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Clowns & Heathenry - Rainbow

Posted by Jeena

Rainbow explains his hobby which is being a clown and juggling and his new found believe system, Asatro.

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In this podcast:

My prepared notes

These are the notes I have made during preperation, we often don't follow them exactly but they help to follow the conversation.

*** Intro
**** Where are you form?
**** Your occupation
**** When and how did you start as a clown?
**** When and how did you start with Heathenry / Germanic Neopaganism? (short teaser)
***** Is it your religion or an interest you have?
*** Clowns
**** What do they do?
***** Physical comedy
***** mime (like the french)
***** acting
***** bad clowns (clownofobia)
**** History?
***** How did you learn it?
***** Juggling
**** Where
***** Circus
***** Childrens parties
***** Theatre
***** GöteborgsVarvet Half Marathon
**** Clown organisations
***** Clowns without borders
****** Refugee camp in Himle
*** Heathenry / Germanic Neopaganism
**** History
***** How did you end up in it?
***** What is it?
****** Polytheistic
****** Pre-Christian
****** Rituals
***** Where did it come from?
****** Germanic people of Iron Age and Early Medieval Europe
****** uses surviving historical, archaeological, and folkloric evidence as a basis
**** Demographics
***** How many are there?
**** Racial issues
***** Is it a problem in Sweden or mostly the US?
**** Festivals
***** Winter Nights, 
***** Yule
***** Sigrblót
***** Weddings
**** Dressing
***** Special uniform/costume?
**** Did we forget anything important?
*** Thank you for your time!

1 Reply


Hihi, tack så mycket, det var supertrevligt att få delta och du var väldigt bekväm att prata med. Detta handlar dels om mitt jongleringsintresse och clowner utan gränser. Sedan något som jag normalt är privat med, min tro. Jag kände just då att det var så mycket missförstånd och okunskap som retade mig. Till exempel Soldiers Of Odin och Expressens Lars Lindström som antingen borde läsa på eller hålla käften och kopplingen rasism/Tors hammare. Sen, som en extra bonus, så pratar vi namn, så ni får reda på mitt tidigare namn och en snabb historia om orsaken. Kram till alla.

Maya Økland P Celine Marckert Marcus Typ Johansson Mårten Malje Zahra Zaman Johnny Eriksson Marie Helena Johansson Jennifer Wiegert Oscar Petersson Sara Wiktorsson Jens Henricson Jeanette Rydberg Henke Loppan Eliasson Meg Börjesson Andreas Freyholtz Viktor Lindgren Mikael Söderberg Emil von Lederhosen Linda-Marie Adamsson Mira Bengtsson Rainbow Andin Daniel Mattsson Klas Hendberg Evelina Mattsson Danuta Jakosz Erlendur 'Sloppur' Hallgrímsson Susanne Kihl Emma Silverby Mikaela Annelie Appelqvist

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