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I'm commuting to Gothenburg for ten years now, but I'm never spending my free time there. That is why I have no Idea where the nice places are where you can get awesome pictures. Today a colegue at work showed me a couple of his photos and I liked one of them a lot. Actually that much that I asked him from where he took that photo. He showed me on a map that it was by the Masthugg Church. I decided to go there during the golden hour and this is what I got.

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I took another picture of Gothenburg like https://jeena.net/photos/369 but from a different angle. This time I got on one of the ferries...

Gordan Markuš Jonas Bergman Bassem Mohsen Marco Verch Johan Thelin Taha Mohammad Hefin Owen Jar Christina Olson Scheutz Jarosław Filipek Viktor Lindgren Christian Kortum Götz Bürkle zayda revertobonal Dean Conley Yannik Achternbosch Maggie Timothy Anna Carin Scheutz Lindgren Emil Emanuel Hemdal Anna Carin Scheutz Lindgren airSnapshooter Jar Viktor Lindgren Götz Bürkle Christian Kortum Sven Rheindorf Igor Sočec Sven Rheindorf reipa59 Augustyn Batko Mikael Söderberg Mr B

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