Vulcano jump! Published by Jeena almost 8 years ago 2017-04-15 12:56:58 12 Replies Tim Tepaße, almost 8 years ago Ist der Ätna derzeit nicht gerade aktiv? Bassem Mohsen, almost 8 years ago 😆 Tomasz Witoszek, almost 8 years ago 😀😀😀 wesołych Świąt kuzyni pozazdrościć Ivan Martinez Pupo, almost 8 years ago 😆 Jeena, almost 8 years ago Naja es hat glaube ich etwas geraucht. Vlona Cecilia Scheutz, almost 8 years ago Awesome! 😀 Vlona Cecilia Scheutz, almost 8 years ago ❤️ Paolo Portaluri, almost 8 years ago Please stop. People nearby don't need an eruption :D Jeena Pa, almost 8 years ago But why did they build a city at the foot of the vulcano then??? Paolo Portaluri, almost 8 years ago because the soil is fertile 🍊🍋 D Delmar Davis, almost 8 years ago ❤️ Luís Henrique de Moraes Boucault, almost 8 years ago Very nice shot! Well done! 51 Likes Have you written a response? Let me know the URL: Send There's also indie comments (webmentions) support.
12 Replies
Ist der Ätna derzeit nicht gerade aktiv?
😀😀😀 wesołych Świąt kuzyni pozazdrościć
Naja es hat glaube ich etwas geraucht.
Awesome! 😀
Please stop. People nearby don't need an eruption :D
But why did they build a city at the foot of the vulcano then???
because the soil is fertile 🍊🍋
Very nice shot! Well done!