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Winter is comming.

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3 Replies


Thanks! I am really happy with it, it's fast, the battery life is super great and I feel more and more I can make it do what I want it to do. It's a bit old and doesn't have those cool new features like wifi, stabilized sensor or firmware upgrades, but for that price, I got it and all my lenses used, it's a really awesome camera!

0xDEAD — a.k.a. Marlon Rando 🏴 Götz Bürkle Ola Mariola Gilles Fernandez Paweł Witoszek Izabela Witoszek Christian Kortum Jar Jonathan Wynn giovanni tiezzi Stefan Comes Viktor Hbt Bassem Mohsen dragoneye2uk Taha Mohammad Johan Thelin Lukáš Tinkl Christina Olson Scheutz Jesper Kullgren Mikael Söderberg Micheal Desimone Mr B Barbara Swider Luna Amsvartner CAZEAU Johann Mario Callista Mccann Chris-Creations Dan Osmundson

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