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Photo of me

My name is Jeena. I'm a software engineer, my email address is hello@jeena.net.

I live in South Korea, brew beer, dry meat, play metal and develop games and other software. I'm a hobby photographer and use Mastodon and Lemmy.

This website is divided in several parts:

There is the blog for longer essays, I post short notes which are kind of like tweets and I post photos, you can think of it like my private Instagram.

Want to know more about me? Read it on the about page.

Each part of the website has its own Feed which you can subsribe to if you'd like to follow what I phost here.

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The library close by here in Pangyo has one daily newspaper in English, the https://koreaherald.com so sometimes it's nice to come here and read the paper version.


I tried to play my older Call of Duty games from 2009 and 2011 on Linux and to my surprise, they just worked! The only problem is that there is nobody playing it multiplayer. So I looked into the newest ones and those sadly still don't work on Linux, bummer.

My feed on Facebook is full of Elon and Transphobia

Billionairs should not exist

Posted by Jeena

Back in 2006 I was coerced by my work colleagues to join Facebook, they threatened that if I don't do it they will create an account with my real name and post embarrassing stuff so I did it. In the early years it was actually better than I expected, I reconnected with friends from different Scho...

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