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"Poland tells EU to BRING IT: Warsaw vows to fight penalty for refusing to accept refugees" http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/817289/poland-fight-eu-penalty-european-commission-refusing-refugees-migrant-crisis

It's unbelievable. As long they were in deep shit and milions of polish people emigrated to other european countries to take peoples work, while the EU pumped in money into polish infrastructure, the EU was embraced. Now that we tell them to help to devide the burdon of other migrants comming into europe they refuse to help.

How can people be so short sighted and not make the connection? Either that or they're just selfish parasites who take as long as they can and walk away once you try to include them to be able to help more people.

20 Replies


Polish craftsmen and workers aint really refugees at all. They contributed and filled up the lower layers in the social hierarchy where they came to. Making the countries they came to better and richer. The comparison is very unfair.


I guess that is why they show jokes like this in british TV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m721BF3MBBU


Fun video. It shows among other things, what a huge impact skilled craftsmen from eastern europe had on europe as awhole. Only retards see them as a threat. They pay rent for unrentable places, earn money for companies and contribute. Most go home if there is no jobs for them.


Polish immigrants have been one of the major reasons behind Brexit. It's the same shit everywhere, just different people.


Xenophobs will always find excuses to justify their xenophobia. This whole refugee crises was created by NATO bombing the middle east, so it's their responsibility now to make room for these people. Give them basic necessities and get them to work for the rest.


Well, to me the most astonishing thing about the current immigration crises is that a surprisingly large number of the most vocal people do not seem to understand that the crisis is only a symptom of an actual problem. Being of the opinion that taking in all the immigrants will solve the problem is analogous to a doctor claiming that eating continuously large amounts of painkillers will be a cure for a brain tumor causing the headache. The real problem, of which this latest wave of clearly unsustainable immigration is just a symptom of, will not go away any time soon by simply taking in all immigrants, no matter how much you increase the intake quotas. And relocating all people from the problem spots is not a solution. It is a relocation of the problem itself. It is astonishing how many educated and otherwise clever folks with a university degree fail to recognize trivialities.


But we won't stop selling weapons to those countries, so the least we can do is to take the people in need.


I am not one of those who thinks that 'buying/paying' yourself a clean conscience by doing something useless/futile but seemingly benevolent at a quick glance is a good idea. Either we try to solve the problem for real or not at all.


I don't think so either. But I don't help refugees for compensating other europeans sins of selling the refugees home country weapons. That would be fucking dumb. I help them for entirely other reasons.


I for one don't think that helping people in need of refuge from war and death is useless/futile.


Krisztian It would be good if enough people would think like you and want to help people in need but that's clearly not the case so you need to make the case for "at least help those who need it because of your actions". Also no one here is denying that the source of the problems also need to be addressed.


If you write a email on a apple computer, did apple write the letter? No? Maybe its the same way with guns, if there is a market somebody will sell. Market economics, amazing stuff. If you kill people with guns, chances are that you are responsibel for that. Even if they were on sale!

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