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I finally got me some real studio loudspeakers, two Yamaha HS5. Next step will be a sub-woofer so complement the bass section. And later on I will need a real sound card too.

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No not yet, that is one of the next things I will have to buy. Now I just use a special cable from my iMac.


Actually, no. I just use the mouse with the left hand (but not for gaming). Back in 2002 I bought a pen tablet which under Linux with Gimp I was able to use at the same time as the mouse (with two mouse pointers). So I had the pen tablet on the right and the mouse on the left (with which I could chose the tools in Gimp). Then perhaps half a year later the pen tablet broke and here I am in 2014 still using the mouse with the left hand.

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Vlona Cecilia Scheutz Johan Thelin Mikael Söderberg Christofer Falkman Erik Botö Jon Halldén

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