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Photo of me

My name is Jeena. I'm a software engineer, my email address is hello@jeena.net.

I live in South Korea, brew beer, dry meat, play metal and develop games and other software. I'm a hobby photographer and use Mastodon and Lemmy.

This website is divided in several parts:

There is the blog for longer essays, I post short notes which are kind of like tweets and I post photos, you can think of it like my private Instagram.

Want to know more about me? Read it on the about page.

Each part of the website has its own Feed which you can subsribe to if you'd like to follow what I phost here.

Follow this website with your Feed reader: Combined feed or go to a specific part and follow there.

What's new?

Blue hour close to us right now. #korea


Ten years ago I added the "Notes" section to my website which replaced my Twitter usage. I never got around to implement pagination so all the notes are just on the one index page https://jeena.net/notes

I checked how big it is, so it's 831 kB with the HTML and only 338 kB as plain text.

So 10 years of micro-blogging fits in 338 kB, pretty cool.

How to make friends

outside of school

Posted by Jeena

On Lemmy someone asked: Where do you even meet people anymore? and they meant outside of school or university. I thought it might be fun to remember how I made friends over the years. I moved a lot during my life, living in the 4th country now, stayed in each one for about 15 years. Therefore I ...

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