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In reply to: http://inessential.com/2018/05/01/making_apps_is_harder_than_it_needs_to_b

Are you aware of QML? That is basically what you're talking about, a scripting language (in this case JavaScript) embeded in a declarative language which can be extendet with C++ for performance reasons. With Just-in-time (JIT) compilation technique is used to generate machine code on the fly, which speeds up the execution of JavaScript and QML binding expressions. And all that is then run on directly with OpenGL on the graphics card so you get nice and fast native performance.

4 Replies


Not quite. A lot gets glossed over in the marketing slides, and bites you when you try to build real systems. 1. MOC 2. Emitted C++ 3. “Run directly on OpenGL”? No. QML is a nonstarter.


I've been implementing Qt/QML systems on embeded hardware in cars for the last 4 years with great success. Stating that it's a "nonstarter" seems to me quite a statement.


Ah, I see our misunderstanding, I mostly meant the idea behind a declarative language with integrated scripting language as implemented with QML for developing applications for whatever platform being quite close to what he propossed. I wasn't suggesting using that implementation


As a replacement for Swift, in the iOS/macOS space? It is a nonstarter—a lateral move *at best*, not a step forward. (Also, XAML is a better expression of the same idea, built on a richer, multi-language-capable runtime.)

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