reply to: https://vimeo.com/89400365

Especially interesting for me how short of a time span Silesia belonged to Poland.


In reply to: http://inessential.com/2014/03/15/indieweb_and_feeds

It is weird that you don't mention what they want to use instead of RSS. They want to use the HTML which already is on every website itself (wrapped into a bit of microformats). So the whole "feeds give us independence" is just a straw-man argument.

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In reply to: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jeena/12997359195/

This photo is from 2001-10-21. Back then I was young and grunge was still a thing. The only thing that didn't change is the bass :D https://jeena.net/images/2013/jeena-metaltown.jpg

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In reply to: http://instagram.com/p/lP9TJ5HkZF/

Police searching for a bomb right in front of our office. First week at work :D


In reply to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BH7oNQ2SYs8

So I found http://www.metaladies.com/ what a cool website! I've just been listening to NERVOSA from Brazil who are on Napalm Records. I'm actually thinking about buying their vinyl. I like their retro style with no trumpery.


In reply to: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jeena/12867422603/

Last time I visited my parents me and my father made sausages. It is awesome how much he knows about how to work with meat. I am trying to learn as much as possible during those brief moments.


In reply to: https://twitter.com/wto_/status/439517904875565057

@wto_ oh man haha, now I get what you mean. Yes hubbots are dogs!

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In reply to: https://twitter.com/wto_/status/439513464076500992

@wto_ haha, yeah kind of, but they can talk and do work and have sex with you.

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In reply to: https://jeena.net/real-humans

I was watching the TV series "Äkta människor" and am trying to read their source code.


In reply to: http://firefoxosgaming.blogspot.se/2014/02/firefox-os-book-and-whats-next-game.html

I always liked this blog, he started it not a long time ago and it is about game programming for Firefox OS. Now he is writing a book from his great blog posts. It is really exciting because his posts are directed to novice programmers and you learn to write mobile games from the start.


In reply to: http://instagram.com/p/k2BeUFnkWu/

Look at the awesome poster I got with Neil deGrasse Tyson and Bill Nye the science guy. If you don't know them, check this video out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AIEJjpVlZu0 to get to know Neil and for Bill https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgsWYYubQyM which is the first episode of his show.


In reply to: http://www.filmon.com/tv/channel/export?channel_id=25

I completely forgot how fast of a game ice-hockey is. Now Canada vs. Sweden


In reply to: https://jeena.net/rp-hw-button

My journey of wiring up a hardware button to my Raspberry Pi, so I could build a remote door bell.

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In reply to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9cEAGTLaC8

Jesus Christ, I know I am a n00b when it comes to electronics, but why did it take me the whole day of reading tutorials and watching YouTube videos about the Raspberry Pi to find out what I was doing wrong? This video is the first one which mentions that it is important that the cathode of a LED has to be connected to the ground, not the other way around.


In reply to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3zHbojcUQ0

This guy is a comedian, but this song is really nice and reminds me about that awesome time with my first iPhone.

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In reply to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3c7bISLhVl8

I really don't like Metallica because of their attitude (Napster, TPB) and their bad music. But I'd go to a Iron Horse concert.

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In reply to: http://werd.io/2014/an-app-store-for-web-apps-that-itself-ran-as

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In reply to: http://ca.movies.yahoo.com/video/trailer-park-boys-3-dont-151606499.html

I'm so looking forward to the new "Trailer Park Boys" movie, which is called "Don't Legalize It!". If you haven't watched the TV series yet, do it, it is highly recommended. Yeah, it is white trash humor but really funny, and they're Canadians, everybody loves Canadians, am I right? :D


In reply to: https://jeena.net/air-dried-ham

I just bought another 2kg of pork fillet to make more dried meat. 1 kg of pork meat is hanging by the heating element already.

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In reply to: https://www.etsy.com/se-en/listing/179512000/science?ref=shop_home_active_1


In reply to: https://twitter.com/simoncoopey/status/434302335083622400

@simoncoopey hehe, where did you send it from? It could be something wrong on my side too.


In reply to: http://andysylvester.com/2014/02/11/my-indieweb-areas-of-interest/

It is not quite true that http://caseorganic.com, http://aaronparecki.com and http://tantek.com do not provide a RSS feed. They do indeed, but sadly just don't link to it in a visible manner. You need to install some RSS-button extension which will show to you who offers a RSS feed which is only linked in the head-part of the HTML. For Chrome this one works well for me: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/rss-subscription-extensio/nlbjncdgjeocebhnmkbbbdekmmmcbfjd there are similar ones for all the other major browsers. But I agree that it is absolutely not obvious for normal people that they offer feeds.

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In reply to: http://zootool.com/goodbye

"Zootool made us realize that the general idea of running a central service is nothing we believe in any longer. Your data should belong to you and shouldn't be stored on our servers. You shouldn't have to rely on us or on any other service to keep your data secure and online."


In reply to: https://twitter.com/molily/status/432104381438509056

@molily I'm not entirely against "You might not need jQuery", I use it only for DOM access/manipulation but most of my projects don't need to do that (much or at all) and then having jQuery as a dependency is just unnecessary work because you have to update it and stuff.

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In reply to: http://erinjo.is/2014/jeena-i-use-this-space-like-a-personal-activity-stream

Ah I see, this is kind of a problem with many out of the shelf solutions out there right now. They all kind of expect to be run at the domain root. In theory it is possible to run a proxy server but then some of the software gets confused about how the links should work. Some day in the future we will have a solution for it, until that I will just change the name of your Atom feed in my feed reader ;)

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In reply to: http://erinjo.is/2014/dear-portland-more-pictures-of-snow-please-pdxtst

Just a quick question, why is your site title "Stream" and not for example "erinjo"?

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In reply to: https://twitter.com/agatajs/status/431897474346000384

@agatajs @g16n u nas w Szwecji to samo. Znam dwie firmy które razem chcą przyjąć 50 ludzi w tym roku w Göteborgu. Tyle ani nie kończy uniwersytet w tej dziedzinie, a co z tymi innymi firmami? A w tym samym czasie dyzo moich znajomych jest bezrobotnych. Ale nie umie ich namówić aby zacząć szkole w tej dziedzinie bo mówią: "Ale nie to jest za trudne i za nudne dla mnie." :-/


In reply to: about:blank

Rise of the IndieWeb - Amber Case - FutureTalks https://youtu.be/Au4bHb5twF4


In reply to: http://www.who.int/wer/2014/wer8906.pdf

While in 2000 about 562.000 died because of measles, in 2012 the number went down to 122.000 which is a decline of 78%! http://www.who.int/wer/2014/wer8906.pdf #Science #Bitch!

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In reply to: http://werd.io/2014/this-showed-the-promise-of-the-social-web-to-an

If this could happen today is an interesting question. I'm not sure either, back then such communities had their forums where you could find other likeminded people and they had networks of blogs who at least linked to each other in the blogroll, but also commented. Sadly spam killed blog comments for me :-/


In reply to: https://twitter.com/pfefferle/status/431735840709296128

@pfefferle very nice, where can I find all the code for those plugins?


In reply to: http://werd.io/2014/how-idno-handles-posse-syndication-to-third-party-sites-indieweb

This is cool! I kind of do the same but I don't have a fancy plugin infrastructure, just a bunch of functions. How do you get the data back from the silos, are you using bridgy too?

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In reply to: http://bupk.es/blog/772/

Yep, just got it with a little help of a friend, had to use smtp instead of sendmail and now it works. I wasn't aware of the fact that you have a blog which is indiewebified, that is awesome! :D

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In reply to: https://twitter.com/arturovm/status/430728304966905856

@arturovm Ok the github version of FeedMonkey works now with Pond waiting to be able to implement: https://github.com/jeena/FeedMonkey/blob/master/js/Pond.js#L187

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In reply to: https://twitter.com/arturovm/status/430767780242026496

@arturovm Brainfu


In reply to: https://twitter.com/arturovm/status/430728304966905856

@arturovm you know what we should do in the long run? Write a TTRSS plugin which supports Pond the protocol, like they did with the Feever API https://github.com/dasmurphy/tinytinyrss-fever-plugin

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In reply to: https://twitter.com/arturovm/status/430390850867064832

@arturovm first time I got some data in FeedMonkey visible from Pond! Still with some minor bugs but it is progress! https://jeena.net/s/pond.png


In reply to: https://twitter.com/arturovm/status/430548918410043393

@arturovm path extention is easier even if content-type feels be more pure.


In reply to: https://twitter.com/rodneyrehm/status/430251733668098048

@rodneyrehm that is an awesome picture of the cloud!


In reply to: https://twitter.com/arturovm/status/430164517616488448

@arturovm minimalism is nice but the easy to use part would benefit from error reporting with least surprise :) That's why I've opened a couple of issues.


In reply to: https://twitter.com/goetzb/status/429366471073206272

@goetzb you're most welcome :-)

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In reply to: https://twitter.com/arturovm/status/429277440263737344

@arturovm ok, I started it and added two feeds but now I'm kind of stuck, there is no description of the api linked on Github?

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In reply to: https://twitter.com/arturovm/status/429277440263737344

@arturovm aah good that you mention it, I will get to it now, my first time with Go, this will be interesting :)


In reply to: http://glennjones.net/notes/2014-01-31-1

Glen, could you change the title of your atom links in the HTML so they don't both say "atom" but instead for example "Articles" and "Notes" or something like that?

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In reply to: https://jeena.net/indieweb

Check out my overview about the #IndieWeb experience I had yet https://jeena.net/indieweb /cc @ArturoVM @peakwinter


In reply to: https://twitter.com/imycomic/status/429059282366377984

@imycomic Yes, Yes, Yes! I want it! How big is it and where can I get it (and how much ^^)? Actually I was just about to ask :D

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In reply to: https://twitter.com/sweden/status/429045420988588032

@sweden holy! I love the "Science" poster on your wall, I want it now!

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In reply to: https://twitter.com/epirat/status/429005622341029888

@epirat yeah, and sadly you just get: "This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by ARD."


In reply to: https://twitter.com/arturovm/status/429003080974098432

@arturovm not yet, but I should start writing one really soon.

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In reply to: https://twitter.com/peakwinter/status/429001443853357056

@peakwinter nice! Thanks for the link, this one is much easier to see for normal people but I suspect they'll shut it down too soon.

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In reply to: http://www.ardmediathek.de/das-erste/ard-sondersendung/edward-snowden-exklusiv-das-interview?documentId=19287388

The German national TV station ARD did the first interview with Edward Snowden. Sadly they decided to not allow it on YouTube and they do not allow to watch it on their website either, at least here from Sweden, and only dubbed in German if you're in Germany. But you can find it on The Piratebay http://thepiratebay.se/torrent/9532428/Snowden-InterviewinEnglish2014-01-26960x544 I just watched it and they didn't ask really interesting questions. Perhaps next time?


In reply to: https://twitter.com/cjk101010/status/428151227151425537


In reply to: https://twitter.com/tobiastom/status/428141376946319360

@tobiastom what about because it is cold outside?


In reply to: https://twitter.com/shanselman/status/427992377014243329

@shanselman yeah we all kind of do, because the approach with the notification center and the badges with one integer seems kind of outdated.


In reply to: https://twitter.com/shanselman/status/427993353179770881

@shanselman @t you can use which custom URI scheme you like if there is a application which understands it.


In reply to: https://twitter.com/shanselman/status/427992028060729344

@shanselman @t no, but a combination of protocols like mailto: tel: skype: and microformats http://microformats.org/wiki/h-card


In reply to: https://twitter.com/shanselman/status/427930561542242304

@shanselman no, not literally anyway. He wants the identification to be your personal site, but otherwise, perhaps, @t?


In reply to: https://jeena.net/people-first

Damn it! Last year I was looking for a better Address book alternative, I found Cobook which sounded great. But before I even was able to test it, I just found out that they've been sold http://blog.cobook.co/post/73405244860/cobook-fullcontact so another promising application is dead. It is happening over and over again, every time I find a interesting closed source app it gets sold, just like Sparrow.


In reply to: https://twitter.com/wiesoauch/status/426114848884551680

@wiesoauch uh huch, zum Glück, ich sitze nämlich schon im Zug! ^^


In reply to: https://twitter.com/cjk101010/status/426106756675436544

@cjk101010 I’ll be in about an hour!


In reply to: https://twitter.com/gerotakke/status/425996069072166912

@gerotakke I fixed this problem in writing my own TextEdit clone: https://github.com/jeena/TextEd.app It starts really fast and doesn’t use RDF or iCloud, that is perfect for me :)


In reply to: https://twitter.com/peakwinter/status/425060697068675072

@peakwinter I'm working on a thing so when you mention me in a tweet which I created with my notes https://www.brid.gy will send a webmention to this note, but it is not quite working every time yet, need to fix a couple of bugs first ;)


In reply to: https://twitter.com/diplix/status/424688781443096576

@diplix german Tweet about #webmention wohoo!


In reply to: https://twitter.com/goetzb/status/424557568661671936

@goetzb and now I am even using https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9OAfvuKCsEk to reply to you from my own website :D